Farmer on NPR said he couldn't find an American who would pick fruit...

...he said an American tried it and gave up after one box.


How much does this farmer pay a fruit picker to pick one box of fruit?

Obviously, just enough to entice an illegal alien, but not enough to entice an American who has other employment options.


Pay your workers more, enough so someone can actually live off what you are paying him, maybe enough for groceries, rent, utilties, with a little extra left to go to the movies on Saturday.

Illegal aliens don't need that. They live 12 to an apartment, eat rice and beans, and send the rest of their money to their families in Mexico or Central America.

So, the farmer wants us to let in illegal aliens so he doesn't have to pay a living wage for an American.

So, why are the Democrats AGAINST a living wage for American workers?

This is why Trump won the election, because American workers realized the Democrats have abandoned them.

And when your apples cost 6 times as much as they do now you will be the first one on here making a thread whining about how much produce cost.
Every year the diversity-loving, anti-white sophisticates at NPR trot out their "crops-are-rotting-in-the-fields" scare stories and every year idoits fall for the lies.


Every year the farmer hating anti-brown conservatives keep telling us that the Conservative farmers are lying to Americans when they say that they can't find American workers to work in the fields.
npr interviewed an illegal that's been her 28 years, that lazy fuck still can't speak English.

Why do you assume that someone who can't speak English is lazy?

Maybe they aren't very intelligent and can barely speak their own language.

Maybe they live in a situation where they aren't exposed to English (such as working with non-English speakers and living with non-English speakers and not interacting with anyone in the general public).

It depends. Many of those that claim they want to learn English have been in this country for years yet still can't speak it well enough for others to understand. To me, that's either lazy or the person truly didn't wan't to learn.
So, why are the Democrats AGAINST a living wage for American workers?

I've been pointing out this hypocrisy for years. Of course, those of us with a brain know this is not about a living wage. It's about votes

LOL- of course 'it's about votes'- that is how Trump got elected- promising to bring jobs back to America.

This farmer cannot find Americans to work for a price he can afford to pay and stay in business.

Why do Republicans think that deporting every illegal will result in employers paying a living wage to Americans?

Why do you think anyone not doing a job that warrants a living wage deserves more than the job they're doing is worth?
This farmer cannot find Americans to work for a price he can afford to pay and stay in business.

How could he not stay in business if his competitors are in the same boat? If we get rid of illegals and farmer A has to pay more for American labor, so will farmer B, and farmer C, and D.
Liberal: We need to raise minimum wage to $15.00 an hour.
Conservative: that will increase the cost of our products and services.
Liberal: You won't notice the fifteen cent increase in your big-mac combo!

Conservative: We need to remove illegals and allow Americans to do those jobs.
Liberal: Do you know how much more you will pay for fruits and Veggies if we did that??.

Conservative farmer and Trump voter: American's won't do those jobs.

Removing illegals will not magically create a labor pool for farmers all across the United States who can't find enough labor now- legal or illegal.

But I do get it- Conservatives think that allowing enough small farmers to be drivenout of business for lack of labor will improve the economy.

So what is your clam here, that if we don't have illegals and immigrants, we will quit growing food?

Farmers will stop growing the food that requires workers to pick it. Not that complicated- if the farmers can't find someway to automate the picking- which does work for some crops- they will be driven out of business- or find another profitable crop for their area- which is not always a possibility- they will be driven out of business.

Grain farming will continue of course- largely automated now- a few hard working people can handle hundreds of acres- but not fruit, not produce.

That will be driven out of the country- already much of it has- that garlic you buy probably comes from China. Napa will be okay- because they already pay a premium for legal migrant workers so they can get enough workers for their crops- but lettuce growers? Lot more lettuce will be coming from Mexico and Central America.

But even on a stretch, let's say your predictions come true, what's wrong with us importing our commodities?

You mean what is wrong with exporting our jobs outside the United States?

You are going to say "But those jobs aren't American jobs anyways'- but picking the fruit is only one part of the agricultural economy- rural economies are already taking hits- besides the picking, you have the stores that sell seed and fertilizer, the guys selling the tractors, the fuel supply people, the packers and processors.

Trump was elected promising to bring jobs back to America- not to send them to Mexico.

Even if American farmers paid more for American workers, I doubt that importing agriculture goods would be cheaper. But even if it were, it would be no different than buying just about any other product in the USA today.
"A farmer on NPR"... say no more. What a surprise NPR lends their professional gravitas to a anecdotal story when it suits their agenda. But for the millions of us negatively effected by illegals, how liberals despise "anecdotal stories' that oppose their political agenda. I love NPR, BTW, I just take their spin with a grain of salt. Just like I do the Fox News.
This is why Trump won the election, because American workers realized the Democrats have abandoned them.
Free market capitalist sympathisers having buyers remorse.

You idiots destabilized Mexican agricultural communities and now you don't like the repercussions. Big Ag is laughing at your dumbasses all the way to the bank.

Reagan told you that he wanted an open border with Mexico, you got one. Enjoy.
Reagan? You mean Clinton.
I meant Reagan.

...he said an American tried it and gave up after one box.


How much does this farmer pay a fruit picker to pick one box of fruit?

Obviously, just enough to entice an illegal alien, but not enough to entice an American who has other employment options.


Pay your workers more, enough so someone can actually live off what you are paying him, maybe enough for groceries, rent, utilties, with a little extra left to go to the movies on Saturday.

Illegal aliens don't need that. They live 12 to an apartment, eat rice and beans, and send the rest of their money to their families in Mexico or Central America.

So, the farmer wants us to let in illegal aliens so he doesn't have to pay a living wage for an American.

So, why are the Democrats AGAINST a living wage for American workers?

This is why Trump won the election, because American workers realized the Democrats have abandoned them.
Republicans oppose migrants picking fruit and paying a living wage
the farmers who hire them in california are the ones to talk to about that....not the republicans...
if we heard the same story they discussed paying 12 to 15 an hour and yes americans would work 40 hours but the farmer needs people willing o work longer days and more days in a row....harvest does not wait for weekends....
the farmers in cal pay the ones they hire directly about 14 an hour and the ones brought in by farm labor contractors make around 12.50....but it is only seasonal....
So, the moral of this is: If people are willing to be exploited, it legitimizes exploiting them ? And if they lower themselves to such a low standard, it makes them immune from (immigration) laws, as well? Well, if we accept that logic, what does that make US?
So, the moral of this is: If people are willing to be exploited, it legitimizes exploiting them ? And if they lower themselves to such a low standard, it makes them immune from (immigration) laws, as well? Well, if we accept that logic, what does that make US?
"A farmer on NPR"... say no more. What a surprise NPR lends their professional gravitas to a anecdotal story .

You didn't bother to read the article......what a surprise.

Blackrook lied to you about what the farmer said.

And you folks just slurp up the lies.
So, the moral of this is: If people are willing to be exploited, it legitimizes exploiting them ? And if they lower themselves to such a low standard, it makes them immune from (immigration) laws, as well? Well, if we accept that logic, what does that make US?
Redirect: We are talking NPR here. Think Chinese communism: biggest sellouts to profit and capitalism as well as histories biggest mass murders.
This farmer cannot find Americans to work for a price he can afford to pay and stay in business.

How could he not stay in business if his competitors are in the same boat? If we get rid of illegals and farmer A has to pay more for American labor, so will farmer B, and farmer C, and D.

Right now Farmer A can't get enough legal or illegal workers to pick his apples- though in the case of the article he was hiring only legal workers.

Farmer A will do the same thing as most American manufacturing has done when labor got expensive- he will go out of business. Just as those furniture manufacturing plants in Georgia either went out of business or moved to China and Mexico, foreign apples will just be more competitive- and the jobs associated with the apple industry will no longer exist in the United States.
So, the moral of this is: If people are willing to be exploited, it legitimizes exploiting them ? And if they lower themselves to such a low standard, it makes them immune from (immigration) laws, as well? Well, if we accept that logic, what does that make US?
Redirect: We are talking NPR here..

No- we are actually talking about farm labor here.

Blackrook lied about the NPR article- and you just slurp up the lies.
So, the moral of this is: If people are willing to be exploited, it legitimizes exploiting them ? And if they lower themselves to such a low standard, it makes them immune from (immigration) laws, as well? Well, if we accept that logic, what does that make US?
Redirect: We are talking NPR here. Think Chinese communism: biggest sellouts to profit and capitalism as well as histories biggest mass murders.
What does NPR have to do with your question?

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