Farrakhan the Traitor

Yes, You Read It Right: The Right Welcomed Louis Farrakhan’s Support of Donald Trump

Just look at how the right is responding to Farrakhan celebrating Trump. We aren’t seeing a chorus of condemnation. In fact, we are seeing worse than silence as two visible conservatives actually praised Farrakhan for his words of support for Trump. Candace Owens, the spokesperson for the very pro-Trump organization “Turning Point USA” and frequent Fox News guest, took to Twitter to praise the significance of Farrakhan’s words: “In no way do I endorse Farrakhan’s views but holy crap this is a really big deal. He has just aligned himself with Trump’s administration. What is going on in the black community right now is unprecedented. Flag this. It’s relevant.”

And then recent Trump convert Glenn Beck praised Owens’ assessment that Farrakhan’s praise of Trump is “huge.” But not a peep from either Beck or Owens about Farrakhan’s documented history of anti-Semitism.

While over on Trump loving Breitbart, the headline declared “Louis Farrakhan on Trump: ‘He Is Destroying Our Enemies,” where they highlighted his support of Trump. Only in the very last paragraph of that article was Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism even mentioned--and then in passing at best.
Define "any closer". There was a reason that Obama was photographed hanging with that anti Semitic shit bag Louis Farrakhan. I'm surprised Jeremiah Wright, also an admirer and fan of Farrakhan, wasn't there.

These are the sort of weak transparent denials we used to get all the time when Barry Obama was in office.
Any closer, as in Obama was in the same room as Farrakhan just as I was in the same room as Clinton.

So let’s see your evidence that Obama was ”hanging” with Farrakhan.....
Obama's Farrakhan Problem
Whether you accept the evidence or not is another matter, but it's there...unless you wants photos of Farrakhan and Obama on a camping trip or carving pumpkins together. Deal with it.

Deal with this, Dimbulb. Today's lesson in climbing out of the Moron Hole.
Your name calling brands you as a loser before you even start. Read my link. There is no "guilt by association".
That's a straw man the left props up every time one of Obama's radical pals is brought up.
Back in the moron hole you go.

I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!
Define "any closer". There was a reason that Obama was photographed hanging with that anti Semitic shit bag Louis Farrakhan. I'm surprised Jeremiah Wright, also an admirer and fan of Farrakhan, wasn't there.

These are the sort of weak transparent denials we used to get all the time when Barry Obama was in office.
Any closer, as in Obama was in the same room as Farrakhan just as I was in the same room as Clinton.

So let’s see your evidence that Obama was ”hanging” with Farrakhan.....
Obama's Farrakhan Problem
Whether you accept the evidence or not is another matter, but it's there...unless you wants photos of Farrakhan and Obama on a camping trip or carving pumpkins together. Deal with it.

There’s nothing to accept in that... it doesn’t establish any connection between Obama and Farrakhan.

So nothing to deal with.
Short of a hand written agreement between Obama and Farrakhan to be bestest buddies (witnessed by Keith Ellison) I doubt anything would cause you to admit a connection.
Your admission is not required nor expected.
What is required is some evidence of a connection. You have none. That has nothing to do with admission from me.
Farrakahn's 1995 march on Washington DC. Obama and his religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, another fan of Farrakahn (whose church has awarded Louis with great awards and accolades), along with Al Sharpton, were all instrumental in planning and executing the well promoted protest. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/14/AR2008011402083.html

Obama just happened to be photographed with Louis Farrakahn coincidentally?
I don't think so.
Any closer, as in Obama was in the same room as Farrakhan just as I was in the same room as Clinton.

So let’s see your evidence that Obama was ”hanging” with Farrakhan.....
Obama's Farrakhan Problem
Whether you accept the evidence or not is another matter, but it's there...unless you wants photos of Farrakhan and Obama on a camping trip or carving pumpkins together. Deal with it.

Deal with this, Dimbulb. Today's lesson in climbing out of the Moron Hole.
Your name calling brands you as a loser before you even start. Read my link. There is no "guilt by association".
That's a straw man the left props up every time one of Obama's radical pals is brought up.
Back in the moron hole you go.

I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
Obama's Farrakhan Problem
Whether you accept the evidence or not is another matter, but it's there...unless you wants photos of Farrakhan and Obama on a camping trip or carving pumpkins together. Deal with it.

Deal with this, Dimbulb. Today's lesson in climbing out of the Moron Hole.
Your name calling brands you as a loser before you even start. Read my link. There is no "guilt by association".
That's a straw man the left props up every time one of Obama's radical pals is brought up.
Back in the moron hole you go.

I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.
Deal with this, Dimbulb. Today's lesson in climbing out of the Moron Hole.
Your name calling brands you as a loser before you even start. Read my link. There is no "guilt by association".
That's a straw man the left props up every time one of Obama's radical pals is brought up.
Back in the moron hole you go.

I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Your name calling brands you as a loser before you even start. Read my link. There is no "guilt by association".
That's a straw man the left props up every time one of Obama's radical pals is brought up.
Back in the moron hole you go.

I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan
I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

:lmao: :dig:
He should be arrested and dealt with as a traitor. He should hang.

Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, leads 'Death to America' chant in Iran

well now the democrats have that going for them
Don't forget those lovely people who gave the world Kosovo which is also another breeding ground for Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorist. They even dedicated a BJ Billy statue there for their Demoncrat leaders who helped them get a nice foothold over there.

View attachment 227098


last night at the Trump rally

those inside chanted for America

while those on the outside the protesters chanted against America

it is really that simple today

when you vote
And Trump works for Putin. So who’s the traitor?

after two fucking years with no proof

prove it dipshit
I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan
There was nothing wrong with the Million Man March. Perhaps the only good thing Louie ever did, other than those rad Calypso beats.
He should be arrested and dealt with as a traitor. He should hang.

Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, leads 'Death to America' chant in Iran

well now the democrats have that going for them
Don't forget those lovely people who gave the world Kosovo which is also another breeding ground for Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorist. They even dedicated a BJ Billy statue there for their Demoncrat leaders who helped them get a nice foothold over there.

View attachment 227098


last night at the Trump rally

those inside chanted for America

while those on the outside the protesters chanted against America

it is really that simple today

when you vote
And Trump works for Putin. So who’s the traitor?

after two fucking years with no proof

prove it dipshit
If there’s no proof, why didn’t Republican Robert Mueller wrap up the investigation a year ago?
well now the democrats have that going for them
Don't forget those lovely people who gave the world Kosovo which is also another breeding ground for Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorist. They even dedicated a BJ Billy statue there for their Demoncrat leaders who helped them get a nice foothold over there.

View attachment 227098


last night at the Trump rally

those inside chanted for America

while those on the outside the protesters chanted against America

it is really that simple today

when you vote
And Trump works for Putin. So who’s the traitor?

after two fucking years with no proof

prove it dipshit
If there’s no proof, why didn’t Republican Robert Mueller wrap up the investigation a year ago?

because there is no proof retard
Don't forget those lovely people who gave the world Kosovo which is also another breeding ground for Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorist. They even dedicated a BJ Billy statue there for their Demoncrat leaders who helped them get a nice foothold over there.

View attachment 227098


last night at the Trump rally

those inside chanted for America

while those on the outside the protesters chanted against America

it is really that simple today

when you vote
And Trump works for Putin. So who’s the traitor?

after two fucking years with no proof

prove it dipshit
If there’s no proof, why didn’t Republican Robert Mueller wrap up the investigation a year ago?

because there is no proof retard
Try reading my post again. 5 more times if you need to.
Any closer, as in Obama was in the same room as Farrakhan just as I was in the same room as Clinton.

So let’s see your evidence that Obama was ”hanging” with Farrakhan.....
Obama's Farrakhan Problem
Whether you accept the evidence or not is another matter, but it's there...unless you wants photos of Farrakhan and Obama on a camping trip or carving pumpkins together. Deal with it.

There’s nothing to accept in that... it doesn’t establish any connection between Obama and Farrakhan.

So nothing to deal with.
Short of a hand written agreement between Obama and Farrakhan to be bestest buddies (witnessed by Keith Ellison) I doubt anything would cause you to admit a connection.
Your admission is not required nor expected.
What is required is some evidence of a connection. You have none. That has nothing to do with admission from me.
Farrakahn's 1995 march on Washington DC. Obama and his religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, another fan of Farrakahn (whose church has awarded Louis with great awards and accolades), along with Al Sharpton, were all instrumental in planning and executing the well promoted protest. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/14/AR2008011402083.html

Obama just happened to be photographed with Louis Farrakahn coincidentally?
I don't think so.

Who cares what you think? :dunno:

All you have is a photo they took together at an event they both independently attended. All that proves is on that day, they were both in the same room — just like you and Tom Bradley.
I already DID read your link Moron. Even there the writer brings it up in his second sentence, KNOWING that's exactly what he's doing.


And you just did the same thing. What is it with your planet --- do people there just start trading DNA simply by virtue of standing next to each other?? FFS I was in the same room with The Dick Cheney once, that doesn't make me a fucking war criminal.

Maybe YOU need to read MY link and drop this playing stupid game.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.


Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.

last night at the Trump rally

those inside chanted for America

while those on the outside the protesters chanted against America

it is really that simple today

when you vote
And Trump works for Putin. So who’s the traitor?

after two fucking years with no proof

prove it dipshit
If there’s no proof, why didn’t Republican Robert Mueller wrap up the investigation a year ago?

because there is no proof retard
Try reading my post again. 5 more times if you need to.

i usually glance over if i bother at all reading troll posts such as yourself

what i am is surprised that you are not on my ignore list
Obama's Farrakhan Problem
Whether you accept the evidence or not is another matter, but it's there...unless you wants photos of Farrakhan and Obama on a camping trip or carving pumpkins together. Deal with it.

There’s nothing to accept in that... it doesn’t establish any connection between Obama and Farrakhan.

So nothing to deal with.
Short of a hand written agreement between Obama and Farrakhan to be bestest buddies (witnessed by Keith Ellison) I doubt anything would cause you to admit a connection.
Your admission is not required nor expected.
What is required is some evidence of a connection. You have none. That has nothing to do with admission from me.
Farrakahn's 1995 march on Washington DC. Obama and his religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, another fan of Farrakahn (whose church has awarded Louis with great awards and accolades), along with Al Sharpton, were all instrumental in planning and executing the well promoted protest. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/14/AR2008011402083.html

Obama just happened to be photographed with Louis Farrakahn coincidentally?
I don't think so.

Who cares what you think? :dunno:

All you have is a photo they took together at an event they both independently attended. All that proves is on that day, they were both in the same room — just like you and Tom Bradley.

Just like me and The Dick Cheney.
I've just looked all over my house and can confirm I do not have a man-sized vault, nor have I ever shot anybody in the face. Amazing, innit. It's almost as if Association Osmosis Theory is bullshit.

There’s nothing to accept in that... it doesn’t establish any connection between Obama and Farrakhan.

So nothing to deal with.
Short of a hand written agreement between Obama and Farrakhan to be bestest buddies (witnessed by Keith Ellison) I doubt anything would cause you to admit a connection.
Your admission is not required nor expected.
What is required is some evidence of a connection. You have none. That has nothing to do with admission from me.
Farrakahn's 1995 march on Washington DC. Obama and his religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, another fan of Farrakahn (whose church has awarded Louis with great awards and accolades), along with Al Sharpton, were all instrumental in planning and executing the well promoted protest. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/14/AR2008011402083.html

Obama just happened to be photographed with Louis Farrakahn coincidentally?
I don't think so.

Who cares what you think? :dunno:

All you have is a photo they took together at an event they both independently attended. All that proves is on that day, they were both in the same room — just like you and Tom Bradley.

Just like me and The Dick Cheney.
I've just looked all over my house and can confirm I do not have a man-sized vault, nor have I ever shot anybody in the face. Amazing, innit. It's almost as if Association Osmosis Theory is bullshit.
Did you and Dick Cheney plan a massive political event together and promote and speak at your jointly created
march? Your denial is tiresome and asinine. Frankly, you bore me.
Short of a hand written agreement between Obama and Farrakhan to be bestest buddies (witnessed by Keith Ellison) I doubt anything would cause you to admit a connection.
Your admission is not required nor expected.
What is required is some evidence of a connection. You have none. That has nothing to do with admission from me.
Farrakahn's 1995 march on Washington DC. Obama and his religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, another fan of Farrakahn (whose church has awarded Louis with great awards and accolades), along with Al Sharpton, were all instrumental in planning and executing the well promoted protest. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/14/AR2008011402083.html

Obama just happened to be photographed with Louis Farrakahn coincidentally?
I don't think so.

Who cares what you think? :dunno:

All you have is a photo they took together at an event they both independently attended. All that proves is on that day, they were both in the same room — just like you and Tom Bradley.

Just like me and The Dick Cheney.
I've just looked all over my house and can confirm I do not have a man-sized vault, nor have I ever shot anybody in the face. Amazing, innit. It's almost as if Association Osmosis Theory is bullshit.
Did you and Dick Cheney plan a massive political event together and promote and speak at your jointly created
march? Your denial is tiresome and asinine. Frankly, you bore me.

We were working on the same project, yes.

I was tickled when another speaker came up to the same podium later and said to this audience of Libertarians, "I can't believe you people sat here and applauded a sleazeball scumbag like Dick Cheney". :lol:

He spat the words. Made my day.

The point being, the fact that we were in physical proximity doesn't impart some kind of Borg biological contact high. We remain separate people, before, after and during.

That's simplicity itself, yet it's probably sailing over your pointed head, isn't it.

And by the way I ain't here to "entertain" you. I'm here to call you out when you lay out a giant logical fallacy boner like this.

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