Farrakhan the Traitor

Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.


Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Should I call you idiot once more?
Would it make you drop your pretenses? I doubt it. You deserve it though. Being in the same room as a politician
is not really what we are talking about here. That's just disingenuous and intellectually lazy.
I shared a long tube ride under the U.S. capital with former L.A. mayor Tom Bradley. That doesn't imply a relationship.

This suggests an association and affiliation, if not personal (not really the point) then politically and shared values.
"In spite of Farrakhan’s long history as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite, Obama thought favorably enough of him to join Farrakhan’s 1995 march on Washington, D.C. Reportedly, Obama joined Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton in organizing the march."

Wright, Obama, Sharpton and Farrakhan....a meeting of the minds and sharing of ideals. Now fuck off!

Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.


Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis
What is required is some evidence of a connection. You have none. That has nothing to do with admission from me.
Farrakahn's 1995 march on Washington DC. Obama and his religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, another fan of Farrakahn (whose church has awarded Louis with great awards and accolades), along with Al Sharpton, were all instrumental in planning and executing the well promoted protest. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/14/AR2008011402083.html

Obama just happened to be photographed with Louis Farrakahn coincidentally?
I don't think so.

Who cares what you think? :dunno:

All you have is a photo they took together at an event they both independently attended. All that proves is on that day, they were both in the same room — just like you and Tom Bradley.

Just like me and The Dick Cheney.
I've just looked all over my house and can confirm I do not have a man-sized vault, nor have I ever shot anybody in the face. Amazing, innit. It's almost as if Association Osmosis Theory is bullshit.
Did you and Dick Cheney plan a massive political event together and promote and speak at your jointly created
march? Your denial is tiresome and asinine. Frankly, you bore me.

We were working on the same project, yes.

I was tickled when another speaker came up to the same podium later and said to this audience of Libertarians, "I can't believe you people sat here and applauded a sleazeball scumbag like Dick Cheney". :lol:

He spat the words. Made my day.

The point being, the fact that we were in physical proximity doesn't impart some kind of Borg biological contact high. We remain separate people, before, after and during.

That's simplicity itself, yet it's probably sailing over your pointed head, isn't it.

And by the way I ain't here to "entertain" you. I'm here to call you out when you lay out a giant logical fallacy boner like this.
And now you claim you and Dick Cheney were not only in the same room but you worked together on the same "project"?
You know this claim contradicts all your former claims, right? Or does this sail over your pointed head?

Eventually you will claim you had thanksgiving dinner with the Cheneys but didn't know Dick. And you actually don't know dick! Ironic.
Last edited:
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
And Trump works for Putin. So who’s the traitor?

after two fucking years with no proof

prove it dipshit
If there’s no proof, why didn’t Republican Robert Mueller wrap up the investigation a year ago?

because there is no proof retard
Try reading my post again. 5 more times if you need to.

i usually glance over if i bother at all reading troll posts such as yourself

what i am is surprised that you are not on my ignore list
I accept your surrender.
Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.


Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis
Tell me again what was wrong with the MMM?
Look Doodles, if you can't handle being called out on common fallacies, then don't commit them in the first place. Ain't rocket surgery.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.


Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.

Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
There's no need to worry about me "handling" your b.s.
Your claims are not evidence of anything, speaking of a common fallacy. That's called "false authority" fallacy, Doodles.

When you can explain away the evidence, come back again. I don't mind your idiocy. Really.

There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
Last edited:
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.

And that makes O'bama a musician?

Or does it make Mendelssohn the President?

Frickin' dumbass.

Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.

And that makes O'bama a musician?

Or does it make Mendelssohn the President?

Frickin' dumbass.

A musician? What kind of moronic question is that? Frickin' dumbass.
Last edited:
There's no "evidence" of anything here except Ass-ociation Fallacy. And I already covered that.

Sucks to be where you are, donut.
Sucks more to be arguing against the facts, donut hole! Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.
The event was to promote African American unity and family values. Too bad your racism causes you to think that was not an event worthy for Obama. And Obama wasn’t even a key note speaker. Farrakhan and Chavis were...

Million Man March | American history

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.
The event was to promote African American unity and family values. Too bad your racism causes you to think that was not an event worthy for Obama. And Obama wasn’t even a key note speaker. Farrakhan and Chavis were...

Million Man March | American history
Bullshit! Your own link doesn't support your claim about keynote speakers and I notice Obama was not even one of the notables mentioned by your link, though he was there and did speak. Covering for Barry still, I see. Still sucking Obama's dick.

My so called "racism" notes that the slimy anti Semite Farrakahn was a driving force behind the march so I wonder what sort of black "family values" you think are being promoted? The Nuremberg rallies spoke of German family values too. I suppose you support them too.
What took you so long to dredge up the R word?
after two fucking years with no proof

prove it dipshit
If there’s no proof, why didn’t Republican Robert Mueller wrap up the investigation a year ago?

because there is no proof retard
Try reading my post again. 5 more times if you need to.

i usually glance over if i bother at all reading troll posts such as yourself

what i am is surprised that you are not on my ignore list
I accept your surrender.

no surrender just no need to argue with idiot trolls like you

Too funny! Your first link goes to a hard core rightwingnut (i.e., not believable); who based that on fake news Gatewaypundit (i.e., even less believable); who provided links to their claims — that all go to 404’s (i.e., page not found = no proof).

Your second link goes to a freeper forum (i.e., nothing but shrill righties); who link to the same failed fake news Gatewaypundit page.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at .... hysterically.
Obama Organized Farrakhan’s ‘Million Man March’ ~ DjOsiris's Global Political Economic Trend Analysis

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.
The event was to promote African American unity and family values. Too bad your racism causes you to think that was not an event worthy for Obama. And Obama wasn’t even a key note speaker. Farrakhan and Chavis were...

Million Man March | American history
Bullshit! Your own link doesn't support your claim about keynote speakers and I notice Obama was not even one of the notables mentioned by your link, though he was there and did speak. Covering for Barry still, I see. Still sucking Obama's dick.

My so called "racism" notes that the slimy anti Semite Farrakahn was a driving force behind the march so I wonder what sort of black "family values" you think are being promoted? The Nuremberg rallies spoke of German family values too. I suppose you support them too.
What took you so long to dredge up the R word?
The March was still promoting African-American unity. Your inbred racism to castigate that is on you.

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.

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