Farrakhan the Traitor


Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
Exactly like the NY Times. It feeds it's cultist. Apparently you aren't a nuanced or perceptive thinker in any way
or an especially bright person, obviously.
I only compared the two media outlets to illustrate that if one disagrees politically with the source, as you do
vehemently, one can then disregard anything that is put out by that source whether that is a mistake or not.
But of course that's lost on you "and your pointed head".

I just want to get out this to restate the message that Obama was a willing lackey for the anti Semite Louis Farrakahn
and his attempt, his failed attempt, at sanitizing his image. Obama at the Million Man March
I don't know how many times I can make it clear.
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.
The event was to promote African American unity and family values. Too bad your racism causes you to think that was not an event worthy for Obama. And Obama wasn’t even a key note speaker. Farrakhan and Chavis were...

Million Man March | American history
Bullshit! Your own link doesn't support your claim about keynote speakers and I notice Obama was not even one of the notables mentioned by your link, though he was there and did speak. Covering for Barry still, I see. Still sucking Obama's dick.

My so called "racism" notes that the slimy anti Semite Farrakahn was a driving force behind the march so I wonder what sort of black "family values" you think are being promoted? The Nuremberg rallies spoke of German family values too. I suppose you support them too.
What took you so long to dredge up the R word?
The March was still promoting African-American unity. Your inbred racism to castigate that is on you.
Oh look...the anti Semite is calling me a racist. Calling people who disagree with you a racist is always the surest sign
you have lost control of the argument.

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
View attachment 227860
So? You proved they were in the same room that day at a meeting for the black caucus. Nothing more.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
View attachment 227860
So? You proved they were in the same room that day at a meeting for the black caucus. Nothing more.

And he also was happy to be in a photo with him.

Really, I didn’t need more evidence you’re retarded.

After I laugh at you for relying on fake news Gatewaypundit as your source, which in turn, relied on non-existent pages (404), you moronically link to yet another site — which cites that same failed Gatewaypundit article as their source.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
Exactly like the NY Times. It feeds it's cultist. Apparently you aren't a nuanced or perceptive thinker in any way
or an especially bright person, obviously.
I only compared the two media outlets to illustrate that if one disagrees politically with the source, as you do
vehemently, one can then disregard anything that is put out by that source whether that is a mistake or not.
But of course that's lost on you "and your pointed head".
Great, then post evidence The NY Times prints fake news.....

I just want to get out this to restate the message that Obama was a willing lackey for the anti Semite Louis Farrakahn
and his attempt, his failed attempt, at sanitizing his image. Obama at the Million Man March
I don't know how many times I can make it clear.

You have yet to prove your claim that Obama helped Farrakhan organize the million man march.

You have failed to prove your claim that he was even a key speaker at it.

You keep making shit up and then expect folks to believe you because you say so and because you post links to fake news Gatewaypundit which can’t even post valid links to its own citations.
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.
The event was to promote African American unity and family values. Too bad your racism causes you to think that was not an event worthy for Obama. And Obama wasn’t even a key note speaker. Farrakhan and Chavis were...

Million Man March | American history
Bullshit! Your own link doesn't support your claim about keynote speakers and I notice Obama was not even one of the notables mentioned by your link, though he was there and did speak. Covering for Barry still, I see. Still sucking Obama's dick.

My so called "racism" notes that the slimy anti Semite Farrakahn was a driving force behind the march so I wonder what sort of black "family values" you think are being promoted? The Nuremberg rallies spoke of German family values too. I suppose you support them too.
What took you so long to dredge up the R word?
The March was still promoting African-American unity. Your inbred racism to castigate that is on you.
Oh look...the anti Semite is calling me a racist. Calling people who disagree with you a racist is always the surest sign
you have lost control of the argument.
Who else but a racist would attack the million man march, whose goal was to promote African-American unity?
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
View attachment 227860
So? You proved they were in the same room that day at a meeting for the black caucus. Nothing more.

And he also was happy to be in a photo with him.
View attachment 227872
Again, so what? Can’t the conservative say?
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.
The event was to promote African American unity and family values. Too bad your racism causes you to think that was not an event worthy for Obama. And Obama wasn’t even a key note speaker. Farrakhan and Chavis were...

Million Man March | American history
Bullshit! Your own link doesn't support your claim about keynote speakers and I notice Obama was not even one of the notables mentioned by your link, though he was there and did speak. Covering for Barry still, I see. Still sucking Obama's dick.

My so called "racism" notes that the slimy anti Semite Farrakahn was a driving force behind the march so I wonder what sort of black "family values" you think are being promoted? The Nuremberg rallies spoke of German family values too. I suppose you support them too.
What took you so long to dredge up the R word?
The March was still promoting African-American unity. Your inbred racism to castigate that is on you.
Oh look...the anti Semite is calling me a racist. Calling people who disagree with you a racist is always the surest sign
you have lost control of the argument.
Who else but a racist would attack the million man march, whose goal was to promote African-American unity?
Who else? Someone who knows what a shit bag Louis Farrakahn is.
Gatewaypundit wasn't the only link and even if it was, which it wasn't, you haven't remotely demonstrated that Gateway is an unreliable site because you want it to be.

You are just another left wing dick trying your best to cover for Barry Obama.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
Exactly like the NY Times. It feeds it's cultist. Apparently you aren't a nuanced or perceptive thinker in any way
or an especially bright person, obviously.
I only compared the two media outlets to illustrate that if one disagrees politically with the source, as you do
vehemently, one can then disregard anything that is put out by that source whether that is a mistake or not.
But of course that's lost on you "and your pointed head".
Great, then post evidence The NY Times prints fake news.....
I gave you credit for more brains then that but I don't know why. The Times seldom prints verifiably false news. New York Times - Media Bias/Fact Check
They just print consistently slanted and biased news accounts that always feature the Big Lie when it comes to
their agenda and what conservatives want and are like.

I just want to get out this to restate the message that Obama was a willing lackey for the anti Semite Louis Farrakahn
and his attempt, his failed attempt, at sanitizing his image. Obama at the Million Man March
I don't know how many times I can make it clear.

You have yet to prove your claim that Obama helped Farrakhan organize the million man march.

You have failed to prove your claim that he was even a key speaker at it.

You keep making shit up and then expect folks to believe you because you say so and because you post links to fake news Gatewaypundit which can’t even post valid links to its own citations.[/QUOTE]Obama says himself he was just a spectator there but others report something different. He lies so much why should I believe him when his guru Jeremiah Wright was a huge Farrakahn fan? Did Obama speak there? That's what I read.
The event was to promote African American unity and family values. Too bad your racism causes you to think that was not an event worthy for Obama. And Obama wasn’t even a key note speaker. Farrakhan and Chavis were...

Million Man March | American history
Bullshit! Your own link doesn't support your claim about keynote speakers and I notice Obama was not even one of the notables mentioned by your link, though he was there and did speak. Covering for Barry still, I see. Still sucking Obama's dick.

My so called "racism" notes that the slimy anti Semite Farrakahn was a driving force behind the march so I wonder what sort of black "family values" you think are being promoted? The Nuremberg rallies spoke of German family values too. I suppose you support them too.
What took you so long to dredge up the R word?
The March was still promoting African-American unity. Your inbred racism to castigate that is on you.
Oh look...the anti Semite is calling me a racist. Calling people who disagree with you a racist is always the surest sign
you have lost control of the argument.
Who else but a racist would attack the million man march, whose goal was to promote African-American unity?
Who else? Someone who knows what a shit bag Louis Farrakahn is.
The fake news Gatewaypundit was the only source for all your links. And the fake news Gatewaypundit’s sources went to non-existent pages; meaning they can’t even back their own shit up.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
Exactly like the NY Times. It feeds it's cultist. Apparently you aren't a nuanced or perceptive thinker in any way
or an especially bright person, obviously.
I only compared the two media outlets to illustrate that if one disagrees politically with the source, as you do
vehemently, one can then disregard anything that is put out by that source whether that is a mistake or not.
But of course that's lost on you "and your pointed head".
Great, then post evidence The NY Times prints fake news.....
I gave you credit for more brains then that but I don't know why. The Times seldom prints verifiably false news. New York Times - Media Bias/Fact Check
They just print consistently slanted and biased news accounts that always feature the Big Lie when it comes to
their agenda and what conservatives want and are like.

I just want to get out this to restate the message that Obama was a willing lackey for the anti Semite Louis Farrakahn
and his attempt, his failed attempt, at sanitizing his image. Obama at the Million Man March
I don't know how many times I can make it clear.

You have yet to prove your claim that Obama helped Farrakhan organize the million man march.

You have failed to prove your claim that he was even a key speaker at it.

You keep making shit up and then expect folks to believe you because you say so and because you post links to fake news Gatewaypundit which can’t even post valid links to its own citations.
Obama says himself he was just a spectator there but others report something different. He lies so much why should I believe him when his guru Jeremiah Wright was a huge Farrakahn fan? Did Obama speak there? That's what I read.[/QUOTE]

Dumbshit... I challenge you to show The NY Times prints fake news and you respond by showing they’re left of center.


Political bias is not fake news. Fake news is printing stories that are not true; like PizzaGate.

And you still can’t prove your bullshit isn’t bullshit. You can’t prove your claim Obama worked with Farrakhan to organize the million man march... nor can you even prove he spoke at it.

You have no evidence they have any connection other than they snapped a photo together at a black caucus meeting. Not that that prevents your conservatist imagination from running wild with all the stories you spew.
Bullshit! Your own link doesn't support your claim about keynote speakers and I notice Obama was not even one of the notables mentioned by your link, though he was there and did speak. Covering for Barry still, I see. Still sucking Obama's dick.

My so called "racism" notes that the slimy anti Semite Farrakahn was a driving force behind the march so I wonder what sort of black "family values" you think are being promoted? The Nuremberg rallies spoke of German family values too. I suppose you support them too.
What took you so long to dredge up the R word?
The March was still promoting African-American unity. Your inbred racism to castigate that is on you.
Oh look...the anti Semite is calling me a racist. Calling people who disagree with you a racist is always the surest sign
you have lost control of the argument.
Who else but a racist would attack the million man march, whose goal was to promote African-American unity?
Who else? Someone who knows what a shit bag Louis Farrakahn is.
It was not the only link and of course it benefits your crap to claim Gatewaypundit is full of fake news. By that standard no one should believe the NY Times, ABC, ect. Is that okay with you?
Those links by the way are almost twenty years old and don't stay online forever. Why did Barack Obama meet with Louis Farrakhan in 2005?
How about something slightly more current?

There are still the links between Obama's personal pal Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn and imagine you get a key speaking gig at a nationally promoted rally of a man who was celebrated by your closet personal advisor and friend.
Jeremiah Wright and Farrakahn are both virulent anti Semites. What does that make Obama?
You can't speak at one of Hitler's rallies and then pretend you have no connection with the Nazis.

That makes Obama nothing to Farrakhan. He is not connected to Farrakhan if his minister was.

Now let’s see your evidence Osma spoke at the million man March...?

And you’re beyond rightarded to compare fake news Gatewaypundit with The NY Times. One is a journalism dynasty established nearly 170 years ago while the other is rightwingnut fake news created 7 years ago to feed the cultists.
Exactly like the NY Times. It feeds it's cultist. Apparently you aren't a nuanced or perceptive thinker in any way
or an especially bright person, obviously.
I only compared the two media outlets to illustrate that if one disagrees politically with the source, as you do
vehemently, one can then disregard anything that is put out by that source whether that is a mistake or not.
But of course that's lost on you "and your pointed head".
Great, then post evidence The NY Times prints fake news.....
I gave you credit for more brains then that but I don't know why. The Times seldom prints verifiably false news. New York Times - Media Bias/Fact Check
They just print consistently slanted and biased news accounts that always feature the Big Lie when it comes to
their agenda and what conservatives want and are like.

I just want to get out this to restate the message that Obama was a willing lackey for the anti Semite Louis Farrakahn
and his attempt, his failed attempt, at sanitizing his image. Obama at the Million Man March
I don't know how many times I can make it clear.

You have yet to prove your claim that Obama helped Farrakhan organize the million man march.

You have failed to prove your claim that he was even a key speaker at it.

You keep making shit up and then expect folks to believe you because you say so and because you post links to fake news Gatewaypundit which can’t even post valid links to its own citations.
Obama says himself he was just a spectator there but others report something different. He lies so much why should I believe him when his guru Jeremiah Wright was a huge Farrakahn fan? Did Obama speak there? That's what I read.

Dumbshit... I challenge you to show The NY Times prints fake news and you respond by showing they’re left of center.


Political bias is not fake news. Fake news is printing stories that are not true; like PizzaGate.

And you still can’t prove your bullshit isn’t bullshit. You can’t prove your claim Obama worked with Farrakhan to organize the million man march... nor can you even prove he spoke at it.

You have no evidence they have any connection other than they snapped a photo together at a black caucus meeting. Not that that prevents your conservatist imagination from running wild with all the stories you spew.[/QUOTE]Dumbshit!
You said I said the NYTimes prints fake news. I never said that. I specifically said they spin and slant their news to fit their leftist bias! Get your head out of your ass!
And the link from Obama to Wright to Farrakahn is air tight. There will never be a paper signed by Obama, Wright and Farrakahn documenting their relationship. It's all inferred by their actions, Wright's love for Farrakahn and of course the photo.
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.

And that makes O'bama a musician?

Or does it make Mendelssohn the President?

Frickin' dumbass.

A musician? What kind of moronic question is that? Frickin' dumbass.

Hey, if O'bama hung out with a musician, that makes him a violin virtuoso.
Your logic, Sprinkles.
Farrakhan is a loud mouthed anti-semite and should sit down and shut up...
But you LibProg morons keep empowering him, don't you?
No. You kids keep putting him back in the news. Not us.
We see that differently... LibProgs (and their media outlets) keep giving him a bully-pulpit, and giving him a pass to use it.
Sorry, but most of us liberal types are not his fans.
Standing in mere proximity to someone is not what is being claimed with regard to Barry Obama and Louis Farrakahn so I hope this weak disingenuous denial is not attempted again but I know you won't be able to help yourself.

Obama's close advisor Jeremiah Wright was a great admirer of Farrakahn and gave him the "Trumpeteer Award", the highest honor from Wright's Trinity United Church. Obama&#39s Minister Honored Farrakhan
There is more than just a picture of the smiling anti Semite Farrakahn with Barry Obama to establish a relationship
between the two.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama told the paper. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking truthfully about what I believe is possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Obama admires Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright admires Louis Farrakahn. Louis Farrakahn gives Barack Obama a position of honor in his Million Man march as a keynote speaker. There is much much more than just a casual photograph
to this chain of association. But to listen to the liars there is nothing to it. That's bullshit!
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.

And that makes O'bama a musician?

Or does it make Mendelssohn the President?

Frickin' dumbass.

A musician? What kind of moronic question is that? Frickin' dumbass.

Hey, if O'bama hung out with a musician, that makes him a violin virtuoso.
Your logic, Sprinkles.

Obama hung out with progressive scum, anti Semites and social undesireables because he was one too, though he had political aspirations and therefore couldn't admit to the sort of people he gravitated towards (i.e. Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Valerie Jarrett, etc.). His father was a communist. His grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis, a communist party member, a mentor and long lasting influence in his life.

He didn't become something because he hung out with those types. He already was that thing which is why he
had so many radical pals and associates. You have it all wrong, Biff, but I'm not surprised.

Hanging out with someone doesn't make you a violinist, or progressive radical. Being a violinist or radical
makes you that thing.

Of course one could be friends with a musician because one loves his music just like one
would freely associates with political radicals and Marxists because one has already swallowed the Kool-Aid and finds it really tasty. Got that distinction, Bob?
Think you can comprehend the distinction between your specious example and the lesson I've given you?
I doubt it.
If Wright has anything to do with Farrakhan, that’s still not Obama. The contortions you twist yourself into to tar and feather Obama do nothing other than to reveal you still suffer from ODS. Obama is no more connected to Farrahkan because of Wright than any church goer is a pedophile if their priest is one.
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.

And that makes O'bama a musician?

Or does it make Mendelssohn the President?

Frickin' dumbass.

A musician? What kind of moronic question is that? Frickin' dumbass.

Hey, if O'bama hung out with a musician, that makes him a violin virtuoso.
Your logic, Sprinkles.

Obama hung out with progressive scum, anti Semites and social undesireables because he was one too, though he had political aspirations and therefore couldn't admit to the sort of people he gravitated towards (i.e. Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Valerie Jarrett, etc.). His father was a communist. His grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis, a communist party member, a mentor and long lasting influence in his life.

He didn't become something because he hung out with those types. He already was that thing which is why he
had so many radical pals and associates. You have it all wrong, Biff, but I'm not surprised.

Hanging out with someone doesn't make you a violinist, or progressive radical. Being a violinist or radical
makes you that thing.

Of course one could be friends with a musician because one loves his music just like one
would freely associates with political radicals and Marxists because one has already swallowed the Kool-Aid and finds it really tasty. Got that distinction, Bob?
Think you can comprehend the distinction between your specious example and the lesson I've given you?
I doubt it.

Oh I see. O'bama didn't need to inhabit the same space with Farrakhan in order to be a violin virtuoso, because he "already was one". Which is why they met; they had violin virtuosity in common. Because if A meets B, then A = B.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Your homework for the day --- Google "cause and effect".
Obama was a featured speaker at Farrakahn's event. I doubt you can explain that away.

And that makes O'bama a musician?

Or does it make Mendelssohn the President?

Frickin' dumbass.

A musician? What kind of moronic question is that? Frickin' dumbass.

Hey, if O'bama hung out with a musician, that makes him a violin virtuoso.
Your logic, Sprinkles.

Obama hung out with progressive scum, anti Semites and social undesireables because he was one too, though he had political aspirations and therefore couldn't admit to the sort of people he gravitated towards (i.e. Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Valerie Jarrett, etc.). His father was a communist. His grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis, a communist party member, a mentor and long lasting influence in his life.

He didn't become something because he hung out with those types. He already was that thing which is why he
had so many radical pals and associates. You have it all wrong, Biff, but I'm not surprised.

Hanging out with someone doesn't make you a violinist, or progressive radical. Being a violinist or radical
makes you that thing.

Of course one could be friends with a musician because one loves his music just like one
would freely associates with political radicals and Marxists because one has already swallowed the Kool-Aid and finds it really tasty. Got that distinction, Bob?
Think you can comprehend the distinction between your specious example and the lesson I've given you?
I doubt it.

Oh I see. O'bama didn't need to inhabit the same space with Farrakhan in order to be a violin virtuoso, because he "already was one". Which is why they met; they had violin virtuosity in common. Because if A meets B, then A = B.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Your homework for the day --- Google "cause and effect".
So near yet still so stupid and off base.
A does not become B because he's introduced to him. You already stated it yourself parroting my point: Obama was
politically radical long before he entered into Louis Farrakahn's sphere.

Obama's friend, mentor and advisor Jeremiah Wright was a big fan and supporter of Farrakahn. If you are okay and
well informed with the smoke that Wright blew out in his Trinity United Church, as Obama was, as a member there for years (Wright performed the wedding ceremony for Barry and Michelle) then you are well acquainted with Louis Farrakahn and his racist anti Semitic message.Because Wright and Farrakahn are two flavors of the same ice cream cone.

I'm certain you have nothing more to add or I would have heard it by now. I hope this ends your idiocy on this topic.

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