Fascism comes to America yet again

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The fascists' moved into the Capitol on the 6th of January 2021, then they murdered an unarmed female protestor, when they started erecting fences and brought in more troops than stationed in Afghanistan.

Was it the little American flag she was carrying that frightened them?



The wench died committing and crime like the criminal she is.

As did the idiot Floyd!

Floyd died incapacitated on the ground, handcuffed, with Chauvin's knee on his throat for almost ten minutes.

Ashlii died climbing through a window screaming she was going to kill Pence

Lying asshole.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
It's been building since the Reagan Administration did away with the fairness doctrine which led to the rise of RW talk radio. For years, RW talk radio was like a group of underground fifth columnists which acted to subvert Democrats first and Republicans later on. The ginned up the anger in rural America to such an extent that even conservative leaders found themselves run out of office, even in a primary election.

For a few years, conservatives like Gingrich thought they could use talk radio, and they did just that. But they had unleashed a beast that they could no longer control by the time Obama was elected. I saw how badly conservatives reacted when Clinton was elected, but it paled in comparison to the reaction to the election of Obama,

Then a little over 10 years ago, three things happened in relatively quick succession. The Tea Party ascendancy in 2010, Trump's Birtherism charges in 2011, and Mitt Romney's defeat to Obama's reelection bid in 2012.

That's when the stage was set for what would come next even though nobody knew it at the time.
That's the ticket. Free speech, that is the problem.

And you can sit there with a straight face and claim it is the modern right that is authoritarian. It would be laughable if it was not so pathetic.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.

Hilarious. The closest thing to fascism in America today is the Democratic Party.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
Three things:

1. Fascism is Left Wing,
2. You meant to pray to Beelzebub, and
3. Fuck off. Just fuck off

No, Fascism is always right wing.
Fascism was started in Ancient Rome, and it referred to the axe handles used as the badge of office by the lictors who were sort of like police. These axe handles are called fascia. Anyway, the oligarchs used the axe handle facia tied in bundles to represent strength in unity. And their unity was the military, aristocracy, and priesthood. Which is essentially the same as the right wing unity these days except the priesthood has been replaced by bankers and corporations.
Mussolini also was put into power by the right wing, wealthy elite.
Fascism has never referred to left wing, lower class, populists.

No, it's not. Right wing is NO government. ALL collectivist governments are LEFTIST.

Aristocracies are always right wing.
They are centralized.
The left wing has always been the decentralized populists.
The word "collectivist" has no meaning since it depend on who it being united collectively?
If it is the wealthy elite, then it is right wing.
If it is the poor majority of the workers, then it is left wing.

There can never be such as thing as "NO government", because if allowed to get their way, the wealthy elite always takes over and created a monarchy.
The only way to prevent a monarchy or any sort of dictatorship from taking over with a mercenary force, is a strong populist government that prevents it with collective force.

The Fabian socialists have been propagandizing this line of bullshit for over a 100 years.

The political spectrum isn't a circle, it's a straight line. Collectivism on one side, anarchy on the other.

That's it.
No, its not because something as complex as a political system cannot be boiled down to a left/right duopoly. There are right wing authoritarians and there are left wing authoritarians.

The grid is a much more accurate picture of politics pitting authoritarians/anarchists as opposites and left/right as opposites but still massively over simplified. The right certainly does not represent something closer to anarchy than the left.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
Three things:

1. Fascism is Left Wing,
2. You meant to pray to Beelzebub, and
3. Fuck off. Just fuck off

No, Fascism is always right wing.
Fascism was started in Ancient Rome, and it referred to the axe handles used as the badge of office by the lictors who were sort of like police. These axe handles are called fascia. Anyway, the oligarchs used the axe handle facia tied in bundles to represent strength in unity. And their unity was the military, aristocracy, and priesthood. Which is essentially the same as the right wing unity these days except the priesthood has been replaced by bankers and corporations.
Mussolini also was put into power by the right wing, wealthy elite.
Fascism has never referred to left wing, lower class, populists.

No, it's not. Right wing is NO government. ALL collectivist governments are LEFTIST.

Aristocracies are always right wing.
They are centralized.
The left wing has always been the decentralized populists.
The word "collectivist" has no meaning since it depend on who it being united collectively?
If it is the wealthy elite, then it is right wing.
If it is the poor majority of the workers, then it is left wing.

There can never be such as thing as "NO government", because if allowed to get their way, the wealthy elite always takes over and created a monarchy.
The only way to prevent a monarchy or any sort of dictatorship from taking over with a mercenary force, is a strong populist government that prevents it with collective force.

The Fabian socialists have been propagandizing this line of bullshit for over a 100 years.

The political spectrum isn't a circle, it's a straight line. Collectivism on one side, anarchy on the other.

That's it.
No, its not because something as complex as a political system cannot be boiled down to a left/right duopoly. There are right wing authoritarians and there are left wing authoritarians.

The grid is a much more accurate picture of politics pitting authoritarians/anarchists as opposites and left/right as opposites but still massively over simplified. The right certainly does not represent something closer to anarchy than the left.
As for Trump, I am hesitant to apply labels to people they don't apply to themselves (I find it stifles conversation) but there is no denying the similarities between Trumpism and those fascist movements
Trump is the biggest capitalist to EVER be president. Trump is the antithesis of fascism.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
Three things:

1. Fascism is Left Wing,
2. You meant to pray to Beelzebub, and
3. Fuck off. Just fuck off

No, Fascism is always right wing.
Fascism was started in Ancient Rome, and it referred to the axe handles used as the badge of office by the lictors who were sort of like police. These axe handles are called fascia. Anyway, the oligarchs used the axe handle facia tied in bundles to represent strength in unity. And their unity was the military, aristocracy, and priesthood. Which is essentially the same as the right wing unity these days except the priesthood has been replaced by bankers and corporations.
Mussolini also was put into power by the right wing, wealthy elite.
Fascism has never referred to left wing, lower class, populists.

No, it's not. Right wing is NO government. ALL collectivist governments are LEFTIST.

Aristocracies are always right wing.
They are centralized.
The left wing has always been the decentralized populists.
The word "collectivist" has no meaning since it depend on who it being united collectively?
If it is the wealthy elite, then it is right wing.
If it is the poor majority of the workers, then it is left wing.

There can never be such as thing as "NO government", because if allowed to get their way, the wealthy elite always takes over and created a monarchy.
The only way to prevent a monarchy or any sort of dictatorship from taking over with a mercenary force, is a strong populist government that prevents it with collective force.

The Fabian socialists have been propagandizing this line of bullshit for over a 100 years.

The political spectrum isn't a circle, it's a straight line. Collectivism on one side, anarchy on the other.

That's it.
No, its not because something as complex as a political system cannot be boiled down to a left/right duopoly. There are right wing authoritarians and there are left wing authoritarians.

The grid is a much more accurate picture of politics pitting authoritarians/anarchists as opposites and left/right as opposites but still massively over simplified. The right certainly does not represent something closer to anarchy than the left.
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Correct. A total lack of government is the true definition of far-right ideology. A "sovereign citizen" is an example of a far-right person.
Interesting choice, since the idea of deciding who is a TRUE countryman is vital to actual fascism.

But I can see why you would mistake it for an appeal to purity, but it isn't. Political science is a science, and like all others, it has its own terms so that people can discuss the ideas from common reference. If we were discussing sports, but I kept using "basketball" to refer to any ball game, I would expect that someone would let me know the difference. Same thing.
At its core, fascism is the merging of State and corporations....We're living in a defacto fascist state.
Pellinore is caught up on the nationalistic trappings of fascism. . . which? He DOES have a point about.

You are highlighting the economic system used by dirgistic states, which, is of course much more critical to running these type of operations.

What I don't think he is seeing, is that ostensibly leftist, or wokeness, or globalist type nationalism can be morphed into that type of nationalistic fervor by propaganda.

I mean, Goebbels read his Edward Bernays, why can't he? The "woke," crowd is just as fervent, and just as tribal as any Nazi or Italian fascist. These critical theorists have a whole new grand utopian outlook for the world, and though they may be unaware of the global fascists behind it, and may believe it is "democratic socialism," pushing their grand technocracy. . . when their lives don't significantly improve, and the only internal enemies are diseases and shadowy enemies that the state can't quite nail down, or external enemies like terrorists, asteroids or aliens that no one has ever really seen?

We will all know, global fascism is here, no matter if they call it a technocracy, or social-democracy driven by the corporate state, it's all the same, fascism.

Either pledge your loyalty to the state, or next time your neighbor thinks you are disloyal b/c you won't wear a mask when the health ministry tells you to, it maybe YOU that disappears. :heehee:
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As for Trump, I am hesitant to apply labels to people they don't apply to themselves (I find it stifles conversation) but there is no denying the similarities between Trumpism and those fascist movements
Trump is the biggest capitalist to EVER be president. Trump is the antithesis of fascism.
He is the Classic example of fascism: cult leader, melomaniac, amoral, and so forth.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
It's been building since the Reagan Administration did away with the fairness doctrine which led to the rise of RW talk radio. For years, RW talk radio was like a group of underground fifth columnists which acted to subvert Democrats first and Republicans later on. The ginned up the anger in rural America to such an extent that even conservative leaders found themselves run out of office, even in a primary election.

For a few years, conservatives like Gingrich thought they could use talk radio, and they did just that. But they had unleashed a beast that they could no longer control by the time Obama was elected. I saw how badly conservatives reacted when Clinton was elected, but it paled in comparison to the reaction to the election of Obama,

Then a little over 10 years ago, three things happened in relatively quick succession. The Tea Party ascendancy in 2010, Trump's Birtherism charges in 2011, and Mitt Romney's defeat to Obama's reelection bid in 2012.

That's when the stage was set for what would come next even though nobody knew it at the time.
That's the ticket. Free speech, that is the problem.

And you can sit there with a straight face and claim it is the modern right that is authoritarian. It would be laughable if it was not so pathetic.
The left can be authoritarian and tribal: look at the legal system in Great Britain, for instance.

The 'woke' left is authoritarian in America but generally committed to Constitutional values, law, and order which the Trumpalists abhor.
As for Trump, I am hesitant to apply labels to people they don't apply to themselves (I find it stifles conversation) but there is no denying the similarities between Trumpism and those fascist movements
Trump is the biggest capitalist to EVER be president. Trump is the antithesis of fascism.
He is the Classic example of fascism: cult leader, melomaniac, amoral, and so forth.
You are the classic example of a fascist...Smug, self-righteous, arrogant, and willing to use any and all available force of The State to get things your way.

Cockbags like you are deserving of nothing more than the one-way helicopter ride.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
Three things:

1. Fascism is Left Wing,
2. You meant to pray to Beelzebub, and
3. Fuck off. Just fuck off

No, Fascism is always right wing.
Fascism was started in Ancient Rome, and it referred to the axe handles used as the badge of office by the lictors who were sort of like police. These axe handles are called fascia. Anyway, the oligarchs used the axe handle facia tied in bundles to represent strength in unity. And their unity was the military, aristocracy, and priesthood. Which is essentially the same as the right wing unity these days except the priesthood has been replaced by bankers and corporations.
Mussolini also was put into power by the right wing, wealthy elite.
Fascism has never referred to left wing, lower class, populists.

No, it's not. Right wing is NO government. ALL collectivist governments are LEFTIST.

Aristocracies are always right wing.
They are centralized.
The left wing has always been the decentralized populists.
The word "collectivist" has no meaning since it depend on who it being united collectively?
If it is the wealthy elite, then it is right wing.
If it is the poor majority of the workers, then it is left wing.

There can never be such as thing as "NO government", because if allowed to get their way, the wealthy elite always takes over and created a monarchy.
The only way to prevent a monarchy or any sort of dictatorship from taking over with a mercenary force, is a strong populist government that prevents it with collective force.

The Fabian socialists have been propagandizing this line of bullshit for over a 100 years.

The political spectrum isn't a circle, it's a straight line. Collectivism on one side, anarchy on the other.

That's it.
No, its not because something as complex as a political system cannot be boiled down to a left/right duopoly. There are right wing authoritarians and there are left wing authoritarians.

The grid is a much more accurate picture of politics pitting authoritarians/anarchists as opposites and left/right as opposites but still massively over simplified. The right certainly does not represent something closer to anarchy than the left.
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That you have a picture of this overly simplistic view is not relevant. It is still asinine.

It is also worth noting that your picture attributes Nazism with the right as well. Are you saying now that you agree with that placement because the poster I was quoting clearly did not.

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