Fascism or Socialism?

Fascism or Socialism?

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This sort of leaves out the part where socialism is forced on you by the government. And Facebook is not. The part where the government can have you arrested and killed if you defy them, and Facebook can't. But what's the point in debating such trivial differences?

You really are so stuck in your dogma, you don't have a clue what is barreling down on you?

To you, the whole concept of "public-private," partnerships, doesn't exist in your world, does it? Is the technocracy something you don't have a clue about? :dunno: It's not an either or. The establishment WILL control you, if you don't discard your outdated notions.

IN reality, the premise of your whole stupid thread is an anachronism. It shows your age. . . my god, you are probably over sixty, and still thinking about government and the economy in terms of the twentieth century. . . when, in all reality, the elites had discarded THOSE notions even back then. By the nineteen fifties, global elites were already remaking China, and preparing the chaos that would eventually remake America, so they could have their one world order. You are still using terms they invented in the 19th century man. :rolleyes: That shit is irrelevant to the folks that are really in charge.

Technocracy, by nature, is UNDEMOCRATIC.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course it is forced on you. Just because government is privatized, does not mean you can just, "opt out," of all of society. :rolleyes:

You are being so obtuse.

Fascism: Military dictatorship, centrally planned economy, brutal police state, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, social stratification via political affiliation, concentration/re-education camps for dissidents and other "undesirables".

Communism: Military dictatorship, centrally planned economy, brutal police state, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, social stratification via political affiliation, concentration/re-education camps for dissidents and other "undesirables".

Yes, let's sit and have a navel gazing debate about which one is worse! :laugh2:

The whole thread premise is a distraction, and the MSM wants folks to argue about it, because neither applies.

What we are moving into is a technocracy. If folks don't know what they are up against, if the left and right argue about it, and they stay divided, then the technocrats will encounter no resistance.

"Technocracy is a replacement economic system for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the 1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic Order” program."
The whole thread premise is a distraction, and the MSM wants folks to argue about it, because neither applies.

What we are moving into is a technocracy. If folks don't know what they are up against, if the left and right argue about it, and they stay divided, then the technocrats will encounter no resistance.

"Technocracy is a replacement economic system for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the 1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic Order” program."
Socialism, in other words.

Why would anyone want that?
Socialism, in other words.

Why would anyone want that?
I suppose it is Socialism.

Socialism. . . but with AI making the decisions. And the folks in charge thinking, because AI is making the decisions, this time it will work.

And the reason why they would want it? Why have folks always wanted "utopia?"



If you choose to continue your naughty behaviour you'll never get any answers. If you act like an adult, you'll be included in my discussions and replies the same as the others who behave appropriately.
Maybe you should take off that mask Toro.
This sort of leaves out the part where socialism is forced on you by the government. And Facebook is not. The part where the government can have you arrested and killed if you defy them, and Facebook can't. But what's the point in debating such trivial differences?
Are they? I certainly haven't seen any evidence to support that claim. All I've seen is dumbasses like you insisting it's true.
They are.

What kind of evidence do you need? It's mostly covered during 10th-ish grade Government and Politics classes, but for these purposes, we can start with the simplest of sources: dictionaries and encyclopedias.

Dictionary dot com:
"The far left is often used for what is considered more extreme, revolutionary views, such as communism and socialism." and
"The far right is often used for more extreme, nationalistic viewpoints, including fascism and some oppressive ideologies."

Encyclopedia Britannica:
"Socialism is the standard leftist ideology ..." left | Definition & Facts
"In the 20th century a divergent, radical form developed that was associated with fascism." right | ideology

Encyclopedia dot com:
"Fascism's animus against communism and the degenerative impact of liberalism on the organic national community nevertheless makes it sensible to locate fascism within the tradition of right-wing politics rather than simply "beyond" left and right (as it sometimes claims to be)." Fascism | Encyclopedia.com
They are.

What kind of evidence do you need? It's mostly covered during 10th-ish grade Government and Politics classes, but for these purposes, we can start with the simplest of sources: dictionaries and encyclopedias.

Dictionary dot com:
"The far left is often used for what is considered more extreme, revolutionary views, such as communism and socialism." and
"The far right is often used for more extreme, nationalistic viewpoints, including fascism and some oppressive ideologies."
I need a coherent definition of what fascism is. Not one the defines it as "right wing" when it doesn't define "rightwing."

Before you can call fascism "rightwing" you have to define "right wing." So tell us, what is the definition of "rightwing?"

Encyclopedia Britannica:
"Socialism is the standard leftist ideology ..." left | Definition & Facts
"In the 20th century a divergent, radical form developed that was associated with fascism." right | ideology

Encyclopedia dot com:
"Fascism's animus against communism and the degenerative impact of liberalism on the organic national community nevertheless makes it sensible to locate fascism within the tradition of right-wing politics rather than simply "beyond" left and right (as it sometimes claims to be)." Fascism | Encyclopedia.com

That's clearly wrong. Britannica is a leftwing source, so it's hardly surprising that it would label fascism as "rightwing," and then not bother to define it.
To you, the whole concept of "public-private," partnerships, doesn't exist in your world, does it?
Obviously it exists. But I think it's an abomination. It's no different than government "partnering" with religion. It took several centuries, but we finally figured out that it was a really bad idea. We're now in the midst of learning the same lesson about the danger of combining political and economic power.

IN reality, the premise of your whole stupid thread is an anachronism. It shows your age. . . my god, you are probably over sixty, and still thinking about government and the economy in terms of the twentieth century. . . when, in all reality, the elites had discarded THOSE notions even back then. By the nineteen fifties, global elites were already remaking China, and preparing the chaos that would eventually remake America, so they could have their one world order. You are still using terms they invented in the 19th century man. :rolleyes: That shit is irrelevant to the folks that are really in charge.

Yes, yes. It's all a conspiracy. The deep state illuminati lizard people are pulling all the strings. Do your own research.

Of course it is forced on you.
Utter horesshit. No one is forced to use Facebook. This is the typical socialist's argument for nationalizing businesses. Are you a socialist? You voted fascist. What gives?
I say you're an idiot who can't create a poll with options for every opinion . NEITHER
That would be in infinite list, eh?

I say you're a humorless, grumpy old man who can't appreciate hyperbole and dialectic.
Since Fascism means all Jews should die based on history I'll go with Socialism for self preservation.
I can always appreciate a vote for self-preservation. But, as others have noted, my poll was a complaint about the supposed "choices" offered up to us politically.
Yes, yes. It's all a conspiracy. The deep state illuminati lizard people are pulling all the strings. Do your own research.

Dude, if you can't discuss in good faith, and you need to resort to ridicule? You have lost the debate, obviously. The organizations that have had more affect over your life in the past two years than your state or the federal government, have been the WHO, and the WEF. These organizations have more non-profit funding, and international corporate input, than any state actor into them.

I can't help it if you are clueless, and need to use ad hom and derogatory attacks to stop the dissolution of your cognitive dissonance from tearing your world apart. These are just the facts now.

Utter horesshit. No one is forced to use Facebook. This is the typical socialist's argument for nationalizing businesses. Are you a socialist? You voted fascist. What gives?

Nope, no one is forced to use FB, but now? Folks are forced to get the jab if they want to travel, work, etc. This was the work of the Tri-Lateral commission and the sustainability "green agenda," as well as the NGO's who have a long range plan. It is the work of multi-billionaires.

They own all political parties, and it doesn't matter how you vote.

As far as how I voted in you dumb poll? I thought you were asking how the government currently operates. Make a clearer thread and a more concise poll about what you are asking next time maybe. . . .

Hell, this infrastructure bill? It is a corporate give away.

By definition, when Senators and Representatives give things away to corporations, make stock picks based on that shit, and they all get rich off of tax payers, while selling off the public goods? Mussolini called that corporatism. I wasn't opining on it, I was just telling you what it is.

New ‘Bipartisan’ Infrastructure Plan is a Privatization-Promoting Disaster​

Wall Street takeover of essential services will cost ratepayers
New ‘Bipartisan’ Infrastructure Plan is a Privatization-Promoting Disaster — Food & Water Watch

Shit, the ACA was a corporate give away to the insurance industry. Same same. Do you know anything at all?


Damn. Stop being triggered already.
so another example of US involvement resulting in folks here wanting a wall then?


The wall Is ridiculously expensive and doesn't work and is un American, so it is mainly the GOP base that wants one. Like everything else, we need to tax the rich and invest in solutions for all the stuff that has gotten worse the last 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich. And mainly GOP covert action against other countries' democratically elected governments.
No, they arent……socialism is the government controlling the means of production…..in communism…the actual practice in the real world communism……not the theoretical communism…….the government controls the economy directly….in the fascist, socialist model…the government controls the economy but pretends to allow some private ownership…..but all economic decisinss are made by the government and the “owners” of the businesses only serve at the directiin of the governmmet …….
Communism is a dictatorship, socialism is a democracy like every other modern country but us. If we had health care for all, we would be socialist too. English speakers are brainwashed capitalist tools lol. Decad es of propaganda conflating communism and socialism makes it impossible to have a serious discussion in America.
Fascism is one type of socialism…so your first post makes no sense….it should be fascism or communism……two different types of socialism…then you would have a choice to make.
You two should go back to tried and true political science instead of uninformed garbage propaganda. Fascist is corporate authoritarian or dictatorship, communism is left-wing dictatorship that owns all business and industry, and socialism is fair Democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Like every modern country but us thanks to you idiots.
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