Fascism or Socialism?

Fascism or Socialism?

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Solving simple poverty through the socialism of equality and equal protection of the laws can help our improve our capital ethics and influence our social morality for the Good instead of the Bad.
Well done for an opener at least! It's so important that I would suggest you reread what you said and fix the grammar or typos, please.
No, it can't because socialism worships and bows down to the state.
Why do you believe that?

Government is socialism not Capitalism. This is what we are supposed to be socially doing with our general Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I believe our Founding Fathers did an most excellent job at the convention with our federal Constitution and supreme Law of the land.
I would say the Democrats mirror both on many levels. No such thing as strictly one or another, the left are far too complex for simplicity. There's nothing simple about split personalities, irrational behavior & 24/7 propaganda.
Why do you believe that?

Government is socialism not Capitalism. This is what we are supposed to be socially doing with our general Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I believe our Founding Fathers did an most excellent job at the convention with our federal Constitution and supreme Law of the land.

So do I. The 230 years after the signing and pols using it as toilet paper is the concern.
All capitalist systems require a healthy dose of socialism. The American people are up in arms and contemplating Trump's takeover to fascist rule because their capitalism doesn't contain enough.

It should be crystal clear to all Americans by now.

It probably is but a very large number had been moved to accept that Trump's way is the only way forward now.

That's the way Hitler almost made it work and had he succeeded then he would have indeed created the thousand year Reich!
It is a rhetorical declamation. You are welcome to ask relevant questions instead of "simply trolling by blaming the author".
On what? Your declamation?
I've already taken the time to explain the situation on another thread that has a title that makes sense.
Do your part. You have the basics about right.
Why do you believe that?

Government is socialism not Capitalism. This is what we are supposed to be socially doing with our general Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I believe our Founding Fathers did an most excellent job at the convention with our federal Constitution and supreme Law of the land.

Its not what I believe. Its what actually happens. The state demands monetary funds in excess from the populace in return, offering them freedom, pampering, free stuff, safety yet providing nothing......all the while demanding that you bow down and place your vote for socialists to keep the freebies coming. Its not freedom. Its bondage akin to a drug addict having withdrawals before his next hit.
The state demands monetary funds in excess from the populace in return, offering them freedom, pampering, free stuff, safety yet providing nothing.
I agree to disagree. We have a much better understanding of economics now. It is a simple matter of optimizing revenue streams. In my opinion, general forms of taxation should always be preferred to direct forms of taxation.
What say you good people?

Why does it have to be a choice between such things?

I find it disgusting that the nation that sacrificed thousands of lives to defeat fascism in the 20th century is now seeing it as an option for our nation.

How about the option of a democratic republic with a constitution?

That is what the United States of America was founded on and the system I choose for our nation.
Neither can socialism.
English speakers don't know what socialism is everywhere else in the world. They are super capitalists from the UK who have conflated communism and socialism since world war 1. Socialists everywhere then were always for democracy and fair capitalism. They still are. Ask any one from France Germany Italy Spain Scandinavia etc. They had socialists and communist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy. Socialists won and the communists disappeared after the USSR did. Fascism is a dictatorship under capitalism. Communism is a dictatorship of the left. They both suck. Socialism is the answer. Go back to Eugene Debs and English socialists of world war I. They were against the war the stupidest war ever and were jailed. Then the Soviet Union a communist country co-opted the term socialism and English speaker corporate monopolists were overjoyed.... But ask any socialist and they will tell you the difference between socialism and communism. A well-kept secret in the UK the USA Canada Australia New Zealand etc. The problem is they all actually have socialism now fair capitalism while the United States is the only modern country without it because free stuff freedom and communism, the brainwash for the GOP rubes. That is, the only modern country without a living wage health care for all daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich. Hopefully with Joe Biden we're getting somewhere finally...
That is the reverse of what we are talking about here. Nationalization is when the public owns and operates capitol investment through government bureaucracy. IOW, real socialism. Think, like your local waterworks, or the post office. The service of the public then tends to be the goal of these organizations, NOT profit optimization.

. .. and to be honest? I am not really even sure of the details of the infrastructure plan, or how much privatization of the deal we are talking about.

Now, obviously, the roads are not being privatized.

But? It sounds like just about everything else is a corporate give away. The taxpayers and corporations are being asked, to do something, which, in the end, will essentially be, and benefit, share holders on Wall-street.

Investments in rail, will benefit Amtrak, and, I don't know if there are any other upstart high-speed private rail companies. Investment in high-speed internet? That will pad the bottom line of ISP's. Investments in childcare, will benefit those who provide the care --- though, if it is subsidized, those with children might see a benefit.

We could go on like that. . . looking at each industry, but I am sure it is the same, in industry after industry.

That is the same as SNAP payments. Conservatives often grouse about those, but don't understand that these payments are put into the farm bill, as they are a big corporation give away to BIG AG, as well as big box stores, which benefit from a ready supply of guaranteed consumers.

Now. . . if it were up to me? I would have desired that the "privatization," be done through community owned co-ops. The co-op philosophy makes people in the community stake holders in the corporations, thus, profit is only one of the goals of the corporations, BUT, since everyone is a stake holder, it places people over profits.

Think, farm co-ops, energy co-ops, credit unions, etc.

However, in organizations like these? They don't have well paid lobbyists up on capitol hill writing our legislation. So, we will have infrastructure that will control us, sap our wallets, and bankrupt us all for the almighty dollar, or whatever they finally decide to replace the dollar with to keep us all enslaved.

well i guess i had that all screwed up!

thank you for taking the time Mr B!


well i guess i had that all screwed up!

thank you for taking the time Mr B!


nationalization also works great with things like the BBC, energy health care. Necessities that should not be about profit. Economic colonialists like the English and Americans now don't like it when countries try and take back their own natural resources. See Iran 1953, chile 1973 Bolivia and tin, Latin America and United fruit etc etc lol. Venezuela taking their oil back. etc.

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