Fascism or Socialism?

Fascism or Socialism?

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So will the op define the purpose of the 2 party question, which I think is the punch line of this poll.

Both are basically the same in my view. They both take control of everything and tell you how to live cradle to grave.
Them move.

Bir Tawil is the last truly unclaimed land on earth: a tiny sliver of Africa ruled by no state, inhabited by no permanent residents and governed by no laws. To get there, you have two choices.

The first is to fly to the Sudanese capital Khartoum, charter a jeep, and follow the Shendi road hundreds of miles up to Abu Hamed, a settlement that dates back to the ancient kingdom of Kush. Today it serves as the region’s final permanent human outpost before the vast Nubian desert, twice the size of mainland Britain and almost completely barren, begins unfolding to the north.
Them move.

Bir Tawil is the last truly unclaimed land on earth: a tiny sliver of Africa ruled by no state, inhabited by no permanent residents and governed by no laws. To get there, you have two choices.

The first is to fly to the Sudanese capital Khartoum, charter a jeep, and follow the Shendi road hundreds of miles up to Abu Hamed, a settlement that dates back to the ancient kingdom of Kush. Today it serves as the region’s final permanent human outpost before the vast Nubian desert, twice the size of mainland Britain and almost completely barren, begins unfolding to the north.
Make me bitch. How about you assholes move.
You're the moron, whining about the government controlling your life.

They been shutting the country down and saying wear a mask or else for 2 years Fuck them.

They are now spending Trillions so they can Feast on laundered money causing even more inflation which affects everyone in this country.

Best thing that could happen is the Debt Ceiling Never Raised again. Instant Balanced Budget. And almost all Federal Employees fired with those functions returning to the State.

Sorry. My Religion isn't Gov't.
Government is socialism.

To establish Post Offices and post Roads; "along with Post canals and Ports."

Upgrading Post port hardware and integrating customs and postal services can help with supply side economics.
What a bullshit artist you are. You sound like Mayberry but your agendas are different. "Well golly Andy, Howard Sprague is ph ukn Opie up the ass"...Andy's response.. "Howard is a good civil government employed loyal citizen".. "He knows how to get us to move forward"!,,,Aunt Bee...AuntBee.."We all will be there for dinner"!
So will the op define the purpose of the 2 party question, which I think is the punch line of this poll.

Both are basically the same in my view. They both take control of everything and tell you how to live cradle to grave.

The OP was just me bemoaning the current state of affairs. In part due to flaws in our system, and in part due to the vagaries of history, the US appears to be mulling over these two options. I share your opinion that each is just another flavor of totalitarian government. But here we are. We have aspiring socialists battling with aspiring fascists and I can't give a single fuck which side wins.
The OP was just me bemoaning the current state of affairs. In part due to flaws in our system, and in part due to the vagaries of history, the US appears to be mulling over these two options. I share your opinion that each is just another flavor of totalitarian government. But here we are. We have aspiring socialists battling with aspiring fascists and I can't give a single fuck which side wins.
Exactly what I thought the op was at first. You claim Socialist are blue and Fascist are Red and that was the intention of the op.

A return to the original Constitution is needed.

This sort of leaves out the part where socialism is forced on you by the government. And Facebook is not. The part where the government can have you arrested and killed if you defy them, and Facebook can't. But what's the point in debating such trivial differences?
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Them move.

Bir Tawil is the last truly unclaimed land on earth: a tiny sliver of Africa ruled by no state, inhabited by no permanent residents and governed by no laws. To get there, you have two choices.

The first is to fly to the Sudanese capital Khartoum, charter a jeep, and follow the Shendi road hundreds of miles up to Abu Hamed, a settlement that dates back to the ancient kingdom of Kush. Today it serves as the region’s final permanent human outpost before the vast Nubian desert, twice the size of mainland Britain and almost completely barren, begins unfolding to the north.
No, they arent……socialism is the government controlling the means of production…..in communism…the actual practice in the real world communism……not the theoretical communism…….the government controls the economy directly….in the fascist, socialist model…the government controls the economy but pretends to allow some private ownership…..but all economic decisinss are made by the government and the “owners” of the businesses only serve at the directiin of the governmmet …….
Fascism: Military dictatorship, centrally planned economy, brutal police state, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, social stratification via political affiliation, concentration/re-education camps for dissidents and other "undesirables".

Military dictatorship, centrally planned economy, brutal police state, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, social stratification via political affiliation, concentration/re-education camps for dissidents and other "undesirables".

Yes, let's sit and have a navel gazing debate about which one is worse! :laugh2:
I just read this whole thread, and many of you are confusing socialism with Communism. Socialism is an economic system, not a government one; it just means that whatever industry is publicly owned and run by the government, as opposed to capitalism in which the industry is privately owned and run by its owners. Communism is an authoritarian system that uses socialism for its economic model. Fascism is also an authoritarian system of government, so those are the two to compare. Semantics, I know, but meaning is important.

Choosing between Communism and fascism is like choosing between hanging and the firing squad. They are both authoritarian states, so both antithetical to democracy. I'll take neither, thanks.
I just read this whole thread, and many of you are confusing socialism with Communism. Socialism is an economic system, not a government one; it just means that whatever industry is publicly owned and run by the government, as opposed to capitalism in which the industry is privately owned and run by its owners. Communism is an authoritarian system that uses socialism for its economic model. Fascism is also an authoritarian system of government, so those are the two to compare. Semantics, I know, but meaning is important.

Choosing between Communism and fascism is like choosing between hanging and the firing squad. They are both authoritarian states, so both antithetical to democracy. I'll take neither, thanks.
Socialism is merely communism with a smiley face.
The title of this thread is a display of gross ignorance.
Sadly, it doesn't propose any kind of meaningful discussion on the huge differences.

Perhaps this can be a challenge to the OP to turn it into something useful?
What are the huge differences?
What are the huge differences?
To begin with, they're polar opposites on the political spectrum. I can tell you much more but you're going to have to show that you honestly want to know and you're not just attempting more of your childish spamming.
show me some sincerity.
To begin with, they're polar opposites on the political spectrum.
Are they? I certainly haven't seen any evidence to support that claim. All I've seen is dumbasses like you insisting it's true.
I can tell you much more but you're going to have to show that you honestly want to know and you're not just attempting more of your childish spamming.
show me some sincerity.

ROFL! Look who's whining about sincerity. If you aren't going to prove your point, then why bother responding to my post?

What you really want is for me to concede your point before the argument has even started.

Go fuck yourself, NAZI.
Are they? I certainly haven't seen any evidence to support that claim. All I've seen is dumbasses like you insisting it's true.

ROFL! Look who's whining about sincerity. If you aren't going to prove your point, then why bother responding to my post?

What you really want is for me to concede your point before the argument has even started.

Go fuck yourself, NAZI.
If you choose to continue your naughty behaviour you'll never get any answers. If you act like an adult, you'll be included in my discussions and replies the same as the others who behave appropriately.
To begin with, they're polar opposites on the political spectrum. I can tell you much more but you're going to have to show that you honestly want to know and you're not just attempting more of your childish spamming.
show me some sincerity.

They are not polar opposites.........Socialism is the government controlling the means of production.....fascism is one type of socialism....

The opposite end of socialism in America is Conservatism or Libertarianism...both of which keep the government away from controlling the private sector.
They are not polar opposites.........Socialism is the government controlling the means of production.....fascism is one type of socialism....

The opposite end of socialism in America is Conservatism or Libertarianism.
They're at opposite sides of the political spectrum but not the extreme ends. Although libertarianism is so irrational that it can be moved to practically anywhere on the spectrum, including the extreme right.

We have a Conservative party that has attempted to move to the center and has lost popularity to the PPC which is extreme right with fascist ideals. The Liberal party won the last election because of division on the right.
The PPC attempted to take the right to American extremes and they were destroyed at the polls.

Ask me for more specific details but keep your fascination with guns out of it with me!

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