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Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle
I don't understand why you people do not understand the concept of inflation. The issue of raising the mimimum wage isn't about skill, it's about what 15 per hour buys.

If Canada can have an $11-12 Minimum Wage, there's no reason why the richest nation on earth couldn't match that, or do better. Period, end of story.

You know nothing about canada and the way they lead their lives.

Canada's doing just fine taking care of its workers. The U.S. can to. Paying American Workers a livable wage won't cause a calimitous collapse most Republicans predict will happen. They use that fear tactic in the hopes they'll be allowed to continue paying their workers shite wages.
I suspect that many who begrudge people getting $15 an hour do so because they themselves are only getting$15 an hour.

This is what most don't understand about unionization, it doesn't only help the union members but drives up the overall wage base. Everyone benefits. When the base is $15 an hour, those in non union jobs have more bargaining power to demand higher wages for themselves.
Why don't you people ever want to FIX ANYTHING? Fixing the minimum wage wont fix anything. IT is but a band aid that actually hurts the non skilled.
How about we battle inflation and the FED? How about we focus on getting manufacturing back? How about we focus n making people WANT to bring their money here?
With these interest rates, if we had someone competent in the WH, we would all be eating gold for dinner.

Simple fact is the Federal Government is a certain amount of the problem and the failure to lure new manufacturing jobs fall on the state and local governments.

Too many people pass the buck onto the Federal Government for the failure of the State and Local government to do more to create jobs within it state.
True. But our POTUS can set the bar for it. Such as fair trade and to work on taxes.
Go here and check out my plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Amnesty is a loaded word. No one is talking about a blanket amnesty but rather "earned citizenship". What we have now is un-American with a two class system. One for citizens and one of discrimination. People living in shadows, categorized by skin color or language.

Divide and conquer.
Some group did a poll and illegals overwhelmingly said they didn't want citizenship. They wanted a right to work..
Look at Reagans amnesty. Less than 30% signed up.. It is FAILURE

I believe the best solution to the immigration issue is work visas with absolute no path to citizenship unless they leave the country and get in the back of the line.

Work visas would last five years and would be subjected to Congress approval to renew the visa program.

Also the owner of the company that employ illegals that obtain work visa would be subjected to fines for hiring illegals, and also have to pay for the visas for those they employ that need a visa.

Finally, the visa will not grant any rights, and those that have a visa would not be able to obtain any form of government assistance.
Cut them off from everything. No Visas. Nothing.

It will not happen even if Trump were elected. ( Deporting them all )

So try to find a middle ground. Also if you put them on visas, and have a five year window with congress approval for renew would mean those illegals are in a data base, and five years later you can order deportation and get a good majority of them.

Sometimes you have to play to get your way.
I didn't say a WORD about deportation. Cut everything off and they will leave willingly. Why would they stay if they sleep in the street, cant geta job and their kids cant go to school?


How do you stop a employer or land owner from employing illegals or renting to them?

You can pass the laws, but enacting and enforcing them is subject to the leader of each state and local government, so the law would be worthless.

Again find a middle ground to fight and catch those you want gone.
If you need the help or just don't wanna do the work yourself, you'll have to hire workers and pay them a livable wage. That's just the way it's going to be. Sorry bout that.

You have to pay them the wage they agree to work for. That's the way it's going to be. Sorry bout that.
Good on em. Hopefully they'll get it, or something close. McDonalds has made $Billions off the blood, sweat, and tears of their slave workers. .
"Slave workers".

Well, there's a nice, clear insult to the millions of REAL slaves around the world who have REALLY suffered.

Aw, don't shed any tears for those Millionaire McDonalds Execs. They'll be fine paying their slaves a few more bucks. They'll survive. I promise.

You have no idea how franchises operate, do you. (That's not a question.)

Don't wanna pay your workers a livable wage, don't open one. Problem solved.
Some group did a poll and illegals overwhelmingly said they didn't want citizenship. They wanted a right to work..
Look at Reagans amnesty. Less than 30% signed up.. It is FAILURE

I believe the best solution to the immigration issue is work visas with absolute no path to citizenship unless they leave the country and get in the back of the line.

Work visas would last five years and would be subjected to Congress approval to renew the visa program.

Also the owner of the company that employ illegals that obtain work visa would be subjected to fines for hiring illegals, and also have to pay for the visas for those they employ that need a visa.

Finally, the visa will not grant any rights, and those that have a visa would not be able to obtain any form of government assistance.
Cut them off from everything. No Visas. Nothing.

It will not happen even if Trump were elected. ( Deporting them all )

So try to find a middle ground. Also if you put them on visas, and have a five year window with congress approval for renew would mean those illegals are in a data base, and five years later you can order deportation and get a good majority of them.

Sometimes you have to play to get your way.
I didn't say a WORD about deportation. Cut everything off and they will leave willingly. Why would they stay if they sleep in the street, cant geta job and their kids cant go to school?


How do you stop a employer or land owner from employing illegals or renting to them?

You can pass the laws, but enacting and enforcing them is subject to the leader of each state and local government, so the law would be worthless.

Again find a middle ground to fight and catch those you want gone.
The federal govt has full authority over immigration.
Go to my link
I suspect that many who begrudge people getting $15 an hour do so because they themselves are only getting$15 an hour.

This is what most don't understand about unionization, it doesn't only help the union members but drives up the overall wage base. Everyone benefits. When the base is $15 an hour, those in non union jobs have more bargaining power to demand higher wages for themselves.
Why don't you people ever want to FIX ANYTHING? Fixing the minimum wage wont fix anything. IT is but a band aid that actually hurts the non skilled.
How about we battle inflation and the FED? How about we focus on getting manufacturing back? How about we focus n making people WANT to bring their money here?
With these interest rates, if we had someone competent in the WH, we would all be eating gold for dinner.

Simple fact is the Federal Government is a certain amount of the problem and the failure to lure new manufacturing jobs fall on the state and local governments.

Too many people pass the buck onto the Federal Government for the failure of the State and Local government to do more to create jobs within it state.
True. But our POTUS can set the bar for it. Such as fair trade and to work on taxes.
Go here and check out my plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The President has limited amount to do with setting a standard, and again like I wrote it falls more on the State and Local governments to generate jobs, and not the Federal government.
I believe the best solution to the immigration issue is work visas with absolute no path to citizenship unless they leave the country and get in the back of the line.

Work visas would last five years and would be subjected to Congress approval to renew the visa program.

Also the owner of the company that employ illegals that obtain work visa would be subjected to fines for hiring illegals, and also have to pay for the visas for those they employ that need a visa.

Finally, the visa will not grant any rights, and those that have a visa would not be able to obtain any form of government assistance.
Cut them off from everything. No Visas. Nothing.

It will not happen even if Trump were elected. ( Deporting them all )

So try to find a middle ground. Also if you put them on visas, and have a five year window with congress approval for renew would mean those illegals are in a data base, and five years later you can order deportation and get a good majority of them.

Sometimes you have to play to get your way.
I didn't say a WORD about deportation. Cut everything off and they will leave willingly. Why would they stay if they sleep in the street, cant geta job and their kids cant go to school?


How do you stop a employer or land owner from employing illegals or renting to them?

You can pass the laws, but enacting and enforcing them is subject to the leader of each state and local government, so the law would be worthless.

Again find a middle ground to fight and catch those you want gone.
The federal govt has full authority over immigration.
Go to my link

They do, but State and Local governments ( look at Texas and California ) also ignore the laws, and refuse to enforce them.

So again you can pass every law you want, but if certain sectors refuse to enforce the law then it become worthless.

A work visa system would have many purposes and can get you want you want in a five year period.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle
I don't understand why you people do not understand the concept of inflation. The issue of raising the mimimum wage isn't about skill, it's about what 15 per hour buys.

If Canada can have an $11-12 Minimum Wage, there's no reason why the richest nation on earth couldn't match that, or do better. Period, end of story.

But why should we? Still awaiting the logical premise.

I'll let you think about that a bit more. I'm sure you'll eventually come up with some good reasons.
Don't wanna pay your workers a livable wage, don't open one. Problem solved.
Yes, that's what will happen in the future.

However, the thousands of current franchisees who have been following wage law will have to deal with this on their own. And what they will do is reduce hours, lay people off and go to automation where possible.

It may be that the wage increase will be slow enough that the franchisees will be able to stay in front of it, we'll see. The CEO slave owners to whom you have been referring will be affected relatively little, if at all.

That's how real world business works, protest marches notwithstanding.
These people are being led by the nose showing they are not Reliable or smart enough to stand on their own two feet. and they want someone to pay them $15 bucks an hour for a job a monkey can be trained to do.

what a bunch of messed up people who we should no the UNIONS and the DNC are behind all this

A good time for Unions to make a big comeback in this country. There is a correlation between the demise of Unions and wages being lowered or staying stagnant. Unions are not the 'Evil Boogeyman' greedy white Republican dude makes them out to be.

Unions did an incredible amount of good for American Workers. They kept greedy white Republican dude in check for the most part. Since they've fallen, greedy folks have been allowed to run amok in this country. It's time for the pendulum to swing back in the workers' direction.
You're a good little communist. I bet your mamma's so proud of you.

If caring about fellow Americans makes ya a Communist, then i'm all in comrade.
What a load of horse shit.
There are only 1.3 million min wage workers in the U.S.

It says low wage, not min wage. There are lots of low wage jobs obviously, 64 million.

So we have 64 million stupid people in this country that are to damn lazy to improve their skills to get better wages....
Fuck em,they can live under a bridge for all I care.

So then lots of government dependence, inequality, and a slow economy. Doesn't sound so good to me.

To tell you the truth I dont really give a shit about the American underclass.

Well that's the attitude that has slowed down our economy. You like having a slow economy?

My economy is just fine thanks.
A good time for Unions to make a big comeback in this country. There is a correlation between the demise of Unions and wages being lowered or staying stagnant. Unions are not the 'Evil Boogeyman' greedy white Republican dude makes them out to be.

Unions did an incredible amount of good for American Workers. They kept greedy white Republican dude in check for the most part. Since they've fallen, greedy folks have been allowed to run amok in this country. It's time for the pendulum to swing back in the workers' direction.

I agree completely. People need good wages.

People need to learn a skill to get good wages....running the fryolator at mickyD's doesn't count as a skill.

Well then do the work yourself. Otherwise, quit ya bitchin and pay a fellow American a decent wage. You can't have your slaves. Sorry bout that.

You're trolling....
And who's bitching? Surely not me...i'm not the one trying to make a living working the drive through at Wendy's.
And besides,it's not my fellow Americans working those jobs anymore,it's beaners and liberals instead of high school kids and retired people supplementing their SS as intended.

Hey, you can always do the work yourself. But if you do need help, you'll have to pay a decent wage. It is what it is.

No I dont...we have wetbacks.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle
I don't understand why you people do not understand the concept of inflation. The issue of raising the mimimum wage isn't about skill, it's about what 15 per hour buys.

If Canada can have an $11-12 Minimum Wage, there's no reason why the richest nation on earth couldn't match that, or do better. Period, end of story.

You know nothing about canada and the way they lead their lives.

Canada's doing just fine taking care of its workers. The U.S. can to. Paying American Workers a livable wage won't cause a calimitous collapse most Republicans predict will happen. They use that fear tactic in the hopes they'll be allowed to continue paying their workers shite wages.
Livable wage varies from state to state city to city. A livable wage in Los Angeles is 40 bucks an hour.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle
I don't understand why you people do not understand the concept of inflation. The issue of raising the mimimum wage isn't about skill, it's about what 15 per hour buys.

If Canada can have an $11-12 Minimum Wage, there's no reason why the richest nation on earth couldn't match that, or do better. Period, end of story.

You know nothing about canada and the way they lead their lives.

The took our spot as having the richest middle class.

Canada got it right. It balanced its budget, lowered its Corporate Tax Rate, and raised its Minimum Wage. There has been no calimitous collapse. In fact, the exact opposite has happened. It has very little Debt and consistently low Unemployment. There's no reason why the U.S. can't follow its lead.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle
I don't understand why you people do not understand the concept of inflation. The issue of raising the mimimum wage isn't about skill, it's about what 15 per hour buys.

If Canada can have an $11-12 Minimum Wage, there's no reason why the richest nation on earth couldn't match that, or do better. Period, end of story.

You know nothing about canada and the way they lead their lives.

Canada's doing just fine taking care of its workers. The U.S. can to. Paying American Workers a livable wage won't cause a calimitous collapse most Republicans predict will happen. They use that fear tactic in the hopes they'll be allowed to continue paying their workers shite wages.

Again...you dont know shit about canada.
I suspect that many who begrudge people getting $15 an hour do so because they themselves are only getting$15 an hour.

This is what most don't understand about unionization, it doesn't only help the union members but drives up the overall wage base. Everyone benefits. When the base is $15 an hour, those in non union jobs have more bargaining power to demand higher wages for themselves.
Why don't you people ever want to FIX ANYTHING? Fixing the minimum wage wont fix anything. IT is but a band aid that actually hurts the non skilled.
How about we battle inflation and the FED? How about we focus on getting manufacturing back? How about we focus n making people WANT to bring their money here?
With these interest rates, if we had someone competent in the WH, we would all be eating gold for dinner.

Simple fact is the Federal Government is a certain amount of the problem and the failure to lure new manufacturing jobs fall on the state and local governments.

Too many people pass the buck onto the Federal Government for the failure of the State and Local government to do more to create jobs within it state.
True. But our POTUS can set the bar for it. Such as fair trade and to work on taxes.
Go here and check out my plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I looked at it. I agree with all but #3. People came here to better themselves, not steal from us.
The funny thing is if all undocumented workers were sent home tomorrow business owners would be irate. Where's my cheap labor!?!?
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle
I don't understand why you people do not understand the concept of inflation. The issue of raising the mimimum wage isn't about skill, it's about what 15 per hour buys.

If Canada can have an $11-12 Minimum Wage, there's no reason why the richest nation on earth couldn't match that, or do better. Period, end of story.

You know nothing about canada and the way they lead their lives.

The took our spot as having the richest middle class.

Canada got it right. It balanced its budget, lowered its Corporate Tax Rate, and raised its Minimum Wage. There has been no calimitous collapse. In fact, the exact opposite has happened. It has very little Debt and consistently low Unemployment. There's no reason why the U.S. can't follow its lead.
There are only 30 or so million people in Canada. That's like California. And they don't have the illegal alien problem we do. It's a whole different scene.

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