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Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

lol, they can go Start a Business and come let us know if they then make a living wage. that's if they don't go bankrupted first.

see how simple that is. I wouldn't hire one them if I found out they took part in this silliness

Do you know any illegal immigrants? Many I know do start their own businesses.
You're talking about immigrants? They are the problem? The only reason there has been an influx of illegal immigration is because they could get jobs here. The real problem is illegal employment, end that and you'll end illegal immigration.
Hating on immigrants is just what the economic elites want, get the masses fighting amongst themselves.
Look up, not down.
I made a thread on what I would do. I covered that area you mentioned
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I tend to agree with a lot of what you think but I don't want to punish people who have made a life for themselves and their families here. I live in SoCal. I have friends and neighbors who are or are related to undocumented people. These are people who came because they were welcomed by the businesses that hired them. To rip them from their homes and families is hideous. In many cases their children are citizens and most want desperately to be Americans.

It's the economic elites who through their greed have created this problem and they love that we, the masses fight amongst ourselves about it. Divide and conquer is an ancient strategy.
I agree. But I do NOT support amnesty in any form. It is a failure. It is time to stop failure/insanity.

Amnesty is a loaded word. No one is talking about a blanket amnesty but rather "earned citizenship". What we have now is un-American with a two class system. One for citizens and one of discrimination. People living in shadows, categorized by skin color or language.

Divide and conquer.
Some group did a poll and illegals overwhelmingly said they didn't want citizenship. They wanted a right to work..
Look at Reagans amnesty. Less than 30% signed up.. It is FAILURE

Do you know any people who are undocumented? Have you asked them? I have.
And yet they are one of the biggest sellers of burgers in the world.
Q. Who is forcing people to go to McD's to eat?

No one has yet put a gun in my face and ordered me to eat the garbage McD calls a burger.

About 4 years ago I needed a fuel stop and pulled into the only open place at 1 AM off of 101, a McD's. I ordered a 1/4 pounder with cheese and fries - easy to eat on the run. It sucked. Small, overpriced and reminded me of ground meat mixed with cereal on wonder bread; disgusting fries, too much salt.

Last time I'll ever eat at a McD's.
Good for you. I never eat there. So what? Lots of people do. And they are a big employer and have created a lot of prosperity for people.

"These franchise owners earn incomes averaging just below $50,000."

See: The Average Income for Fast Food Franchise Owners

I suppose to you 50k is big bucks.
That's a fortune compared to whatever you made sucking dick in the jailhouse.
But it compares favorably to $8/hr without having to go to college or trade school.

Who or what made you into the piece of human excrement you are?

Being a piece of shit is probably a life script you've acted upon since the major event(s) which retarded you from having normal human development.

You hate so many you've never met, hold opinions which are sure signs you have no empathy for others, and judge people whose whose only life story known to you is they have a minimum wage job.

All of which are necessary and sometimes sufficient conditions which lead to becoming a Callous Conservatives, a model of a social category+ in our times.

+"A social group within social sciences has been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity."

The subset of echo chamber members whose character flaws mirror your own.
I dont know what accounts for your continued aggressive ignorance and stupidity. Is it the water where you live? Is it the thousands of loads you took from prisoners?
You consistently have no idea what you're talking about and when called on it double down on your stupidity and ignorance. And then when shown that you retreat to "you're stupid."
Why do you even come here? Is it some latent masochism? Some anger at "da Man" that kept you in a low paying prison job for your career? Why?
there has been a steady decline of the middle class which began with the decline of the labor movement. People bemoan the loss of "good manufacturing jobs " as if there is something magical about manufacturing jobs. It was unions that turned those jobs into good jobs. There were manufacturing jobs before unions but back then they were known as sweat shop jobs and people worked 10 hours a day six days a week, that was a 'standard work week'. I have an old calendar dated 1914 and it is telling that it only has 1 red day a week, that being Sunday. There was no such thing as a weekend before unions fought for the 40hr work week. Companies cried about how they couldn't afford to pay full wages for only 40 hours a week instead of the "normal" 60! They would go out of business and everyone would loose their jobs!

Well, of course that didn't happen, and the greatest middle class there has ever been was created. Now we are seeing the same thing with the push for $15 an hour. The claims that $15 an hour will ruin business are lies and anyone fooled by these claims only work to destroy what is left of the middle class. The manufacturing jobs that went overseas aren't good jobs anymore, they're sweat shop jobs again!

The point is, it doesn't matter if the job is manufacturing cars or hamburgers, it should still pay a living wage. Any business that makes profits while its workers live in poverty deserves to fail. Even if the cost of labor were to increase $6 from $9 to $15, it would not make prices skyrocket. Labor is only one component of the total cost, there is also raw materials, land and permanent assets (building and such), transportation, advertising, executive salaries, and of course profits. If the price of a burger goes from $5.00 to $5.25 no one will stop buying burgers but all those people who got a raise will become much more self sufficient. They won't need government handouts. They will have cash to spend in the economy which will then grow faster. Businesses will benefit, not be hurt.

When everyone does better, everyone does better!

Exactly....the reason the well to do bosses in this country don't want to pay good wages is that they're afraid they will ultimately lose their gravy train.

In the late 40's, early 50's a corporate executive earned 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 70's that multiplier had risen to 100 times as much. In 2012 the average CEO made 500 times as much as an average worker. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened. The hand picked boards of directors will let their CEO get away with anything he wants to.....that's why you see CEO's of failing companies leave with a "magic Umbrella" which hands them multi-millions as they exit. The big boys are responsible for the end of the middle class. They just couldn't stand to see their son stand and pick his nose while some hard working average guy became his boss.

Exactly right. Meanwhile let's pick on those at the bottom of the ladder, it's all those dirty immigrants!

Look up not down!

Meanwhile let's pick on those at the bottom of the ladder, it's all those dirty immigrants!

I don't have a problem with 'immigrants', I have a problem with illegal aliens.
I worked in a union job for 30 years and yes the benefits were good and the pay was above what most made non-union. But, those making less did not do the work i was trained to do. Back then a degree wasn't needed to do my work. Today that has changed. People ask me, what do they have to do to gethired. I tell them they need a two year degree, that is all they are now looking at. That is the end of the discussion.

So what jobs are left for the under educated and unskilled? Used to be mill jobs but not since Clinton and NAFTA those jobs blew away just like predicted. So what else? There is nothing. Working in WalMart.

What is truly a sad testemony is that people want to go on strike to flip burgers or sweep the floor at walmart for more money. When in fact they should be getting some sort of education. I would suggest a craft those people are in demand. Not someone who just wants a job to get by.
there has been a steady decline of the middle class which began with the decline of the labor movement. People bemoan the loss of "good manufacturing jobs " as if there is something magical about manufacturing jobs. It was unions that turned those jobs into good jobs. There were manufacturing jobs before unions but back then they were known as sweat shop jobs and people worked 10 hours a day six days a week, that was a 'standard work week'. I have an old calendar dated 1914 and it is telling that it only has 1 red day a week, that being Sunday. There was no such thing as a weekend before unions fought for the 40hr work week. Companies cried about how they couldn't afford to pay full wages for only 40 hours a week instead of the "normal" 60! They would go out of business and everyone would loose their jobs!

Well, of course that didn't happen, and the greatest middle class there has ever been was created. Now we are seeing the same thing with the push for $15 an hour. The claims that $15 an hour will ruin business are lies and anyone fooled by these claims only work to destroy what is left of the middle class. The manufacturing jobs that went overseas aren't good jobs anymore, they're sweat shop jobs again!

The point is, it doesn't matter if the job is manufacturing cars or hamburgers, it should still pay a living wage. Any business that makes profits while its workers live in poverty deserves to fail. Even if the cost of labor were to increase $6 from $9 to $15, it would not make prices skyrocket. Labor is only one component of the total cost, there is also raw materials, land and permanent assets (building and such), transportation, advertising, executive salaries, and of course profits. If the price of a burger goes from $5.00 to $5.25 no one will stop buying burgers but all those people who got a raise will become much more self sufficient. They won't need government handouts. They will have cash to spend in the economy which will then grow faster. Businesses will benefit, not be hurt.

When everyone does better, everyone does better!

Exactly....the reason the well to do bosses in this country don't want to pay good wages is that they're afraid they will ultimately lose their gravy train.

In the late 40's, early 50's a corporate executive earned 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 70's that multiplier had risen to 100 times as much. In 2012 the average CEO made 500 times as much as an average worker. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened. The hand picked boards of directors will let their CEO get away with anything he wants to.....that's why you see CEO's of failing companies leave with a "magic Umbrella" which hands them multi-millions as they exit. The big boys are responsible for the end of the middle class. They just couldn't stand to see their son stand and pick his nose while some hard working average guy became his boss.

Exactly right. Meanwhile let's pick on those at the bottom of the ladder, it's all those dirty immigrants!

Look up not down!

Meanwhile let's pick on those at the bottom of the ladder, it's all those dirty immigrants!

I don't have a problem with 'immigrants', I have a problem with illegal aliens.

you see how the left is so out of everything when they only have their one liners: of how Republican, Independents, Conservatives, etc. Hates immigrants. THEY WON'T put in the ILLEGAL and how they are Breaking our laws and taking our JOBS. because they can't ever be honest for they wouldn't ever win
What they should do is organize and form unions the way we did back in the late 40's...early 50's. That's the main reason I was able to educate my three children, two with masters degrees. That's the main reason I'm retired with 220 ft. lake frontage. That's the main reason we have two new cars and money in the bank. Anybody who works 50-60 hours a week doing ANYTHING should be able to enjoy their time off and see their family live a good life....PERIOD!!

Some day maybe the U S will catch up.

On Economic Freedom and Health Care:


Fast Food workers are paid accordingly to their job. If they want a living wage then instead of increasing the min. wage I would rather see JTPA's instead.

It is better to educate the lower income so they can apply and obtain higher paying jobs. Fast Food Jobs should be a stepping stone for teenagers and a final job if someone that is retire wanting extra dollars, and not a career path.
I worked in a union job for 30 years and yes the benefits were good and the pay was above what most made non-union. But, those making less did not do the work i was trained to do. Back then a degree wasn't needed to do my work. Today that has changed. People ask me, what do they have to do to gethired. I tell them they need a two year degree, that is all they are now looking at. That is the end of the discussion.

So what jobs are left for the under educated and unskilled? Used to be mill jobs but not since Clinton and NAFTA those jobs blew away just like predicted. So what else? There is nothing. Working in WalMart.

What is truly a sad testemony is that people want to go on strike to flip burgers or sweep the floor at walmart for more money. When in fact they should be getting some sort of education. I would suggest a craft those people are in demand. Not someone who just wants a job to get by.

Many manufacturing jobs took no great skill, but it was still demanding, standing on the line putting the same but on the same bolt 5 days a week, fifty weeks a year for a lifetime.

Denagrading those with less ability than you only helps to divide the people.

Divide and conquer, an ancient strategy.
You're talking about immigrants? They are the problem? The only reason there has been an influx of illegal immigration is because they could get jobs here. The real problem is illegal employment, end that and you'll end illegal immigration.
Hating on immigrants is just what the economic elites want, get the masses fighting amongst themselves.
Look up, not down.
I made a thread on what I would do. I covered that area you mentioned
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I tend to agree with a lot of what you think but I don't want to punish people who have made a life for themselves and their families here. I live in SoCal. I have friends and neighbors who are or are related to undocumented people. These are people who came because they were welcomed by the businesses that hired them. To rip them from their homes and families is hideous. In many cases their children are citizens and most want desperately to be Americans.

It's the economic elites who through their greed have created this problem and they love that we, the masses fight amongst ourselves about it. Divide and conquer is an ancient strategy.
I agree. But I do NOT support amnesty in any form. It is a failure. It is time to stop failure/insanity.

Amnesty is a loaded word. No one is talking about a blanket amnesty but rather "earned citizenship". What we have now is un-American with a two class system. One for citizens and one of discrimination. People living in shadows, categorized by skin color or language.

Divide and conquer.
Some group did a poll and illegals overwhelmingly said they didn't want citizenship. They wanted a right to work..
Look at Reagans amnesty. Less than 30% signed up.. It is FAILURE

I believe the best solution to the immigration issue is work visas with absolute no path to citizenship unless they leave the country and get in the back of the line.

Work visas would last five years and would be subjected to Congress approval to renew the visa program.

Also the owner of the company that employ illegals that obtain work visa would be subjected to fines for hiring illegals, and also have to pay for the visas for those they employ that need a visa.

Finally, the visa will not grant any rights, and those that have a visa would not be able to obtain any form of government assistance.

I tend to agree with a lot of what you think but I don't want to punish people who have made a life for themselves and their families here. I live in SoCal. I have friends and neighbors who are or are related to undocumented people. These are people who came because they were welcomed by the businesses that hired them. To rip them from their homes and families is hideous. In many cases their children are citizens and most want desperately to be Americans.

It's the economic elites who through their greed have created this problem and they love that we, the masses fight amongst ourselves about it. Divide and conquer is an ancient strategy.
I agree. But I do NOT support amnesty in any form. It is a failure. It is time to stop failure/insanity.

Amnesty is a loaded word. No one is talking about a blanket amnesty but rather "earned citizenship". What we have now is un-American with a two class system. One for citizens and one of discrimination. People living in shadows, categorized by skin color or language.

Divide and conquer.
Some group did a poll and illegals overwhelmingly said they didn't want citizenship. They wanted a right to work..
Look at Reagans amnesty. Less than 30% signed up.. It is FAILURE

I believe the best solution to the immigration issue is work visas with absolute no path to citizenship unless they leave the country and get in the back of the line.

Work visas would last five years and would be subjected to Congress approval to renew the visa program.

Also the owner of the company that employ illegals that obtain work visa would be subjected to fines for hiring illegals, and also have to pay for the visas for those they employ that need a visa.

Finally, the visa will not grant any rights, and those that have a visa would not be able to obtain any form of government assistance.
Cut them off from everything. No Visas. Nothing.
These people are being led by the nose showing they are not Reliable or smart enough to stand on their own two feet. and they want someone to pay them $15 bucks an hour for a job a monkey can be trained to do.

what a bunch of messed up people who we should no the UNIONS and the DNC are behind all this

A good time for Unions to make a big comeback in this country. There is a correlation between the demise of Unions and wages being lowered or staying stagnant. Unions are not the 'Evil Boogeyman' greedy white Republican dude makes them out to be.

Unions did an incredible amount of good for American Workers. They kept greedy white Republican dude in check for the most part. Since they've fallen, greedy folks have been allowed to run amok in this country. It's time for the pendulum to swing back in the workers' direction.

I agree completely. People need good wages.

People need to learn a skill to get good wages....running the fryolator at mickyD's doesn't count as a skill.

Well then do the work yourself. Otherwise, quit ya bitchin and pay a fellow American a decent wage. You can't have your slaves. Sorry bout that.

You're trolling....
And who's bitching? Surely not me...i'm not the one trying to make a living working the drive through at Wendy's.
And besides,it's not my fellow Americans working those jobs anymore,it's beaners and liberals instead of high school kids and retired people supplementing their SS as intended.

Hey, you can always do the work yourself. But if you do need help, you'll have to pay a decent wage. It is what it is.
I suspect that many who begrudge people getting $15 an hour do so because they themselves are only getting$15 an hour.

This is what most don't understand about unionization, it doesn't only help the union members but drives up the overall wage base. Everyone benefits. When the base is $15 an hour, those in non union jobs have more bargaining power to demand higher wages for themselves.
REAL workers do earn a living wage, entry level jobs, e.g., burger flippers, car wash attendants, etc., need only make $3.50 an hour..., if that much, low entry pay level jobs should be an incentive to improve oneself, yet the libertards want those jobs be a life time career position. :up:

I started out working in a service station...60 hours a week for $0.50 an hour. The first real job I had was as as operator in one of the most intricate, complicated processes in the world, the K-25 gaseous diffusion plant where raw uranium was fed into the lower part and HEU of about 97% pure product was withdrawn at the top. I only finished high school but the last 25 years of my career I was operations supervisor in one of the largest mainframe computing centers in the SE U S. Part of all that is bold faced luck. You think workers shouldn't have a living wage because about 10% of them are worthless. I lean toward ignoring the 10% and making sure the 90% have a top paying job with benefits.....they deserve it. Until the ideas behind this shit which started during the Reagan years is cut out ordinary workers will not get what's due them. Why in hell should some educated prick make over 500 times what an ordinary worker makes? They Shouldn't!!
Times change. McDonalds should do some good for a change. It owes its several $Billions to those slave workers it's abused for so many years.

Then don't work there.

Yeah, and don't eat or breathe either. Problem solved.

That reply makes zero sense, but you already knew that. Want to try again?

People have to work to survive, but you already knew that. And if you don't wanna pay a fellow American Worker a decent wage, don't open a business, or simply do the work yourself. No one's forcing you to open a business or stopping you from doing the work yourself.

Nobody is forcing you to work for an employer who would pay you less than what you feel you are worth. Please change your name because you are insulting Ron Paul

If you need the help or just don't wanna do the work yourself, you'll have to hire workers and pay them a livable wage. That's just the way it's going to be. Sorry bout that.
I suspect that many who begrudge people getting $15 an hour do so because they themselves are only getting$15 an hour.

This is what most don't understand about unionization, it doesn't only help the union members but drives up the overall wage base. Everyone benefits. When the base is $15 an hour, those in non union jobs have more bargaining power to demand higher wages for themselves.
Why don't you people ever want to FIX ANYTHING? Fixing the minimum wage wont fix anything. IT is but a band aid that actually hurts the non skilled.
How about we battle inflation and the FED? How about we focus on getting manufacturing back? How about we focus n making people WANT to bring their money here?
With these interest rates, if we had someone competent in the WH, we would all be eating gold for dinner.
I tend to agree with a lot of what you think but I don't want to punish people who have made a life for themselves and their families here. I live in SoCal. I have friends and neighbors who are or are related to undocumented people. These are people who came because they were welcomed by the businesses that hired them. To rip them from their homes and families is hideous. In many cases their children are citizens and most want desperately to be Americans.

It's the economic elites who through their greed have created this problem and they love that we, the masses fight amongst ourselves about it. Divide and conquer is an ancient strategy.
I agree. But I do NOT support amnesty in any form. It is a failure. It is time to stop failure/insanity.

Amnesty is a loaded word. No one is talking about a blanket amnesty but rather "earned citizenship". What we have now is un-American with a two class system. One for citizens and one of discrimination. People living in shadows, categorized by skin color or language.

Divide and conquer.
Some group did a poll and illegals overwhelmingly said they didn't want citizenship. They wanted a right to work..
Look at Reagans amnesty. Less than 30% signed up.. It is FAILURE

I believe the best solution to the immigration issue is work visas with absolute no path to citizenship unless they leave the country and get in the back of the line.

Work visas would last five years and would be subjected to Congress approval to renew the visa program.

Also the owner of the company that employ illegals that obtain work visa would be subjected to fines for hiring illegals, and also have to pay for the visas for those they employ that need a visa.

Finally, the visa will not grant any rights, and those that have a visa would not be able to obtain any form of government assistance.
Cut them off from everything. No Visas. Nothing.

It will not happen even if Trump were elected. ( Deporting them all )

So try to find a middle ground. Also if you put them on visas, and have a five year window with congress approval for renew would mean those illegals are in a data base, and five years later you can order deportation and get a good majority of them.

Sometimes you have to play to get your way.
REAL workers do earn a living wage, entry level jobs, e.g., burger flippers, car wash attendants, etc., need only make $3.50 an hour..., if that much, low entry pay level jobs should be an incentive to improve oneself, yet the libertards want those jobs be a life time career position. :up:

I started out working in a service station...60 hours a week for $0.50 an hour. The first real job I had was as as operator in one of the most intricate, complicated processes in the world, the K-25 gaseous diffusion plant where raw uranium was fed into the lower part and HEU of about 97% pure product was withdrawn at the top. I only finished high school but the last 25 years of my career I was operations supervisor in one of the largest mainframe computing centers in the SE U S. Part of all that is bold faced luck. You think workers shouldn't have a living wage because about 10% of them are worthless. I lean toward ignoring the 10% and making sure the 90% have a top paying job with benefits.....they deserve it. Until the ideas behind this shit which started during the Reagan years is cut out ordinary workers will not get what's due them. Why in hell should some educated prick make over 500 times what an ordinary worker makes? They Shouldn't!!

Why in hell should some educated prick make over 500 times what an ordinary worker makes?

You answered your own question.

I suspect that many who begrudge people getting $15 an hour do so because they themselves are only getting$15 an hour.

This is what most don't understand about unionization, it doesn't only help the union members but drives up the overall wage base. Everyone benefits. When the base is $15 an hour, those in non union jobs have more bargaining power to demand higher wages for themselves.
Why don't you people ever want to FIX ANYTHING? Fixing the minimum wage wont fix anything. IT is but a band aid that actually hurts the non skilled.
How about we battle inflation and the FED? How about we focus on getting manufacturing back? How about we focus n making people WANT to bring their money here?
With these interest rates, if we had someone competent in the WH, we would all be eating gold for dinner.

Simple fact is the Federal Government is a certain amount of the problem and the failure to lure new manufacturing jobs fall on the state and local governments.

Too many people pass the buck onto the Federal Government for the failure of the State and Local government to do more to create jobs within it state.
I agree. But I do NOT support amnesty in any form. It is a failure. It is time to stop failure/insanity.

Amnesty is a loaded word. No one is talking about a blanket amnesty but rather "earned citizenship". What we have now is un-American with a two class system. One for citizens and one of discrimination. People living in shadows, categorized by skin color or language.

Divide and conquer.
Some group did a poll and illegals overwhelmingly said they didn't want citizenship. They wanted a right to work..
Look at Reagans amnesty. Less than 30% signed up.. It is FAILURE

I believe the best solution to the immigration issue is work visas with absolute no path to citizenship unless they leave the country and get in the back of the line.

Work visas would last five years and would be subjected to Congress approval to renew the visa program.

Also the owner of the company that employ illegals that obtain work visa would be subjected to fines for hiring illegals, and also have to pay for the visas for those they employ that need a visa.

Finally, the visa will not grant any rights, and those that have a visa would not be able to obtain any form of government assistance.
Cut them off from everything. No Visas. Nothing.

It will not happen even if Trump were elected. ( Deporting them all )

So try to find a middle ground. Also if you put them on visas, and have a five year window with congress approval for renew would mean those illegals are in a data base, and five years later you can order deportation and get a good majority of them.

Sometimes you have to play to get your way.
I didn't say a WORD about deportation. Cut everything off and they will leave willingly. Why would they stay if they sleep in the street, cant geta job and their kids cant go to school?

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