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Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

All you're doing is hoping for more people to lose a job with this line. these jobs were supposed to be for HIGH school kids to get a job experience and start a Resume. they weren't suppose to support a family of four for crying out

Who made that rule.....You?

Fast food owners like young folks, they can pay them and treat them like dirt and they come back.
Not how it works sparky. Work a job you deserve a livable wage. Simple as that.

You deserve to be paid what you and your employer agree to at the time you start your employment. Simple as that.
AGREE!? ROFLMWAO! HAHAHAHAHHHAHHAAAHAHA! AGREE! LMAO....blackmail is not agreeing. When it comes to feeding your family on what meager wage you are TOLD you make and letting them starve you take the meager slave wage and you fight for a rightful wage. Agree...what a tool. We WILL win...so no need to worry. We aren't going away. :) Be a big mistake to automatize everything as well...those machines ya know...they are expensive to replace and/or fix....tsk tsk. On top of being boycotted by everyone.

A. You having a family has ZERO relevancy to how much your skill level is worth at your job.

B. If you're making a meager wage then what business do you have in creating a family you can't pay for in the first place?

the winner.

don't be making babies if you can't AFFORD to take care of them. It's not up to a business or the taxpayers to support YOU. take some responsibility. get a better skill or go work a SECOND job
It's a no-brainer to pay these people more. They work for major multi-national corporations that are doing better than they've ever done in their existence.

The Republican side of me is and has always been attracted to the idea of not having to spend as much in areas where sensible solutions can ease government spending. When I see Walmart's bottom line and put that in my brain in the same compartment that understands MY tax dollars are going to subsidize THEIR employees, well, that's just not right.

Left, right, center, I don't care what your politics are, I can accept giving real help to people who really need it in the form of taxes. It's a basic bargain we have with each other that we'll organize ourselves in a way that doesn't let my neighbor ever get into a destitute situation. A safety net to help people when they're down and who wish to help themselves. Give those people real help, I say. Give them free education. Give them a few nice pieces of clothing. Nothing like putting on a nice suit to make you feel like a man.

But don't ask me to give healthcare and food stamps to workers whose companies could easily afford to pay them more so they can buy their own insurance and afford their own groceries. We need these workers. Our lives in food have totally been overhauled in the last couple decades. We RELY on faster, more convenient food. These chains are doing fantastic. If their employees were paid more, we would save taxpayers real money, and government revenue would increase as they become taxpayers themselves because they're now finally able to make a basic living for themselves. A real springboard into a realm where many people would be able to start saving a little money, paying for school, and getting ahead.

I've never seen this is anything but good politics for all sides. Deficit hawks get something, workers' rights people get something, taxpayers who want less "welfare" money would get something. It's time to give this country a raise.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

12 year olds or well-trained monkies. ...Use the monkies instead in Japan. :) Coincidentally, one of them IS twelve years old. :)

"The first monkey, twelve-year-old "Yat-chan", is dressed in a shirt and shorts while he takes customers' drink orders and delivers them to the diners' tables."
Kayabukiya Tavern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What they should do is organize and form unions the way we did back in the late 40's...early 50's. That's the main reason I was able to educate my three children, two with masters degrees. That's the main reason I'm retired with 220 ft. lake frontage. That's the main reason we have two new cars and money in the bank. Anybody who works 50-60 hours a week doing ANYTHING should be able to enjoy their time off and see their family live a good life....PERIOD!!

Some day maybe the U S will catch up.

On Economic Freedom and Health Care:

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And the clowns that want to just screw up your order while flipping burgers (and get less than 30 hours a week thanks to employers dodging the Obamacare mandates)????
Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

What a load of horse shit.
There are only 1.3 million min wage workers in the U.S.

It says low wage, not min wage. There are lots of low wage jobs obviously, 64 million.

So we have 64 million stupid people in this country that are to damn lazy to improve their skills to get better wages....
Fuck em,they can live under a bridge for all I care.

So then lots of government dependence, inequality, and a slow economy. Doesn't sound so good to me.

To tell you the truth I dont really give a shit about the American underclass.

Well that's the attitude that has slowed down our economy. You like having a slow economy?
They're free to strike if they want. But it seems that many low-wage workers are apathetic and just don't give a shit.

If they don't even care, why should I?

Maybe they like making minimum wage and living in their mom's basement.
And the clowns that want to just screw up your order while flipping burgers (and get less than 30 hours a week thanks to employers dodging the Obamacare mandates)????

Yeah....it'd be a shame if our nation granted each citizen automatic health care like so many others do. Like every other goddam thing in America the folks at the top are dreaming of a Lord/Serf society where, of course....they're the Lords.

Look closely then study about it for an hour or so then tell me which wealthy, powerful nation is missing from the list:


Maybe this has something to do with it:

And the clowns that want to just screw up your order while flipping burgers (and get less than 30 hours a week thanks to employers dodging the Obamacare mandates)????

Yeah....it'd be a shame if our nation granted each citizen automatic health care like so many others do. Like every other goddam thing in America the folks at the top are dreaming of a Lord/Serf society where, of course....they're the Lords.

Look closely then study about it for an hour or so then tell me which wealthy, powerful nation is missing from the list:


Well now, you have a nice list of countries you'd likely be happier in. Why don't you move to one of them?
And the clowns that want to just screw up your order while flipping burgers (and get less than 30 hours a week thanks to employers dodging the Obamacare mandates)????

Yeah....it'd be a shame if our nation granted each citizen automatic health care like so many others do. Like every other goddam thing in America the folks at the top are dreaming of a Lord/Serf society where, of course....they're the Lords.

Look closely then study about it for an hour or so then tell me which wealthy, powerful nation is missing from the list:


Well now, you have a nice list of countries you'd likely be happier in. Why don't you move to one of them?

Screw that and screw you!! When I was a young man we led the world in this sort of thing. Now the goddam corporations and upper class have everything. Don't push it.....look at history. People will revolt before they let the elitist assholes have it all.

Right now the powerful declare unnecessary wars knowing that someone who's less fortunate will end up fighting and dying in the thing. When this country invaded Iraq they proved my case. Iraq had never done anything to the United States except try to assassinate old man Bush and he was in Qatar when Saddam Hussein did it. America used to be a nation for the people...now the goddamned upper 5% have it all. The richest 85 people in the world have more money than the 3.5 billion who are in the lower 50%. That's a travesty and only a Republican will support such a ridiculous thing.
there has been a steady decline of the middle class which began with the decline of the labor movement. People bemoan the loss of "good manufacturing jobs " as if there is something magical about manufacturing jobs. It was unions that turned those jobs into good jobs. There were manufacturing jobs before unions but back then they were known as sweat shop jobs and people worked 10 hours a day six days a week, that was a 'standard work week'. I have an old calendar dated 1914 and it is telling that it only has 1 red day a week, that being Sunday. There was no such thing as a weekend before unions fought for the 40hr work week. Companies cried about how they couldn't afford to pay full wages for only 40 hours a week instead of the "normal" 60! They would go out of business and everyone would loose their jobs!

Well, of course that didn't happen, and the greatest middle class there has ever been was created. Now we are seeing the same thing with the push for $15 an hour. The claims that $15 an hour will ruin business are lies and anyone fooled by these claims only work to destroy what is left of the middle class. The manufacturing jobs that went overseas aren't good jobs anymore, they're sweat shop jobs again!

The point is, it doesn't matter if the job is manufacturing cars or hamburgers, it should still pay a living wage. Any business that makes profits while its workers live in poverty deserves to fail. Even if the cost of labor were to increase $6 from $9 to $15, it would not make prices skyrocket. Labor is only one component of the total cost, there is also raw materials, land and permanent assets (building and such), transportation, advertising, executive salaries, and of course profits. If the price of a burger goes from $5.00 to $5.25 no one will stop buying burgers but all those people who got a raise will become much more self sufficient. They won't need government handouts. They will have cash to spend in the economy which will then grow faster. Businesses will benefit, not be hurt.

When everyone does better, everyone does better!
Minimum wage lowers the unskilled GDP. Nobody wants to tell people that because they all want slave labor here.
Between that and all these clowns wanting amnesty, the nonskilled don't have a fuckin chance.
Thanks Democrats and Republicans!
Anyone who has eaten a McD burger understands the business model - make as much money as you can, anyway you can. Poor quality is the best that can be said for McD burgers.

Q. Which chain or restaurant has the best burger in your town
And yet they are one of the biggest sellers of burgers in the world.
Q. Who is forcing people to go to McD's to eat?

No one has yet put a gun in my face and ordered me to eat the garbage McD calls a burger.

About 4 years ago I needed a fuel stop and pulled into the only open place at 1 AM off of 101, a McD's. I ordered a 1/4 pounder with cheese and fries - easy to eat on the run. It sucked. Small, overpriced and reminded me of ground meat mixed with cereal on wonder bread; disgusting fries, too much salt.

Last time I'll ever eat at a McD's.
Good for you. I never eat there. So what? Lots of people do. And they are a big employer and have created a lot of prosperity for people.

"These franchise owners earn incomes averaging just below $50,000."

See: The Average Income for Fast Food Franchise Owners

I suppose to you 50k is big bucks.
That's a fortune compared to whatever you made sucking dick in the jailhouse.
But it compares favorably to $8/hr without having to go to college or trade school.

Who or what made you into the piece of human excrement you are?

Being a piece of shit is probably a life script you've acted upon since the major event(s) which retarded you from having normal human development.

You hate so many you've never met, hold opinions which are sure signs you have no empathy for others, and judge people whose whose only life story known to you is they have a minimum wage job.

All of which are necessary and sometimes sufficient conditions which lead to becoming a Callous Conservatives, a model of a social category+ in our times.

+"A social group within social sciences has been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity."

The subset of echo chamber members whose character flaws mirror your own.
REAL workers do earn a living wage, entry level jobs, e.g., burger flippers, car wash attendants, etc., need only make $3.50 an hour..., if that much, low entry pay level jobs should be an incentive to improve oneself, yet the libertards want those jobs be a life time career position. :up:
It owes its several $Billions to those slave workers it's abused for so many years.

It owes them nothing. Not a dime, not a free Big Mac. Nothing.

So say the greedy white Republican dudes anyway. But guess what? Times are a changin. Time for evil greedy corps like McDonalds to pay up. It's made all those $Billions off the backs of its slave workers.

I actually thought that at one point you understood economics.

You clearly don't understand franchising.

Please provide the annual report for mcdonald's. Who made all that money ? And where did it go.

Most likely to stock holders like the ones living next door to you (well maybe).

You kill their stock and guess what ?
They also don't understand the franchise system. Which is a pretty freaking important part of this story.

I've tried to explain it a few times, but it never takes.

They think that when these raises come (and they probably will), the only people negatively affected will be some nameless, faceless "CEO" somewhere.
Minimum wage lowers the unskilled GDP. Nobody wants to tell people that because they all want slave labor here.
Between that and all these clowns wanting amnesty, the nonskilled don't have a fuckin chance.
Thanks Democrats and Republicans!
You're talking about immigrants? They are the problem? The only reason there has been an influx of illegal immigration is because they could get jobs here. The real problem is illegal employment, end that and you'll end illegal immigration.
Hating on immigrants is just what the economic elites want, get the masses fighting amongst themselves.
Look up, not down.

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