Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?

I know how to control myself too. Sometimes I can control myself for an hour or more but then I need a sandwich and a nap.
No, you clearly are irresponsible one. You promote irresponsible sex and killing developing human beings for no reason. Go stuff a fucking sandwich in your pie hole and take your little nappy.
Anyway, it's NOT your body.

Children can be forcibly innoculated.

Suicide is illegal in most states.

It's illegal to take certain drugs.

People under 21 are prohibited from purchasing liquor and cigarettes.
So, your are ambivalent to the killing of developing human life. What a wuss.
Listen, you wormy little shit. Everything, literally every wormy little thing you are for, consider me against. I don't even need to offer my actual opinion on the matter. I am your mortal enemy, enough said. Anything that negatively effects you makes me satisfied. Any gains you wish to make, worm, I will be your obstacle. Consider me like a tick, worm, that will always get under your skin, continue to bite and hopefully eventually infect you.
Listen, you wormy little shit. Everything, literally every wormy little thing you are for, consider me against. I don't even need to offer my actual opinion on the matter. I am your mortal enemy, enough said. Anything that negatively effects you makes me satisfied. Any gains you wish to make, worm, I will be your obstacle. Consider me like a tick, worm, that will always get under your skin, continue to bite and hopefully eventually infect you.
I stand for human life. I stand for States to democratically decide the abortion issue. I stand for men and women to be responsible for their sexual encounters. But, then, like you said, you have no position on the subject. I guess your dick thinks for you eh? Oh yeah, and your 'mortal enemy' threat shows what little care you have for human life as well. Someone disagrees, instead of coming up with a cogent reply you spew death threats. What a fucking wuss you are.
I stand for human life. I stand for States to democratically decide the abortion issue. I stand for men and women to be responsible for their sexual encounters. But, then, like you said, you have no position on the subject. I guess your dick thinks for you eh? Oh yeah, and your 'mortal enemy' threat shows what little care you have for human life as well. Someone disagrees, instead of coming up with a cogent reply you spew death threats. What a fucking wuss you are.

You have to admit though, you can't fault them for honestly. That's the most honest I've ever seen them,.. must not work in their party's politics or for CNN.
You have to admit though, you can't fault them for honestly. That's the most honest I've ever seen them,.. must not work in their party's politics or for CNN.
Yes, TT is honestly unhinged at this point.
The most vociferous advocates against women... Are Women, and their feminist acolytes. Just peruse this thread for confirmation. What was once a movement proclaiming agency, accountability, an ability to take responsibility... Has been reduced to; "once a woman chooses poorly, and fails... It's on a man, men, or society as a whole to shield them from the results of their inept agency...

So much for don't need no man. So much for agency. So much for so called "equality"...

If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

Fathers don't get a choice about whether or not to have a child.

Not even the most extreme "pro-choicer" thinks the father should have a choice.

Why is that?

Sure they do. They could have used a condom, or gotten a vasectomy.

Take some responsibility for your actions, and stop blaming everybody else because you're a lazy piece of shit.
If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

Fathers don't get a choice about whether or not to have a child.

Not even the most extreme "pro-choicer" thinks the father should have a choice.

Why is that?
Because it's not their body. So get mad at evolution.
In all honesty and joking aside. Fathers should have their say as well. (If they're choosing to save the child that is.)
If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

Fathers don't get a choice about whether or not to have a child.

Not even the most extreme "pro-choicer" thinks the father should have a choice.

Why is that?
Why? Because you are a dude! Best thing that could ever come out is a way to prevent pregnancies from a guy side.

Do that, and the whole world changes.

Sounds silly, doesn't it. But, it is not! Give men a birth control pill, and you will hear women scream! Watch how fast things change, lol.

I love women, and think they are the best, but if men can deny pregnancy, watch the women we love turn to mush!

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