Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?

I stand for human life. I stand for States to democratically decide the abortion issue. I stand for men and women to be responsible for their sexual encounters. But, then, like you said, you have no position on the subject. I guess your dick thinks for you eh? Oh yeah, and your 'mortal enemy' threat shows what little care you have for human life as well. Someone disagrees, instead of coming up with a cogent reply you spew death threats. What a fucking wuss you are.
You aren't worth any cogent reply, worm. Suffer.

Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?​

Because men don’t get pregnant.


Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?​

Because men don’t get pregnant.

Not according to the 'woke' crowd...

Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?​

The reason is the very basis of the entire issue; There is nothing else like having a baby. The arguments flying around that make analogies with other penalizations and activities thought of as criminal miss the essential point.
This is an entirely unique subject.
The people who can bear are a tiny minority of the population. Women between roughly 13 and 45 are a minority of the specie's females.
Men cannot bear their young.
Fertile women are making existence determining choices almost daily. Every month that they could get pregnant and don't, they are deciding not to birth a person.
Deciding not to carry to term cannot be compared to taking the life of a person present in the world. Any attempt at that analogy is on purely subjective moral bases.
Reason would say that, if it must be decided by vote, females in their fertile years be the ones to decide. It is only they that bear the responsibility.

Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?​

The reason is the very basis of the entire issue; There is nothing else like having a baby. The arguments flying around that make analogies with other penalizations and activities thought of as criminal miss the essential point.
This is an entirely unique subject.
The people who can bear are a tiny minority of the population. Women between roughly 13 and 45 are a minority of the specie's females.
Men cannot bear their young.
Fertile women are making existence determining choices almost daily. Every month that they could get pregnant and don't, they are deciding not to birth a person.
Deciding not to carry to term cannot be compared to taking the life of a person present in the world. Any attempt at that analogy is on purely subjective moral bases.
Reason would say that, if it must be decided by vote, females in their fertile years be the ones to decide. It is only they that bear the responsibility.
An abortion is taking the life of a developing human being that would, most likely, eventually become what you call a person. To some, it's just a bunch of cells. However, those cells are dividing due to a life force which started at conception. Abortion kills that developing life.
If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

Fathers don't get a choice about whether or not to have a child.

Not even the most extreme "pro-choicer" thinks the father should have a choice.

Why is that?
because rights are only for certain, select people

the unborn and fathers can both go to hell--along with conservatives, especially practicing Catholics... and all real not-rino Republicans

but we all know who really goes to Hell in the end... liars, deceivers, anti-Christs, baby killers...
If fathers expressed a lack of desire to sire a child...and the woman gets an abortion...

The woulda-been fathers should still have to pay for:

- Any medical procedures / tests for the mother and baby leading up to the abortion

- Any and all post-abortion abortion medical bills for the mother, to include all counseling / psychiatric assistance for post-abortion trauma / mental issues dealing with the abortion

If fathers expressed a lack of desire to sire a child...and the woman gets an abortion...

The woulda-been fathers should still have to pay for:

- Any medical procedures / tests for the mother and baby leading up to the abortion

- Any and all post-abortion abortion medical bills for the mother, to include all counseling / psychiatric assistance for post-abortion trauma / mental issues dealing with the abortion

That's one of the most sexist remarks I've ever heard coming from a liberal.

Women have careers these days. There is no glass ceiling. Usually women earn more $$ in a two parent household than men do.

And more recently fathers are being better and more nurturing of the two parents.

I know plenty of men wanting children and their girlfriends don't. I know of one guy specifically that was desperate for a child but his girlfriend aborted his baby. They separated afterwards.

The majority of abortions these days are being performed on married women who abort their child due to some form of birth defect...sometimes something as simple to fix as a cleft palate. (AKA hairlip)

More times than not, women have used the courts favoritism towards mothers to entrap men for child support. Women getting three baby daddy paychecks instead of getting a job.

Because of the end of Federal Court mandating legalized abortion I suspect that Paternal rights will be on a more equal basis anymore.
The majority of abortions these days are being performed on married women who abort their child due to some form of birth defect...sometimes something as simple to fix as a cleft palate. (AKA hairlip)
That is absolutely untrue, 90% of abortions are performed on single women.

That is absolutely untrue, 90% of abortions are performed on single women.

Here...do some simple math.

The link hides the data by a pay wall.

48% of all live births were paid for by medicaid...
That fact alone ought to be a clue.

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