Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?

Men who cannot choose partners properly could be stopped if the women 'partners' chose wisely too. This is not a problem of one sex over the other it is an overall breakdown of traditional societal values to the point of disrespecting human life. Unfortunately, females bear most of the responsibility for not putting a stop to it because they are the ones making the bad choices that will affect their own bodies.
We can all control our sexual urges and desires too unlike lower animals. It's one of the most defining characteristics of human psychology.

Those who can't are naturally outcasts.
Yeah, I'm used to them trolling like that. They have no real answers so they start spewing insults. At the point, you know you've won.
When you are talking to one so clearly ignorant of human sexuality it's natural to assume you've never been in the same room with a naked lady. Not counting tiddy bars of course.
that just sounds stupid,,,

if a women has a choice to be a parent then a father should have the same choice under the law,,
Except after conception the mother can become a parent without any help from the father. The father does not have the same option.
So you're saying that most women are weak and can't get by without a man's help?
That's the world we live in. It takes two incomes to make a steady home where you can confidently raise a child. Single moms have to struggle heroically just to get by. Many women just do not have to will to go it alone knowing that the world is as short on sympathy as it is on responsible men.
When you are talking to one so clearly ignorant of human sexuality it's natural to assume you've never been in the same room with a naked lady. Not counting tiddy bars of course.
I was married nearly 30 years and in that time I probably had sex hundreds of times so guess what, I'm not a virgin.
Except after conception the mother can become a parent without any help from the father. The father does not have the same option.
that just sounds stupid,, conception requires the man,,

what option he doesnt have and the women does is she has 9 months and 4 days to either kill the child or abandon it,,
If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

Fathers don't get a choice about whether or not to have a child.

Not even the most extreme "pro-choicer" thinks the father should have a choice.

Why is that?
Because prior to birth the decision rests solely with the woman and with no one and nothing else – be that the father or the state.
When you are talking to one so clearly ignorant of human sexuality it's natural to assume you've never been in the same room with a naked lady. Not counting tiddy bars of course.
Seems to me you are the clearly ignorant one. Seems you can't control yourself. I'm a man, I know how to control myself, maybe you need help.
Seems to me you are the clearly ignorant one. Seems you can't control yourself. I'm a man, I know how to control myself, maybe you need help.
I know how to control myself too. Sometimes I can control myself for an hour or more but then I need a sandwich and a nap.

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