Fathers don't get a choice about abortion. Why is that?

what if he wants to stay and take care of his child??
That is between him and the mother but neither gets to tell the other what to do.

he will be held fiscally responsible and faces jail if he refuses to pay so he should have the option to stay or be released from that,,
He knew, or should have known, those were the responsibilities he would face before he pulled down his pants.
If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

now they can start paying child support while it is still in the womb, I bet a lot of men will be happy about that
What if the father wants to raise the child himself? He is not allowed to do that under current law.
Maybe one day when they invent artificial wombs You can say the sperm donor has an equal stake in the creation of another human.
That is between him and the mother but neither gets to tell the other what to do.

He knew, or should have known, those were the responsibilities he would face before he pulled down his pants.
so you dont believe in equal treatment under the law,,,
Poor judgement and lack of morals on both participants part...
Yes, America's traditional morals and values have been undermined by radical leftists. Both men and women have been sold the false vision of free and unencumbered sex. The natural balance of male and female has been corrupted. Women used to be responsible for making the male prove himself a worthy mate and father before they would allow him to inseminate them. Women were the gate keepers essentially.
If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

Fathers don't get a choice about whether or not to have a child.

Not even the most extreme "pro-choicer" thinks the father should have a choice.

Why is that?
Time to force vasectomies (reversable by government permission, of course)
If the mother keeps the child, the father must pay her child support until the child reaches the age of 18.

Fathers don't get a choice about whether or not to have a child.

Not even the most extreme "pro-choicer" thinks the father should have a choice.

Why is that?

There is no way to know who the father is until the people go on Maury and he declares "You ARE the father"

Since abortions have to be done before birth in order to be effective and legal, there is no way to say who actually is the father.
That's a stupid mindless argument.
For someone who wants to force women to give birth, I suppose it makes sense.


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