Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back


Fauci oversees MONEY.

He hasn't done any research in OVER TWENTY YEARS.
Well you're a stupid liar.

Fauci is a global hero.

And you have done zero research on anything but youtube.

Just a bunch of uneducated right wing slobs doing their daily jealousy dance squealing like little piggies about their betters.

And we will never run out of people much better than all of you... so on it goes...
The good news is Omicron is a non lethal variant of Covid. The bad news is the Corona porn jerk offs and Karens that wear their masks when driving alone in their own cars will be simply overjoyed to have the covid
virus back with Anthony Faucci reassuming his old role as America's biggest asshole and all ready again to profit
from the Chinese flu even as our children suffer under his dystopic meditocracy.
The good news is Omicron is a non lethal variant of Covid. The bad news is the Corona porn jerk offs and Karens that wear their masks when driving alone in their own cars will be simply overjoyed to have the covid
virus back with Anthony Faucci reassuming his old role as America's biggest asshole and all ready again to profit
from the Chinese flu even as our children suffer under his dystopic meditocracy.
Except for the hundreds of thousands of people it actually killed. But won't their families be surprised to hear they're not dead! I will send your memo to them.
Automotive dealerships did not close down. They were deemed essential although I don't know why. There was no total lockdown like there was in San Fransisco in 1900.
Yeah nice irrelevant point again. Just get a Schwin and a paper route and you won't have to worry about making people sick though you still will make others sick regardless.
No threat. It's a warning.
This is pretty wild.

I absolutely consider protection from disease to be a form of self-defense. As you say, one has a right to protect oneself from dangerous things.

I'm hearing some of the same folks who stand up for the 2nd Amendment as a form of self defense, ridiculing you for basically doing the same thing with a mask instead of a gun.

This kind of thing is why I'm here, engaging in political discussions. IMO we have so much partisanship these days that people aren't even thinking, they just go down the familiar ruts in the brain. We've become blinded even to some of the stuff that comes out of our own mouths.

I think we can do better. We (Americans) need to start lifting ourselves out of the partisan trenches. We see things, and there are conditioned "becauses" attached to it.

Like, "you support the 2nd Amendment 'because' you're a rightie", or "you trust the vax 'because' you're a leftie" or whatever.

Our first thought is "what camp does the idea belong to", instead of is it any good or what are the alternatives and etc.

Remember Howard Hughes? He was a germophobe, even without Covid. He wouldn't even shake hands with anyone. It was his form of self defense, against whatever perceived threat was out there - and as long as he wasn't hurting anyone, no one complained.

Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.
In fact, here is what was said.
You are not totally correct.

Well you're a stupid liar.

Fauci is a global hero.

And you have done zero research on anything but youtube.

Just a bunch of uneducated right wing slobs doing their daily jealousy dance squealing like little piggies about their betters.

And we will never run out of people much better than all of you... so on it goes...
Global hero?


The man is a global pariah!

After he leaves this job, his only choice will be talking head for CNN.

"global hero" lol

You clowns crack me up. Some of the stuff that comes out of you is... well... delicious. :p

Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.
Just in time for safe Democratic mail in voter fraud ....I mean voting

We have 5 states paying idiots to not get vaccinated, but Fauci is the problem? :rolleyes:
Don't you know how this country works?

Yes, Fauci is the problem.

States can do what they want. The federal government has no authority in the area of health care. Medicine is not one of the federal government's specifically granted Powers. Therefore according to the 9th and 10th it devolves to the States and to the People. That's why the governor's have to get involved in mask mandates. Biden is NOT ALLOWED to issue medical mandates, except in his capacity as Commander in Chief which means during times of war (and he has direct authority over the mil whether or not there's a war - but not over civilians).

The president is not allowed to make law. If he tries, he's violating the Constitution.

And THIS fucktard president thought he could get around that by coercing the corporations, but the Supreme Idiots slapped him down. (Even a broken clock is right twice a day).
We have 5 states paying idiots to not get vaccinated, but Fauci is the problem? :rolleyes:
and the others are run by the anti-AMERICA, LYING, live in denial, SCUM demonRATS.....only difference---red states are enjoying a much better economy w/ hardly any CHINESE FLU
if you only had a brain
Is there a psychiatrist in the house? :abgg2q.jpg:
for you and the rest of the anti-AMERICA retards....you assholes are the 1's that need mental assistance, because SCUM demonRATS hate AMERICA, and constantly deny the TRUTH
if you only had a brain

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