Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

for you and the rest of the anti-AMERICA retards....you assholes are the 1's that need mental assistance, because SCUM demonRATS hate AMERICA, and constantly deny the TRUTH
if you only had a brain
Take a seat, boy, and rest your sphincter... you aren't up to the challenge...
and the others are run by the anti-AMERICA, LYING, live in denial, SCUM demonRATS.....only difference---red states are enjoying a much better economy w/ hardly any CHINESE FLU
if you only had a brain
Were those "demonrats" as 12 year olds call them, beating up the police and smearing crap on the walls of our Capitol? Blue states have been propping up the hillbilly states for decades.
This is pretty wild.

I absolutely consider protection from disease to be a form of self-defense. As you say, one has a right to protect oneself from dangerous things.

I'm hearing some of the same folks who stand up for the 2nd Amendment as a form of self defense, ridiculing you for basically doing the same thing with a mask instead of a gun.

This kind of thing is why I'm here, engaging in political discussions. IMO we have so much partisanship these days that people aren't even thinking, they just go down the familiar ruts in the brain. We've become blinded even to some of the stuff that comes out of our own mouths.

I think we can do better. We (Americans) need to start lifting ourselves out of the partisan trenches. We see things, and there are conditioned "becauses" attached to it.

Like, "you support the 2nd Amendment 'because' you're a rightie", or "you trust the vax 'because' you're a leftie" or whatever.

Our first thought is "what camp does the idea belong to", instead of is it any good or what are the alternatives and etc.

Remember Howard Hughes? He was a germophobe, even without Covid. He wouldn't even shake hands with anyone. It was his form of self defense, against whatever perceived threat was out there - and as long as he wasn't hurting anyone, no one complained.

Sorry, but the problem here is that your analogy is incorrect. No one's trying to stop him from wearing a mask, or from doing whatever makes him feel safer WITH AND FOR HIMSELF. But that's not what he wants. What he wants is to make demands on OTHER PEOPLE to make him feel safer. In your analogy to the 2nd Amendment, it would be the difference between demanding to own and carry a gun yourself, and demanding that everyone around you own and carry guns.

If you want to "lift us out of the partisan trenches", start by being more honest.

I don't personally know anyone on the right saying, "I support this because it's the right-wing thing to support." I don't know anyone on the left knowingly doing that, either.
Tell us more. What are you going to do if they do “try this shit again?”
Raise hell! Cause a tremendous stink and take down politicians that were responsible for
thousands of deaths before. Practice non compliance and civil disobedience. Etc.
Go after the people protecting Faucci and find out who has been profiting from the great Covid scam
that saw stocks soaring for Pfizer, Moderna, etc.

What are you going to do about that!
Raise hell! Cause a tremendous stink and take down politicians that were responsible for
thousands of deaths before. Practice non compliance and civil disobedience. Etc.
Go after the people protecting Faucci and find out who has been profiting from the great Covid scam
that saw stocks soaring for Pfizer, Moderna, etc.

What are you going to do about that!
Watch them take you and all your buddies to jail.
No question that lockdowns will be back.

Questions is WHEN.

On the one hand, in time to prevent the November election surely has some appeal.

On the other, right after the November election but before the new Congress is in place, in hope that holding back on the lockdowns will make people piss their pants in joy and thanksgiving to their liberal betters that they'll have voted foolishly.
The American people are DONE with freaking masks and lockdowns. If government tries this shit again all hell will break loose.
When all hell breaks loose you can hook up with these anti-mask idiots. They`ll be in jail for plotting to kidnap a governor for shutting down their favorite Covid spreading restaurant.

How many little black foster children did he murder via proxy with Azt...

...so he and his buds could make bank off of bodies. You'd think he was a supporter of planned parenthood's slice and dice abortion factories.


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