Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back


Were those "demonrats" as 12 year olds call them, beating up the police and smearing crap on the walls of our Capitol? Blue states have been propping up the hillbilly states for decades.
couldn't tell you---neither can you---go ahead...LIE about it
anyhow, shit 4 brains, the demonRATS, as an adult would say, are responsible for murdering, burning, and looting ALL of the cities the SCUM demonRAT mayors allowed to happen---or are you just plain stupid to remember?
go crawl back under your bed, and tell yourself---THE LAPTOP IS NOT REAL...keep repeating, you'll convince that pathetic organ you refer to as a brain.....
if you only had a brain
Haha, see? You think you are normal. So you think others must be like you.

No freak,you are not normal. Trumpism has become your identity.
and being a brain dead, gullible retard is yours
tell yourself---THE LAPTOP IS NOT REAL....see how that lie you promoted, and denied, is NOT a lie----you probably still believe it doesn't exist-----
fuck the SCUM, LYING, demonRATS, and assholes like you that voted for the sack of shit, which is what you have for brains
Haha, look at the poor cultist embarrassing himself by googling for reasons he never read to support his longtime hate of Fauci. Such an embarrassing display of anti intellectual idiocy and transparent intellectual fraud.
any TRUE AMERICAN, wouldn't believe anything that comes out of that TRAITORS (fake-i) mouth----just anti-AMERICA assholes like you

Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.

One lockdown that needs to happen is Fauci being locked down in some nice prison, for a very long time.
I don't give a cock sucking shit what that motherfucker thanks should be back.

His death sentence should be back.

I would chop that motherfucker's head off right now and stick it on a spike, then FUCK THE NECKHOLE of his headless carcass!!!
Awwww, mad because you couldn't go out & stuff your yap with a double cheesebug with extra cheese, mouth breather?

Washed down with a Diet Coke.
any TRUE AMERICAN, wouldn't believe anything that comes out of that TRAITORS (fake-i) mouth----just anti-AMERICA assholes like you
Fauci should retire & on the way out tell all you Trump asseaters to go fuck yourselves.

I hope he collects the largest federal pension in the history of govt service just to piss off you assholes even more.
When all hell breaks loose you can hook up with these anti-mask idiots. They`ll be in jail for plotting to kidnap a governor for shutting down their favorite Covid spreading restaurant.
Your post is :cuckoo:

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