Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

Nobody was under the delusion poverty would be eliminated entirely. So pat yourself on the back for being too stupid to understand yet another simple idea.
It was called The War on Poverty. With massive social programs and quotas for employment. The same poverty numbers exist. Only many even if not living in the most idea habitat, have a lot of comforts along with many who have less. The real problems must be attacked. But we have people accusing others to much while not looking within. Tell me where any Progs in the media and entertainment and political and business ways push teenage girls to stop having babies. And of course, abortions are the option if babies are not wanted. Cities became like junkies needing their fix and it has not stopped. Anyone employed to service it in any way including police and fire became expensive dealers with the cost to the taxpayer and consumers. And it is costly.
Fuck Fauci~The snake Oil Seller.


Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.
Fauci can go to hell, America is tired of his lies.

We've been below 2,000 daily deaths since the first of the year, Fauci should retire while he still can grift the drug companies as a "consultant".
Number of Republican run states that pay people to not get the vaccine?

It certainly appears you're badly misrepresenting what was gong on but I'll give you the chance to show otherwise.
“At least five Republican-led states have extended unemployment benefits to people who’ve lost jobs over vaccine mandates — and a smattering of others may soon follow,” the Washington Post reports.

This is not paying people to not get vaccinated, it's extending UE benefits to workers losing jobs because of an unconstitutional mandate.


It certainly appears you're badly misrepresenting what was gong on but I'll give you the chance to show otherwise.

This is not paying people to not get vaccinated, it's extending UE benefits to workers losing jobs because of an unconstitutional mandate.

A business has a right and obligation not to sicken or kill the workforce. There`s nothing unconstitutional about it. The SC`s ruling concerned government workers, not a private business.
That's what real leaders do, folks.

Real leaders take out the biggest goon of the bunch and they do it fearlessly in front of all of his friends. And in broad daylight.


Ainobody ascared of that little minion.
Paul`s made an ass of himself so many times it`s hard to keep up. WTF is that thing on his head?

Well, you can just keep talking about it and we'll keep beeing about it and everything will probably work out just fine.

I dunno about his hair, though, man. Guess he's just got frizzy hair. I'm cursed with a double part myself. A lot of folks contend it's a blessing, but not really. It's a pain in the ass, truth be told. Reason being is even though you can do your hair differently once in a while, you can't really train it to go one way. Because sometimes it just naturally wants to go the other way from the other side. It's a bit of a sticky wicket.

But, no, Rand's probably gonna have his old man's hair. You know who his old man is, right? The champion of the Constitution? I think Carol has that kind of frizzy hair, though, and that's probably where Rand gets that from. So he's probably got his dad's hair line and his mom's hair texture.
Paul`s made an ass of himself so many times it`s hard to keep up. WTF is that thing on his head?
That's your objection to Paul...his hair? Oh, okay. :icon_rolleyes:

At least Rand Paul didn't fund and participate in Gain of Function research in China (like Faucci did).

Or even more sick...this. Fauci’s NIAID reportedly funded research that infected, euthanized dogs

Or this...https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/biden-cuts-off-successful-covid-monoclonal-antibody-treatments-to-states-because-theyre-not-fauci-shots.939206/

We have a real Dr. Mengele type running the massive federal health monolith and you seem to approve.

I'll take Rand Paul's hair over Anthony Faucci's corrupt intractable "I am science" claims from
this medicrat any day. Faucci's bottom line get's larger and larger as people's rights and well being
grow smaller and smaller. www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2022/01/15/disclosures-released-dr-fauci-household-profits-exc
A business has a right and obligation not to sicken or kill the workforce.

That would certainly include not forcing employees to be injected with dangerous, experimental drugs. Unlawful executive orders enacted by corrupt wannabe dictators notwithstanding, that is just plain illegal, in several different ways.
To what end? What does it profit him to steer you wrong? Is it not possible that he is merely outlining what is best to mitigate and minimize sickness?

How stupid does anyone have to be to still believe that any of what was done to us in connection with the #CoronaHozax2020 was to “mitigate and minimize sickness”?

Surely, this must be some extraordinary level of stupidity. No normal level of stupidity, but an extreme, Kondor3-level stupidity.
A business has a right and obligation not to sicken or kill the workforce. There`s nothing unconstitutional about it. The SC`s ruling concerned government workers, not a private business.
So if a business decides that there are too many people on this earth and feels forced sterilization is called for, you are OK with that as well? Fucking moron.
How stupid does anyone have to be to still believe that any of what was done to us in connection with the #CoronaHozax2020 was to “mitigate and minimize sickness”?

Surely, this must be some extraordinary level of stupidity. No normal level of stupidity, but an extreme, Kondor3-level stupidity.
Try answering the question rather than behaving like a chimp throwing poo across his own cage, eh?

Just what is it, that you believe was done to "us", in connection with this pandemic, that you can lay at Fauci's doorstep as a malevolent act?
Try answering the question rather than behaving like a chimp throwing poo across his own cage, eh?

Just what is it, that you believe was done to "us", in connection with this pandemic, that you can lay at Fauci's doorstep as a malevolent act?

If you're too Kondor3-level stupid to see for yourself, then there is no explanation that I or anyone else can give that will cause you to understand.

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