Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

Try answering the question rather than behaving like a chimp throwing poo across his own cage, eh?

Just what is it, that you believe was done to "us", in connection with this pandemic, that you can lay at Fauci's doorstep as a malevolent act?
Gain-of-function, bio-weapon release, forced lockdowns, experimental vaxxes, denial of education to our youth for two years, suspension of constitutional rights... Need I go on, moron?
Try answering the question rather than behaving like a chimp throwing poo across his own cage, eh?

Just what is it, that you believe was done to "us", in connection with this pandemic, that you can lay at Fauci's doorstep as a malevolent act?

Seriously? Fauci was the key player in gof of this virus in wuhan and north carolina.
There will be one major result WHEN Xiden's lockdowns return with a vengeance.

Millions of new Chinese-made masks will be imported - and YOU will wear them or be carted off to a re-education camp.

Then we'll see the positive result:

Hunter will "sell" a bunch of new "paintings" to Chinese oligarchs.
There will be one major result WHEN Xiden's lockdowns return with a vengeance.

Millions of new Chinese-made masks will be imported - and YOU will wear them or be carted off to a re-education camp.

Then we'll see the positive result:

Hunter will "sell" a bunch of new "paintings" to Chinese oligarchs.
More likely they'll be carting me off to the morgue along with a few mask peddlers.
From what I understand, his agency did, indeed, fund the Chinese lab that engaged in such research. So what?
bio-weapon release,
Are you trying to tell us that Fauci et al actually and intentionally arranged for such a biohazard to be released into the wild?
forced lockdowns,
Yep. When selfish a$$hole$ won't stay-away or stay-put voluntarily during a period of extreme and lethal viral spread, best thing to do is to force it.
experimental vaxxes,
Experimental vax'es that (a) the Trump Administration supported and (b) have been clinically proven to greatly reduce deaths and hospitalizations?

Having saved untold millions of lives in the United States alone, never mind world-wide? Yep. Gimme MORE such Experimental Vaccines! :cool:

denial of education to our youth for two years,
You have to still be on this side of the sod in order to be worried about playing catch-up on missed educational opportunities.
suspension of constitutional rights...
The temporary application of entirely-constitutional and legal Emergency Health Measures in order to save large numbers of lives was righteous.
Need I go on,
No. I think we've all pretty-much figured out by now that you're one of those selfish a$$hole$ that puts self before the health of loved ones or his community.
Oh... probably... Lord knows I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but unlike you, I do OK with more cerebral matters, and don't fret any such deficiency.
You asked what he did to deserve imprisonment, moron, please keep up.
Are you trying to tell us that Fauci et al actually and intentionally arranged for such a biohazard to be released into the wild?
best thing to do is to force it.
Free people are not forced. Moron
Trump Administration supported
So now you're a Trump supporter? I don't GAF who supported it, stupid.
Having saved untold millions of lives in the United States
This is a bald faced lie and it has been proven, again please keep up, idiot.
catch-up on missed educational opportunities.
Tell that to the grade school kids whose education you treat with such savoir faire. Are you a kindergarten drop out?
The temporary application of entirely-constitutional and legal Emergency Health Measures in order to save large numbers of lives was righteous.
Wrong again, dumbass. Pull your head out of your colon.
Fauci should retire & on the way out tell all you Trump asseaters to go fuck yourselves.

I hope he collects the largest federal pension in the history of govt service just to piss off you assholes even more.
says the anti AMERICA piece of shit
if you only had a brain
From what I understand, his agency did, indeed, fund the Chinese lab that engaged in such research. So what?

Are you trying to tell us that Fauci et al actually and intentionally arranged for such a biohazard to be released into the wild?

Yep. When selfish a$$hole$ won't stay-away or stay-put voluntarily during a period of extreme and lethal viral spread, best thing to do is to force it.

Experimental vax'es that (a) the Trump Administration supported and (b) have been clinically proven to greatly reduce deaths and hospitalizations?

Having saved untold millions of lives in the United States alone, never mind world-wide? Yep. Gimme MORE such Experimental Vaccines! :cool:

You have to still be on this side of the sod in order to be worried about playing catch-up on missed educational opportunities.

The temporary application of entirely-constitutional and legal Emergency Health Measures in order to save large numbers of lives was righteous.

No. I think we've all pretty-much figured out by now that you're one of those selfish a$$hole$ that puts self before the health of loved ones or his community.

Oh... probably... Lord knows I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but unlike you, I do OK with more cerebral matters, and don't fret any such deficiency.
you are a fucking retard....gullible retards you are the worst
if you only had a brain
says the anti AMERICA piece of shit
if you only had a brain
Why you poor thing. Another one of Trump's asseaters mad because Fauci doesn't parrot your brand of Covid bullshit. And because Biden beat your boy's ass.

My post still stands so fuck off & enjoy the ride, idiot.
Fauci can go to hell, America is tired of his lies.

We've been below 2,000 daily deaths since the first of the year, Fauci should retire while he still can grift the drug companies as a "consultant".
Trump promoted the vaccine echoing Fauci but the TAB still supports him.

Cult mentality 101.
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Trump promoted the vaccine echoing Fauci but you asseaters still support him.

Cult mentality 101.
Trump followed the advice of the purported authoritative expert on the subject on the subject.

Fauci later proved to be a political hack and undermined the administration every way he could from summer 2000 onward.

What was he supposed to do, ignore all the experts and wing it on his own?
Trump followed the advice of the purported authoritative expert on the subject on the subject.

Fauci later proved to be a political hack and undermined the administration every way he could from summer 2000 onward.

What was he supposed to do, ignore all the experts and wing it on his own?
Trump promoted the vaccine on his tour with BillO a few weeks ago.
When this is all over there needs to be one hell of an investigation of Fauci's finances including shares in the companies producing the "miracle cures". That should also reach into promises of positions or consulting contracts once he leaves Federal Employment.
Fauci could have written his own ticket with Big Pharma years ago if he was interested in making the big bucks, Clown. He didn't, Clown.

So you can take your " investigation" of Fauci & wipe your ass with it, Clown.

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