Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

Ok, and that's a problem for you how?
It's not a problem for me, it's a problem apparently for Trump who hasen't mentioned the vaxx since his ass was booed.

Which goes to show the type of transactional asshat that Trump really is. He has no policy objectives & never did beyond what's going on right this minute depending on which way the polls are swinging.

Besides the fact that he's an idiot. Trump's ok, the fucking world is wrong.
Trump followed the advice of the purported authoritative expert on the subject on the subject.

Fauci later proved to be a political hack and undermined the administration every way he could from summer 2000 onward.

What was he supposed to do, ignore all the experts and wing it on his own?
But, but Mr. Wonderful said "only I can fix it"!

Get your QR code... You are now 'product'.

Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.
And the vegetable said that if you got vaxxed you couldn't get covid. The first liar hasn't got a chance with you, eh whistlebritches?
You might want to learn something about immunology.

When you first field a vaccine especially as quickly as this one was fielded you only have short term data to go from, it took time to realize the immunity from the vaccine was not holding up well over the long term.

Even with the breakthrough cases the severity of illness was reduced by over 90% in most patients keeping them from ever needing to be hospitalized.

Thankfully Omicron came along and it is conferring long term immunity, far better than any of the vaccines so again, Covid is no longer any more of an issue than our annual cold and flu outbreaks.
Fauci could have written his own ticket with Big Pharma years ago if he was interested in making the big bucks, Clown. He didn't, Clown.

So you can take your " investigation" of Fauci & wipe your ass with it, Clown.

He didn't need to "clown" he's making nearly a half million a year off of the taxpayer's dime in a job with complete security and great benefits. During his time working for the federal gov't his investment income has also accrued to a sum of over 10 million dollars.

Every one of those investments needs to be looked at for conflicts, "Clown".
It's not a problem for me, it's a problem apparently for Trump who hasen't mentioned the vaxx since his ass was booed.

Which goes to show the type of transactional asshat that Trump really is. He has no policy objectives & never did beyond what's going on right this minute depending on which way the polls are swinging.

Besides the fact that he's an idiot. Trump's ok, the fucking world is wrong.
You really are just a raving lunatic aren't you? Has he been asked about the vaccine since then?

If he had no policy goals or objectives, it would have been another year or more before the first vaccine even made it out of trials.

He launched the largest, most extensive, most expensive Federal Effort to combat a disease outbreak in US History and got it done at a record breaking pace because he took wise measures and put them into action as soon as the pandemic even approached US shores.

If not for all the caterwauling and hand wringing calling his plans to essentially close down our borders to all international travel except for Americans returning from overseas and placing them in quarantine from the congress and media, including Fauci and the WHO, we could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of hospitalizations as well.

No president in history ever launched a more successful response to a pandemic prior to this and they were breaking new ground with every decision and every policy being implemented.
His 15 minutes are about to be up and he's not sure what to do with himself.
He built his own golden parachute plus he'll retire about 80% of his 435,000.00 monthly paycheck and of course get free health care for life.

No doubt his speaking and consulting fees will add up to a hell of a lot more.
They'll attack the Capitol again
They'll vote for DeSantis.

No lockdowns with DeSantis.

Blues legend is right, there will be a revolt if they try that crap again. And it won't be from the right-tards either, it'll be from business. The last lockdown cost business BILLIONS, even with the gubmint handouts. 40% of the restaurants in Los Angeles went out of business.

BECAUSE, our retarded government told them they could open up again, but only outside. And of course it was the middle of winter so they had to spend money they didn't have on outdoor heaters. THEN the government locked them down again. So now not only don't they have customers, but they have a pile of useless heaters they have to pay to store somewhere

There will be 'beyond" protests if the government tries that idiotic lockdown crap again.
To what end? What does it profit him to steer you wrong? Is it not possible that he is merely outlining what is best to mitigate and minimize sickness?
No. He's too stupid to mitigate ANYTHING. And YES he has conflicts of interest.
To what end? What does it profit him to steer you wrong? Is it not possible that he is merely outlining what is best to mitigate and minimize sickness?
His reccomendations had the opposite effect.

The lockdowns did far more harm than good both directly and indirectly. One sick family member meant the entire family had to stay home and suddenly you have a family cluster instead of one sick individual.

The mental, developmental, and physical consequences for kids being locked down and/or forced to mask up has had a serious negative effect on an entire generation.

Fauci specifically opposed the one thing that could have saved us hundreds of thousands of lives which was Trump's plan to cut off international travel before the first known cases even reached out shores. He called them harmful and xenophobic.

Fauci is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths from that single decision.
They'll vote for DeSantis.

No lockdowns with DeSantis.

Blues legend is right, there will be a revolt if they try that crap again. And it won't be from the right-tards either, it'll be from business. The last lockdown cost business BILLIONS, even with the gubmint handouts. 40% of the restaurants in Los Angeles went out of business.

BECAUSE, our retarded government told them they could open up again, but only outside. And of course it was the middle of winter so they had to spend money they didn't have on outdoor heaters. THEN the government locked them down again. So now not only don't they have customers, but they have a pile of useless heaters they have to pay to store somewhere

There will be 'beyond" protests if the government tries that idiotic lockdown crap again.
If DeSantis isn't planning a 2024 run he's sure doing everything to set himself up for one. I'd certainly look hard at him as a candidate.

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