Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

More lockdowns so small businesses can be hurt further, no church services or family gatherings. Mind you… Democrat politicos will ignore the lockdowns for themselves but wag their finger at the masses. Also, if a black person gets shot by a police officer then mass protests will be exempted as well. Finally, Fauci will get to attend baseball games in private.
More lockdowns so small businesses can be hurt further, no church services or family gatherings. Mind you… Democrat politicos will ignore the lockdowns for themselves but wag their finger at the masses. Also, if a black person gets shot by a police officer then mass protests will be exempted as well. Finally, Fauci will get to attend baseball games in private.
There won't be lockdowns moron.

In fact I'm willing to bet on it.


Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.
Who wooda ever thunk? Fourth booster shot coming too.
Nope, TDS is allowing an irrelevant boogie man take up residence, rent free, in your empty head while disregarding an idiot vegetable who is destroying the country.
He incited a riot and try to overthrow our Democracy and that makes him relevant as hell. The Jan. 6th committee hasn`t stopped interviewing his co-conspirators. FOX and their idiot viewers think the riot never happened but it did.
And if Fauci did nothing you'd bitch about that if people started getting sick in large numbers and were dying.
People die from the Flu everyday and have for 100’s of years, people die from a variety of different things, we never stopped living before President Trump was up for re-election, but idiots like yourself follow stupidity daily….
People die from the Flu everyday and have for 100’s of years, people die from a variety of different things, we never stopped living before President Trump was up for re-election, but idiots like yourself follow stupidity daily….
I would like for you to put up a synopsis of my life and show me where I followed the CDC guidelines daily or, learn to stop lying. As far as what the govt. did that is on them from Trump down to the PPP clad nurse, not me, I am not the ruler of the universe and have no power on this Earth to make anyone do anything they do not want. Now, we have shut down and isolated communities due to sickness before or exiled them onto a place where they sent many sick people like the leper island in the Pacific.
He incited a riot and try to overthrow our Democracy and that makes him relevant as hell. The Jan. 6th committee hasn`t stopped interviewing his co-conspirators. FOX and their idiot viewers think the riot never happened but it did.
You're a moron who listens to too much bullshit from CNN. First, he did not incite a riot. Indeed he admonished those in attendance to "peacefully make your voice heard." That is a far cry from incitement. The only murder that resulted from Jan. 6 was committed by a capitol cop on an unarmed female on Pelosi's orders. She should be on trial for conspiracy to commit murder. I think you must be thinking of remarks made by Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley, Nancy Pelosi and a host of other democrats. Second. You haven't learned that you shouldn't put any stock in committees hosted by democrats. You would think you would learn after a hoax Russia investigation that produced nothing and two scam partisan impeachments that wasted a lot of tax payer money for a kangaroo court that produced nothing. You would do well to investigate the multiple BLM/Antifa riots that were incited by democrats during 2020 resulting in murder of innocents and millions of dollars in damage to city, state and federal property across America. Try again, moron.
He incited a riot and try to overthrow our Democracy and that makes him relevant as hell. The Jan. 6th committee hasn`t stopped interviewing his co-conspirators. FOX and their idiot viewers think the riot never happened but it did.
I think they figured since the libbies were getting away with rioting and destruction, they could do it too.

The stench of hypocrisy is strong.
You're a moron who listens to too much bullshit from CNN. First, he did not incite a riot. Indeed he admonished those in attendance to "peacefully make your voice heard." That is a far cry from incitement. I think you must be thinking of remarks made by Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley, Nancy Pelosi and a host of other democrats. Second. You haven't learned that you shouldn't put any stock in committees hosted by democrats. You would think you would learn after a hoax Russia investigation that produced nothing and two scam partisan impeachments that wasted a lot of tax payer money for a kangaroo court that produced nothing. You would do well to investigate the multiple BLM/Antifa riots that were incited by democrats during 2020 resulting in murder of innocents and millions of dollars in damage to city, state and federal property across America. Try again, moron.
If the BLM and Antifa riots were an attempt to install Al Sharpton as president you might have a point. A Bipartisan ( that means dem and repubs) found that Russia sure as hell did meddle in our election. If Trump did nothing wrong why does he hide documents and why are his thugs ignoring subpoenas and pleading the 5th? Simple question for a simple person. I don`t watch tv news btw. I subscribe to 2 online newspapers. You shouldn`t have to learn what`s going on from someone on a discussion board, but here`s what FOX hides from their dolts and cretins.
If the BLM and Antifa riots were an attempt to install Al Sharpton as president you might have a point. A Bipartisan ( that means dem and repubs) found that Russia sure as hell did meddle in our election. If Trump did nothing wrong why does he hide documents and why are his thugs ignoring subpoenas and pleading the 5th? Simple question for a simple person. I don`t watch tv news btw. I subscribe to 2 online newspapers. You shouldn`t have to learn what`s going on from someone on a discussion board, but here`s what FOX hides from their dolts and cretins.
Tdsing is so demofk! Nope, no one claims collusion
I think they figured since the libbies were getting away with rioting and destruction, they could do it too.

The stench of hypocrisy is strong.
We had over 200 years of peaceful transfer of power and you low lifes thought we should install a loser simply because you all want to have his baby.
Do you dumbfucks think that was the first riot this country has ever experienced? Make friends with a book and try to discard some of your dumbfuckery. Homeschoolers miss out on a lot.

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