Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

There will be no lockdown.

In fact I'll bet on it.

Set a date...and if there's a lock down by that date...I'll leave this board. If not...Whoever bets me leaves
I have been very clear on this point.
I don't care if you get vaccinated or not.
I don't care if you wear a mask.
I don't care if you social distance.
That being said, if you don't do all three things, stay the fuck away from me.

Let me be very clear on this point.
You DO care if we get vaccinated or not.
You DO care if we wear masks.
You DO care if we socially distance.

We can tell by this post:
"This country is also infected by a bunch of knuckle draggers like you that have no compassion and don’t care who they infect." Don't try to piss down our legs and tell us it's raining, and don't parade your virtue-signaling judgement around and then try to tell us you don't care if other people join your play-acting.

And finally, no one was clamoring to be anywhere around your stupid ass to begin with, so spare us the refusal of your unwanted company as though you're really punishing us somehow.
Let me be very clear on this point.
You DO care if we get vaccinated or not.
You DO care if we wear masks.
You DO care if we socially distance.

We can tell by this post:
"This country is also infected by a bunch of knuckle draggers like you that have no compassion and don’t care who they infect." Don't try to piss down our legs and tell us it's raining, and don't parade your virtue-signaling judgement around and then try to tell us you don't care if other people join your play-acting.

And finally, no one was clamoring to be anywhere around your stupid ass to begin with, so spare us the refusal of your unwanted company as though you're really punishing us somehow.
Damn...I hadn't seen this poster for a while. Thought the rona got her.

Oh well...there's another wave coming
No I won't, but if you come near me you'll get hurt.

If you are so very worried that you think it warrants your laughable threats of violence, why don't YOU stay away from US? For someone who desperately wants to convince us that you don't care what we do, you certainly seem addicted to the idea of issuing orders, however much they will be ignored and mocked.

For the record, we're going to go out and live our lives and pay not one iota of attention to any hypochondriac pussy screaming demands to "stay away from me!" You came out around other people, you deal with it. And if it were me on whom you attempted to enforce your demands through "hurting" me, I'd send my 13-year-old to issue you a well-deserved beatdown. Sending anyone else, including myself, would be excessive force.
We're not here to make anyone uncomfortable.

But we don't want to be uncomfortable either.

We'll wear a mask for you, because it's the considerate thing to do.

But we won't wear one for Mr Fauci, because he's just an idiot, with a LOT of conflicts of interest.

Who is this "we" who's going to wear a mask? You got a mouse in your pocket, wearing a tiny little mouse mask?
I don't require isolation. I require morons who don't care if they infect someone to stay the fuck away from me.

Then you require isolation, because YOUR paranoia and hyperchondria need to inconvenience YOU, not anyone else. Stay home, or suck it the fuck up.

Believe me, no one will be coming to your house, craving your company.
For one, I seriously doubt that I will meet anyone who posts here. Second, there are quite a few members who would most likely rather spit in my face than wear a mask.

You're still vastly overvaluing yourself. The more you talk, the less I think you're worth the effort to hawk up a loogie.
It's about protecting myself.

You don't protect yourself by making demands on others, or by threatening them physically (however little I think you're capable of accomplishing it) if they don't comply with your demands.

You don't want to get infected by others? Then stop demanding they stay away from you, and stay away from them. YOU protect yourself . . . and stay the fuck home.
It's midterm year. They need another bug in case the russia/ukraine war ends too soon.
Perhaps our “astute” current federal government will start warning us of a possible intrusion by alien entities,- spotted by one amateur stargazer observing Jupiter on a cloudy night? Oh wait, that could actually lead to major unification of the populace so scratch that. As you’ve stated LBT, it will be more fear promoting to divide and conquer to stay their unscrupulous course.

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