Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

In epidemiology? Truly? Impressive. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, I dunno. They slowed progress enough so that most healthcare systems were merely overworked and now overwhelmed and buried.

Agreed. The Trump Administration has much to answer for during the Fall-Winter 2019-2020 time frame.

Political activists? How so?

There's more than enough blame to go around for both the Trump and Biden administrations in this context.
In epidemiology and public health.

The only thing that saved us another million lives was Trump pushing back against the cries of racism and xenophobia and finally putting tavel bans in place, but by then it was already here.

Mobilizing both the public and private sectors under the two emergency declarations was a WWII size effort to ramp up production of PPE, Ventilators, treatments, and vaccines.

In the history of US public health we've never seen anything like it. Vaccines were available and already in trials in under a year due to the measures he took.

Trusting Fauci however was probably the biggest mistake of his presidency.
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Will that do?

SMH. No. I was responding to his assertion in post #405 that fuel prices where his lives were dropping. Granted he was off topic, but please keep up with the thread before arbitrarily disagreeing with a post.
Maybe. Maybe not. Nobody - he included - realized just how contagious and deadly that Round One was going to be.

Yeah... that bothered me too... until I realized that he was bull$hitting in order to keep as many masks as possible in clinicians hands during the early going.

Once mask and other PPE production had ramped-up and masks were plentiful the Feds starting Truth-Telling about the efficacy of masks.

Not really. He did (and continues to do) his job

Fauci never said that masks don't w.ork. The other poster snuck in a lie there.

Fauci at first recommended against every American wearing a mask for two reasons. First, there was a shortage of PPE for healthcare workers. Second -- and this is the more important reason -- he, just like everyone else in the entire world, did not yet understand that half of infected people are asymptomatic.
That statement is like your "unnamed source" Not worth the paper it's not printed on. Linkie, fool? Your credibility, like most democrats is non existent. You don't lie very well, in words that you'll understand.
Believe whatever you like, mouth breather.
Fauci never said that masks don't w.ork. The other poster snuck in a lie there.

Fauci at first recommended against every American wearing a mask for two reasons. First, there was a shortage of PPE for healthcare workers. Second -- and this is the more important reason -- he, just like everyone else in the entire world, did not yet understand that half of infected people are asymptomatic.
Notice how he hasen't responded? They've been on Fauci's case since Trump was booted out & he didn't bow down to The Dear Leader when he was headed for the exits.
Again, typical lying democrat response when caught in a lie. Simple enough to prove. Prove it moron--otherwise just admit you lied when you pulled that one out of your ass.
Fuck off. Whatsamatter, got a hair caught accross you ass because gas is dropping somewhere? Pisses you off, right?

Well it is here so enjoy your shit sandwich, sucker.
Fuck off. Whatsamatter, got a hair caught accross you ass because gas is dropping somewhere? Pisses you off, right?

Well it is here so enjoy your shit sandwich, sucker.
Prices today are lower than alll time record highs by a few cents.

Yea Brandon!
Fauci never said that masks don't w.ork. The other poster snuck in a lie there.

Fauci at first recommended against every American wearing a mask for two reasons. First, there was a shortage of PPE for healthcare workers. Second -- and this is the more important reason -- he, just like everyone else in the entire world, did not yet understand that half of infected people are asymptomatic.
Except of course that he did.

Fauci Said Masks 'Not Really Effective in Keeping Out Virus,' Email Reveals​

Except of course that he did.
No, he said they are not effective at keeping the virus out. That is correct, of masks below grade N95. That's not the main reason to mask up, though.

The reason to mask up is that YOU may have it and be asymptomatic, and it helps contain your bodily fluids. The "mass effect" of this is to slow transmission. Those who are symptomatic or infected: stay home. A very simple and effective way to slow transmission, overall.

And that's all. It's that simple. Frankly, you should feel a bit embarrassed for not knowing this, two years into the pandemic.
No, he said they are not effective at keeping the virus out. That is correct, of masks below grade N95. That's not the main reason to mask up, though.

The reason to mask up is that YOU may have it and be asymptomatic, and it helps contain your bodily fluids. The "mass effect" of this is to slow transmission. Those who are symptomatic or infected: stay home. A very simple and effective way to slow transmission, overall.

And that's all. It's that simple. Frankly, you should feel a bit embarrassed for not knowing this, two years into the pandemic.
That isn't what he said at the time nor is it what he said in his email.

There's little support for the claim that anything other than an N95 or better mask is actually effective at slowing much less stopping the spread.

Mask mandates for kids cannot be shown to be based in science at all and have created serious issues for a generation of kids we'll be working to solve for years.

The science didn't then and doesn't now support it.
That isn't what he said at the time nor is it what he said in his email.
Uh, yes it is. He said the masks are not effective at keeping out the virus. Fact.

They weren't talking about masks for asymptomatoc people, or for purposes of anything but keeping out the virus, because they were not aware that half of those infected would be asymptomatic.

Once this was learned, masks were recommended in indoor spaces.

Again, all very simple.
Uh, yes it is. He said the masks are not effective at keeping out the virus. Fact.

They weren't talking about masks for asymptomatoc people, or for purposes of anything but keeping out the virus, because they were not aware that half of those infected would be asymptomatic.

Once this was learned, masks were recommended in indoor spaces.

Again, all very simple.
No that's flat not what he said, he told Americans not to buy masks because those they could buy would not work.

Hell I quoted it and provided the links, there's nothing left to argue here.

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