Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

he told Americans not to buy masks because those they could buy would not work.
* to keep out the virus

Let's quote it again:

More than a month before the World Health Organization labeled the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci received an email asking whether the writer should wear a face mask while traveling.

“Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection,” Fauci wrote back in a Feb. 5 message. “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.”

USA Today
And that's it ^^

That's the saucy breaking news that sent the right goobers into a tailspin.

"Fauci says masks don't work!" Cackle cackle

Every word of the above article snippet, still true. It's almost as if he is an expert or something.
Well, I defer to scientists, not uneducated slobs. But thanks anyway.
Scientists lie, and so do you. Fauci lied and so did you.
Scientists are not gods. They are your gods though.
How's that Ozone hole at the poles, and when is the next Ice Age coming?
Why isn't New York under 30 feet of water 20 years ago like Al Gore Rythm said it would be?
Hey, The Jab is perfectly safe, right?





You lied about Benghazi
You lied about Hillary's illegal secret server
Hillary lied, Obama lied, Biden lied
You lied about Kavanaugh
You lied about The Dirty Dossier
You lied about Russian Collusion
You lied about spying on President Trump
Biden lied, Obama lied, Hillary lied.
You lied about Uranium One
James Comey lied, McCabe lied, Strozk lied, Mueller lied, Paige lied
You lied about The Mueller investigation
You lied about FISA abuse
You lied about the impeachments
Pelosi lied, Schummer lied, Nadler lied, Schiff lied
You lied about COVID
Fauci lied, WHO lied, The CDC lied
You lied about HCQ and Ivermectin
You lied about Bernie Sanders and rigging the primaries for Clinton
You lied about Seth Rich and Julian Assange
You lied about the rigged 2020 elections
You lied about Obama, and Joe Biden, The Podesta Group interfering in Ukraine elections and funding a COUP.
You lied about Burisma
You lied about Hunter Biden's Laptop
Hunter lied, Joe lied, Obama lied, The Podestas lied, Comey lied
You are lying now about COVID, lying about The Russian Ukraine war.
You lie about so called Climate Change.
You lied about The XL pipeline
You lied about Domestic Oil and Gas Production
You lied about The Iran Nuclear Deal
You lied about Nordstream 2 and the loopholes Biden is creating for his good friend Putin in The Iran Nukes for Oil Death Deal

If your agenda is so appealing to people, you would not need to string along a continual series of lies every day to try to bring it about.
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* to keep out the virus

Let's quote it again:

More than a month before the World Health Organization labeled the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci received an email asking whether the writer should wear a face mask while traveling.

“Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection,” Fauci wrote back in a Feb. 5 message. “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.”

USA Today
Fauci? You mean the guy Obama sent to Wuhan to create the COVID19 Bioweapon and who predicted in 2017 that President Trump would be attacked by COVID19 pandemic that he was in charge of creating a full two years before he and The CCP unleashed it on The US?

That lying murderous SOB? The same lying bloodthirsty animal that tortured animals and lied about Ivermectin, lied about his role in laundering money through The Defense Department as ordered by Obama using a front called EcoHealth to fund COVID19 Bioweapon research?

That guy? You believe Saint Fauci? That's your god?
So that's why you don't listen to scientists...?

Hmm,no, that's not why.

You are an intellectual deviants. That's why.
Fauci is a liar and Fauci is a so called scientist. Fauci lied, and you lie.
Your god is a lying god.
All scientists lie, when they need research $$ to get paid.
So that's why you don't listen to scientists...?

Hmm,no, that's not why.

You are an intellectual deviants. That's why.
it seems it is you who don't listen to scientists. If one has to silence opposition science, one has tampered with science. So, therefore, the science is bad. Bad Fauci. BTW, he ain't science. He's a murdering coward.
it seems it is you who don't listen to scientists. If one has to silence opposition science, one has tampered with science. So, therefore, the science is bad. Bad Fauci. BTW, he ain't science. He's a murdering coward.
Fauci is a "murdering coward"?

You're an idiot.
Scientists lie, and so do you. Fauci lied and so did you.
Scientists are not gods. They are your gods though.
How's that Ozone hole at the poles, and when is the next Ice Age coming?
Why isn't New York under 30 feet of water 20 years ago like Al Gore Rythm said it would be?
Hey, The Jab is perfectly safe, right?





You lied about Benghazi
You lied about Hillary's illegal secret server
Hillary lied, Obama lied, Biden lied
You lied about Kavanaugh
You lied about The Dirty Dossier
You lied about Russian Collusion
You lied about spying on President Trump
Biden lied, Obama lied, Hillary lied.
You lied about Uranium One
James Comey lied, McCabe lied, Strozk lied, Mueller lied, Paige lied
You lied about The Mueller investigation
You lied about FISA abuse
You lied about the impeachments
Pelosi lied, Schummer lied, Nadler lied, Schiff lied
You lied about COVID
Fauci lied, WHO lied, The CDC lied
You lied about HCQ and Ivermectin
You lied about Bernie Sanders and rigging the primaries for Clinton
You lied about Seth Rich and Julian Assange
You lied about the rigged 2020 elections
You lied about Obama, and Joe Biden, The Podesta Group interfering in Ukraine elections and funding a COUP.
You lied about Burisma
You lied about Hunter Biden's Laptop
Hunter lied, Joe lied, Obama lied, The Podestas lied, Comey lied
You are lying now about COVID, lying about The Russian Ukraine war.
You lie about so called Climate Change.
You lied about The XL pipeline
You lied about Domestic Oil and Gas Production
You lied about The Iran Nuclear Deal
You lied about Nordstream 2 and the loopholes Biden is creating for his good friend Putin in The Iran Nukes for Oil Death Deal

If your agenda is so appealing to people, you would not need to string along a continual series of lies every day to try to bring it about.
Oh look, links you never read.
Or, to your point, and in opposition of the leftist stance on science, it does not change. If changes are discovered, the science failed on its face. Science is PROVEN fact, anything else is theory, NOT SCIENCE.
Science is always theorized and tested. if results are not achieved, science declares the theory null and void, and a rethink executed and a new theory developed. I don't think science can ever be fully proven.
Fauci is a "murdering coward"?

You're an idiot.
he made the wuhan 19. You can ignore that fact, your choice, not mine, he is responsible for the virus. End of story. There is evidence. The fact demofks own the judicial it won't happen, just means demofks continue to hate humanity.
Yeah... that bothered me too... until I realized that he was bull$hitting in order to keep as many masks as possible in clinicians hands during the early going.

Once you start making excuses for your public officials to flatly lie to you and try and spin such as a GOOD THING, you have failed.

This is the primary reason that Fauci failed miserably, he and the continual failures of the CDC like fucking up basic testing lost all public confidence in them.

Public confidence in the CDC in particular is his number 1 job.

Once you start making excuses for your public officials to flatly lie to you and try and spin such as a GOOD THING, you have failed.

This is the primary reason that Fauci failed miserably, he and the continual failures of the CDC like fucking up basic testing lost all public confidence in them.

Public confidence in the CDC in particular is his number 1 job.
Please explain how the CDC institutes universal testing or large scale testing . Because, as I understand it, all they can do is recommend it. Which they did, in spring, 2020.
Please explain how the CDC institutes universal testing or large scale testing . Because, as I understand it, all they can do is recommend it. Which they did, in spring, 2020.
Don't pretend that you are unaware of how the CDC royally fucked testing up at the outset of the pandemic. They do not just make recomendations, they are the ones that tell the entire country what they can and cannot use. We were offered reliable testing and we refused it in favor of the testing the CDC had in the works. Testing that was known to be faulty.

"Well-equipped state or local labs can use these—or come up with their own—to produce what are known as a "laboratory-developed tests" for in-house use.
But at the moment, they're not allowed to do that without FDA approval. When the United States declared the outbreak a public health emergency on 31 January, a bureaucratic process kicked in that requires FDA's "emergency use approval" for any tests. "The declaration of a public health emergency did exactly what it shouldn't have. It limited the diagnostic capacity of this country," Mina says. "It's insane."

Why you poor thing. Another one of Trump's asseaters mad because Fauci doesn't parrot your brand of Covid bullshit. And because Biden beat your boy's ass.

My post still stands so fuck off & enjoy the ride, idiot.
of course it would stand---you are a brain dead fuck up
you suck PIG-lousys twat and beg for more
fake-i is your boy, fuck face
so, you should stop spreading fucking lies---:asshole:
only in the minds of RETARDS (YOU and yours) did xiden win any election....AND THE LAPTOP IS REAL, SHIT FOR BRAINS
so fuck off and ......
if you only had a brain
Fauci could have written his own ticket with Big Pharma years ago if he was interested in making the big bucks, Clown. He didn't, Clown.

So you can take your " investigation" of Fauci & wipe your ass with it, Clown.
why don't you just keep eating fake-i's ass---little boy
he's a fucking LIAR, just like you
IF YOU ONLY HAD A BRAIN :finger3:...:finger3:...:finger3:...........:abgg2q.jpg:
why don't you just keep eating fake-i's ass---little boy
he's a fucking LIAR, just like you
IF YOU ONLY HAD A BRAIN :finger3:...:finger3:...:finger3:...........:abgg2q.jpg:
Did I strike a nerve, assface? Tell me, if Fauci was out to make a fortune why didn't he take a position with Big Pharma years ago? Why not, genius?

Then his life & his family's life wouldn't have been threatened by fucked in the head MAGA Hatters.
Don't pretend that you are unaware of how the CDC royally fucked testing up at the outset of the pandemic. They do not just make recomendations, they are the ones that tell the entire country what they can and cannot use. We were offered reliable testing and we refused it in favor of the testing the CDC had in the works. Testing that was known to be faulty.

"Well-equipped state or local labs can use these—or come up with their own—to produce what are known as a "laboratory-developed tests" for in-house use.
But at the moment, they're not allowed to do that without FDA approval. When the United States declared the outbreak a public health emergency on 31 January, a bureaucratic process kicked in that requires FDA's "emergency use approval" for any tests. "The declaration of a public health emergency did exactly what it shouldn't have. It limited the diagnostic capacity of this country," Mina says. "It's insane."

Oh right, that. They were considered better than nothing.

And we learned quite a bit from the pandemic.

And the final assessment of these early failures, caused by several agencies scrambling, was a lack of organization and leadership at higher levels.
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