Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

Here's a lockdown we haven't discussed yet, mouth breather. It concerns putting people like you who still think Trump won in a rubber room.

Or you can sign yourself in voluntarily & save the rest of us the trouble.
Tsk, tsk, you didn't listen did you? LMAO, moron. Did you enjoy listening to your daily dose of Trump in your head? I think you are trying to convince yourself that Trump didn't win, eight-pound water head.
Yes. We all understand that you disagree with the Subject Matter Experts., and that you're very bitter about the past two years.

Our public health officials did what they could for us at the time, given the light by which the Good Lord gave them to see at the time.

Close enough for Gubmint Work.

Not close enough.

Not by a long shot.

We should be able to expect better.

Otherwise, we're damn well and definitely going to lose the next war

Raise the bar.
think you can name the accomplishments--ASSHOLE?
very doubtful, because you weren't told what they are
think you can get your head out of xidens ass long enough to see TRUTH?....doubtful, you anti-AMERICA piece of shit
How's this for an accomplishment, Trump asseater. Joe Biden beat Trump's ass in an epic beatdown causing MAGA hatters like you to lose their shit daily in an epic scream fest topped off with a trail of tears from Maine to Hawaii.

An accomplisment worth the weight of red MAGA caps in gold, Clown.

Now rant some more about Biden & see if the election results change.
Here's a lockdown we haven't discussed yet, mouth breather. It concerns putting people like you who still think Trump won in a rubber room.

Or you can sign yourself in voluntarily & save the rest of us the trouble.
You are a true brain dead asshole.

Permanent ignore for you.

Bye now.
Tsk, tsk, you didn't listen did you? LMAO, moron. Did you enjoy listening to your daily dose of Trump in your head? I think you are trying to convince yourself that Trump didn't win, eight-pound water head.
Why would I have to convince myself that Trump lost when the results clearly show that Biden beat his ass & it wasen't even close, retard?
How's this for an accomplishment, Trump asseater. Joe Biden beat Trump's ass in an epic beatdown causing MAGA hatters like you to lose their shit daily in an epic scream fest topped off with a trail of tears from Maine to Hawaii.

An accomplisment worth the weight of red MAGA caps in gold, Clown.

Now rant some more about Biden & see if the election results change.
LIARS, and CHEATERS, (SCUM demonRATS), have the mentality of a rock, and deny the election was stolen by the CORRUPT< DOMINION VOTING machines, after all, some were tied into the internet---totally ILLEGAL---but, with no brain functioning in your head...
sadly, the SCUM demonRATS support pedophilia, corruption, ruining AMERICA, pedophilia,.....SICK FUCKERS the SCUM demonRATS are.....
why would anyone support that....because they are just as SICK
LIARS, and CHEATERS, (SCUM demonRATS), have the mentality of a rock, and deny the election was stolen by the CORRUPT< DOMINION VOTING machines, after all, some were tied into the internet---totally ILLEGAL---but, with no brain functioning in your head...
sadly, the SCUM demonRATS support pedophilia, corruption, ruining AMERICA, pedophilia,.....SICK FUCKERS the SCUM demonRATS are.....
why would anyone support that....because they are just as SICK
You mad?
Are you absolutely sure? LMAO. You don't seem to be convinced. BTW, your bus driver asked me to tell you to "quit licking the windows" He wants to go home when he parks the short bus.
I'm absolutely sure of it & as a sign of that every time I say so you launch into orbit.

Thanks for playing.

Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.
Glad I live in a state that didnt lock down next to another state that didnt lock down ...
On one hand, we have Dr. Fauci threatening to restrict American citizens to their homes, and on the other we have Biden planning to release the floodgates at the end of May, allowing 18,000 illegal aliens in through the southern border PER DAY, and then flying them to cities throughout the nation without warning.
On one hand, we have Dr. Fauci threatening to restrict American citizens to their homes, and on the other we have Biden planning to release the floodgates at the end of May, allowing 18,000 illegal aliens in through the southern border PER DAY, and then flying them to cities throughout the nation without warning.
Explain how Fauci has the authority to restrict people to their homes.

Wil! he let us watch TV?


Use our phones?

Do tell!

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