Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

You ever hear the adage about leading a horse to water? You should. Think you can remove your head from your ass long enough to see the real world outside of your colon.
If by your post you mean becoming a Trump lackey & believing his bullshit about an election stolen from him, thanks, but no thanks.

I'll leave his asseating to people like you.
Shut the fuck up asshole. Stop derailing threads with your homosexual fantasies. Stop crying that your hero Hunter Biden is a Crackhead with some pretty damning stuff on his laptop. All proven and verified. Stay home hiding underneath your bed with 4 masks on like your God Fauci tells you to. We’ll just continue to laugh at you.
Was your head up Trump's ass when you accused me of derailing this thread then you just did it by bringing up Hunter Biden, Bozo?

Thanx for letting me rub your stupidity in your face, turd.
If by your post you mean becoming a Trump lackey & believing his bullshit about an election stolen from him, thanks, but no thanks.

I'll leave his asseating to people like you.
Take your head out of your ass, moron. Try looking around at what has happened in the last two years. Are you fucking blind? Nope, just a moron democrat.
Take your head out of your ass, moron. Try looking around at what has happened in the last two years. Are you fucking blind? Nope, just a moron democrat.
We're talking about this endless rant that the election was stolen fromTrump with no concrete evidence to back up the accusation.

Try to keep up, laughing boy.
I'm not highjacking anything, jerkoff. Take your own own broomstick & wipe your ass with it, tough guy.
Why are you so angry? It is your fault that your favorite vegetable is in the WH. I get it. I guess if I voted for that senile pos I would be angry too. Tsk, tsk, tsk sucks to be you.
Why are you so angry? It is your fault that your favorite vegetable is in the WH. I get it. I guess if I voted for that senile pos I would be angry too. Tsk, tsk, tsk sucks to be you.
Are you still butthurt because Joe wiped the floor with your boy?

Are Kleenex needed for the tears, bedwetter?
Are you still butthurt because Joe wiped the floor with your boy?

Are Kleenex needed for the tears, bedwetter?
HaHaHa, try again, your pain is my gain and every time the vegetable opens his mouth, you and your ilk flinch a little more. The comedy of errors and your response to it is really enjoyable to watch. The but, but, but Trump excuses are even getting hard for you to believe. LMAO, but keep on trying, I'll keep on laughing at you.
HaHaHa, try again, your pain is my gain and every time the vegetable opens his mouth, you and your ilk flinch a little more. The comedy of errors and your response to it is really enjoyable to watch. The but, but, but Trump excuses are even getting hard for you to believe. LMAO, but keep on trying, I'll keep on laughing at you.
I have no pain because your boy had his ass beat by Joe. But your boy does as witnessed by his whining & stomping his feet over it like he did the other night.

Trump's pain is your pain & you know it, tRump MAGA asseater.
I have no pain because your boy had his ass beat by Joe. But your boy does as witnessed by his whining & stomping his feet over it like he did the other night.

Trump's pain is your pain & you know it, tRump MAGA asseater.
You assume much and it shows that you are an ass every time you do. No pain? You enjoy paying 100% more for gas than you did a year ago? You enjoy the worst inflation in 40 years? You relish the thought of WWIII on your doorstep? You like open borders? No pain. LOL, you're in denial or just plain stupid. I am inclined to believe it is the latter.
You assume much and it shows that you are an ass every time you do. No pain? You enjoy paying 100% more for gas than you did a year ago? You enjoy the worst inflation in 40 years? You relish the thought of WWIII on your doorstep? You like open borders? No pain. LOL, you're in denial or just plain stupid. I am inclined to believe it is the latter.
Still crying because your boy got his ass beat, I see.

The tears of a clown.
Still crying because your boy got his ass beat, I see.

The tears of a clown.
You are absolutely the dumbest mother fucker on this board. I could give a fuck less about a past election. There will be another---and another---and another---and another ad infinitum. You democrat morons don't get it. Nixon was beat by Kennedy. Humphrey was beat by Nixon. Ford was beat by Carter. Carter was beat by Reagan. Bush was beat by Clinton. Gore was beat by Bush. Clinton was beat by Trump. Meh. Who GAF? You. Run along skippy, you're trolling again.

Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'​

Maybe we can! No one wants to be locked up in their own homes again.
Faucci is making the rounds ringing the bell of doom again. Go suck a breaker box, Faucci.
I would be very shocked if the US ever goes back to lockdowns, there will be too many protesters and non-compliance to enforce.
If it's everywhere you look bedwetter, how about pointing me in the right direction? Think you can remove your head from Trump's ass long enough to do that, assclown?
think you can name the accomplishments--ASSHOLE?
very doubtful, because you weren't told what they are
think you can get your head out of xidens ass long enough to see TRUTH?....doubtful, you anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I have no pain because your boy had his ass beat by Joe. But your boy does as witnessed by his whining & stomping his feet over it like he did the other night.

Trump's pain is your pain & you know it, tRump MAGA asseater.
you have no pain, because you are a anti-AMERICA piece of shit....go live in china where you belong
TRUMP lives in your head RENT FREE EVERY DAY:102::abgg2q.jpg:
We're talking about this endless rant that the election was stolen fromTrump with no concrete evidence to back up the accusation.

Try to keep up, laughing boy.
Here's a gift that you can listen to when you decide to post this type of bullshit.
Here's a gift that you can listen to when you decide to post this type of bullshit.

Here's a lockdown we haven't discussed yet, mouth breather. It concerns putting people like you who still think Trump won in a rubber room.

Or you can sign yourself in voluntarily & save the rest of us the trouble.

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