Faucci Says Lock Downs May Be Back

You and your heeeeroes have eight short months, moron. Go back and take a civics class and learn how the US government is organized. Just remember, high fuel prices, unbridled inflation, coming interest rate increases, no southern border security. I think you should hope that Putin keeps the vegetable occupied so he and the democrats can't do anymore damage to the country. Gee, what a moron.
Just think, if Trump runs you can start drooling again.
Btw, gas prices have been dropping so don't forget to credit Biden.
Dropping? LOLOLOLOLOL. Where in the hell have you been? Yesterday's regular gas, $4.44. Gas price on Jan. 19, 2021 (two days before the vegetable's EO war) $2.25. That is nearly double in a little over a year. You might want to look up the definition of "dropping" moron. English must not be your first language--but to your credit, you seem to have mastered the profanity dictionary. Try again chucklehead.
Dropping? LOLOLOLOLOL. Where in the hell have you been? Yesterday's regular gas, $4.44. Gas price on Jan. 19, 2021 (two days before the vegetable's EO war) $2.25. That is nearly double in a little over a year. You might want to look up the definition of "dropping" moron. English must not be your first language--but to your credit, you seem to have mastered the profanity dictionary. Try again chucklehead.
It's dropping whete I live, fuckhead.

Sucks to be you.
I didn't say the leaflets, I said you. You really don't care what you say do you, you are just trying to manipulate and you don't even believe the shit you post.
This is the impression I got initially from that poster and I've seen nothing that makes me want to rethink my original assessment.
His reccomendations had the opposite effect.

The lockdowns did far more harm than good both directly and indirectly. One sick family member meant the entire family had to stay home and suddenly you have a family cluster instead of one sick individual.

The mental, developmental, and physical consequences for kids being locked down and/or forced to mask up has had a serious negative effect on an entire generation.

Fauci specifically opposed the one thing that could have saved us hundreds of thousands of lives which was Trump's plan to cut off international travel before the first known cases even reached out shores. He called them harmful and xenophobic.

Fauci is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths from that single decision.
Yes. We all understand that you disagree with the Subject Matter Experts., and that you're very bitter about the past two years.

Our public health officials did what they could for us at the time, given the light by which the Good Lord gave them to see at the time.

Close enough for Gubmint Work.
Yes. We all understand that you disagree with the Subject Matter Experts., and that you're very bitter about the past two years.

Our public health officials did what they could for us at the time, given the light by which the Good Lord gave them to see at the time.

Close enough for Gubmint Work.
I am a subject matter expert and the failed miserably, they failed to even take the most basic measures taught in day one of epidemiology to prevent the disease from getting to the US and thence failed to contain it once it had arrived.

They ceased being medical and public health experts and became political activists.

The cost of those decisions has been over half a million lives.
That statement is like your "unnamed source" Not worth the paper it's not printed on. Linkie, fool? Your credibility, like most democrats is non existent. You don't lie very well, in words that you'll understand.



Will that do?

Too stupid? Really? Can you personally best him with respect to SME credentials on this subject?

Such as?
From the moment Fauci declared closing the US to all foreign travel except for returning Americans and Visa holders would be unnecessary, harmful, and xenophobic, he threw his credintials out of the window.

When he then stood up on TV telling Americans not to rush out and buy masks because they didn't work and then turned around pushing mask mandates, whatever credibility he had left dove out of the same window.

He became nothing but a political hack failing in every way to do his job as a public health official.
I am a subject matter expert
In epidemiology? Truly? Impressive. :auiqs.jpg:
and the failed miserably,...
Oh, I dunno. They slowed progress enough so that most healthcare systems were merely overworked and not overwhelmed and buried.

they failed to even take the most basic measures taught in day one of epidemiology to prevent the disease from getting to the US and thence failed to contain it once it had arrived.
Agreed. The Trump Administration has much to answer for during the Fall-Winter 2019-2020 time frame.
They ceased being medical and public health experts and became political activists.
Political activists? How so?
The cost of those decisions has been over half a million lives.
There's more than enough blame to go around for both the Trump and Biden administrations in this context.
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From the moment Fauci declared closing the US to all foreign travel except for returning Americans and Visa holders would be unnecessary, harmful, and xenophobic, he threw his credintials out of the window.
Maybe. Maybe not. Nobody - he included - realized just how contagious and deadly that Round One was going to be.
When he then stood up on TV telling Americans not to rush out and buy masks because they didn't work and then turned around pushing mask mandates, whatever credibility he had left dove out of the same window.
Yeah... that bothered me too... until I realized that he was bull$hitting in order to keep as many masks as possible in clinicians hands during the early going.

Once mask and other PPE production had ramped-up and masks were plentiful the Feds starting Truth-Telling about the efficacy of masks.

He became nothing but a political hack failing in every way to do his job as a public health official.
Not really. He did (and continues to do) his job properly.
Maybe. Maybe not. Nobody - he included - realized just how contagious and deadly that Round One was going to be.

Yeah... that bothered me too... until I realized that he was bull$hitting in order to keep as many masks as possible in clinicians hands during the early going.

Once mask and other PPE production had ramped-up and masks were plentiful the Feds starting Truth-Telling about the efficacy of masks.

Not really. He did (and continues to do) his job properly.
He failed misrably and flat lied to the public, that's not "doing his job".

There's no justification or justifying his lies, he should have been summarily dismissed.
Nobody - he included - realized just how contagious and deadly that Round One was going to be.
Bullshit--Fauci was instrumental in the development and release.
Once mask and other PPE production had ramped-up and masks were plentiful the Feds starting Truth-Telling about the efficacy of masks.
Sure he did--NOT. If Fauci was around when we had malaria problems he would have recommended chain link screen doors to protect from mosquitoes.
Not really. He did (and continues to do) his job properly.
Yeah, and like pigs, if you had wings you could fly too. Moron.

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