Fauci admits masks only 10% effective

Fauci and Mengele: Evil for the greater good. :mad-61:

Criminal Fauci should be in jail!

Why? Did he recommend studies on humans of ingesting disinfectants?
So if forcing the population to do something saves lives, the govt should be able to enforce it?
Is that what you’re saying?

Does not your public schools require proof of vaccinations? ... when I was a child, we got our vaccinations at school ... both polio and small pox were rampant ...

If a majority of the voters approve of mandatory vaccines, don't you think the govenment is obligated to enforce it? ... The Bluest of the Blue Oregon has gone the other way, we recently approved making medical care a Constitutional Right, meaning only the individual can decide about vaccines ... neither vaccines nor abortions can be mandated by the government ... and only by a direct vote of the voting public ...

Do you want to make anti-vaccination a protected class under the civil rights laws? ... good luck with that ... until then, landlords don't have to rent to you, banks don't have to write mortgages for you and cities won't let you sleep on the streets ... not without proof of vaccination ... your problem, I just simply catch the fool virus, and then be immunized for the next year ... simple ...
Public health during a pandemic, uh yes.
Wow, that’s creepy… you’ll allow govt to shut down individuals.. and with the modern example of them crushing so many people and causing
So much suffering while being completely wrong.

You have to be a Democrat, correct?
Does not your public schools require proof of vaccinations? ... when I was a child, we got our vaccinations at school ... both polio and small pox were rampant ...

If a majority of the voters approve of mandatory vaccines, don't you think the govenment is obligated to enforce it? ... The Bluest of the Blue Oregon has gone the other way, we recently approved making medical care a Constitutional Right, meaning only the individual can decide about vaccines ... neither vaccines nor abortions can be mandated by the government ... and only by a direct vote of the voting public ...

Do you want to make anti-vaccination a protected class under the civil rights laws? ... good luck with that ... until then, landlords don't have to rent to you, banks don't have to write mortgages for you and cities won't let you sleep on the streets ... not without proof of vaccination ... your problem, I just simply catch the fool virus, and then be immunized for the next year ... simple ...
I think established diseases and vaccines with high rates of death for all ages is different than what COVID is.. which is basically safe for people under 65 and minimally dangerous for those above (5-10% mortality rate).

Such minimal numbers statistically don’t justify the crushing harm the government did, and how they exaggerated the numbers to scare us into submission when they didn’t even know, and once they knew they lied.

Bottom line: COVID reminded us of the dangers of blindly trusting government demagogues and scientists. They are necessary resources, but the people who questioned them turned out to be right, and had we followed their advice we’d have saved many more lives and caused far less suffering, health issues, psychological harm, educational delays, economic crushing of middle class livelihoods allowing massive corps to thrive..

“It’s a good point in general, but I disagree with your premise a bit,” Fauci is quoted as responding. “From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent. But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, it’s not at the margin. It really does work.”

In other words, Fauci was distinguishing between whether mask-wearing initiatives are effective at reducing COVID-19 in a community and whether properly worn, high-quality masks provide individuals with protection. The Bangladesh study involved providing free masks, of different varieties, as well as encouraging mask-wearing in select villages. The researchers found that mask-wearing increased to about 42 percent in such villages, whereas about 13 percent of people wore masks in villages without the interventions. Even without full mask-wearing adherence, the villages with the mask interventions observed a nearly 12 percent reduction in individuals with COVID-19-like symptoms.

In other words...the POLICY (in which many wore no masks, wore bullshit masks, wore ill fitting masks) STILL produced 10% less deaths. That's millions world wide.

But for those who wore proper masks that fit properly...masking was VERY effective

“It’s a good point in general, but I disagree with your premise a bit,” Fauci is quoted as responding. “From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent. But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, it’s not at the margin. It really does work.”

In other words, Fauci was distinguishing between whether mask-wearing initiatives are effective at reducing COVID-19 in a community and whether properly worn, high-quality masks provide individuals with protection. The Bangladesh study involved providing free masks, of different varieties, as well as encouraging mask-wearing in select villages. The researchers found that mask-wearing increased to about 42 percent in such villages, whereas about 13 percent of people wore masks in villages without the interventions. Even without full mask-wearing adherence, the villages with the mask interventions observed a nearly 12 percent reduction in individuals with COVID-19-like symptoms.

In other words...the POLICY (in which many wore no masks, wore bullshit masks, wore ill fitting masks) STILL produced 10% less deaths. That's millions world wide.

But for those who wore proper masks that fit properly...masking was VERY effective

Fauci lied under oath. How is anyone supposed to determine when someone that is willing to lie under oath is telling the truth and when they are not?
Bullshit. You don’t enforce someone from trying to make a living while permitting mass protests by the thousands. Follow the science, how does that save lives?
Business and Government set the work rules, you don't. You have no constitutional right to evade work place regulations.
Wow, that’s creepy… you’ll allow govt to shut down individuals.. and with the modern example of them crushing so many people and causing
So much suffering while being completely wrong.

You have to be a Democrat, correct?
No. To let an epidemic run rampant in a population when you have the ability to slow it and save lives and not do that is the same as killing people. I seriously doubt Repubs actually believed this until the POTUS turned the pandemic into a daily reality show.
Nearly $600,000 from a National Institutes of Health grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance went to the Wuhan lab, a collaborator on the six-year project to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. The grant was canceled in April 2020.

The NIH, EcoHealth Alliance and the lead researcher in Wuhan all say the experiments weren’t gain-of-function — a type of research the U.S. government generally defined in 2014 as aiming to “increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility.”

There’s no evidence that Fauci lied to Congress, as Paul asserted in the July 20 hearing, given that the NIH unequivocally backs up Fauci’s statement that the grant-backed research “was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain-of-function.”

In a May 19 statement, NIH Director Dr. Francis S. Collins said that “neither NIH nor NIAID have ever approved any grant that would have supported ‘gain-of-function’ research on coronaviruses that would have increased their transmissibility or lethality for humans.”
Nearly $600,000 from a National Institutes of Health grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance went to the Wuhan lab, a collaborator on the six-year project to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. The grant was canceled in April 2020.

The NIH, EcoHealth Alliance and the lead researcher in Wuhan all say the experiments weren’t gain-of-function

Until they admitted they were. Hence my link above.
No. To let an epidemic run rampant in a population when you have the ability to slow it and save lives and not do that is the same as killing people. I seriously doubt Repubs actually believed this until the POTUS turned the pandemic into a daily reality show.
But the virus overall wasn’t deadly at a high rate. If you’re willing to shut so much down over statistically such minimal numbers, you have a LOT of things you’d also have to be fighting to eliminate to remain consistent.

Cars, 102 deaths per day, their purpose merely economic and convenience to maintain this first world paradise. Should they be banned? And if not, why not.. you insinuated it was about saving lives. Well, this would save thousands of lives.
Rand Paul: Gain of Function, GAIN OF FUNCTION!
Well, Rand Paul was/is correct.

Fauci’s only explanation is “It’s not gain of function research because I choose not to call it that”. Everything the lab did with COVID is to-the-tee gain of function by any definition. Fauci is just trying to protect himself via semantics to avoid prison time.

I cannot imagine you’d be foolish enough to actually believe Fauci. It’d have to be a troll/leftist-loyalty thing.
But the virus overall wasn’t deadly at a high rate. If you’re willing to shut so much down over statistically such minimal numbers, you have a LOT of things you’d also have to be fighting to eliminate to remain consistent.

Cars, 102 deaths per day, their purpose merely economic and convenience to maintain this first world paradise. Should they be banned? And if not, why not.. you insinuated it was about saving lives. Well, this would save thousands of lives.
We have decided as a society cars are worth it. Society has demanded more and more safety features over the years that has saved many lives. Cars are essential to our society. A virus is not.
Well, Rand Paul was/is correct.

Fauci’s only explanation is “It’s not gain of function research because I choose not to call it that”. Everything the lab did with COVID is to-the-tee gain of function by any definition. Fauci is just trying to protect himself via semantics to avoid prison time.

I cannot imagine you’d be foolish enough to actually believe Fauci. It’d have to be a troll/leftist-loyalty thing.

Gain of function, GAIN OF FUNCTION

I will take the opinion of an epidemiologist over that of an Optometrist

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