Fauci admits masks only 10% effective

We have decided as a society cars are worth it. Society has demanded more and more safety features over the years that has saved many lives. Cars are essential to our society. A virus is not.
Who is “we”? We know they’ll kill 102 people today. Where is your bleeding heart for them?

Your “concern” for statistically minimal death and supporting massive shutdowns still while knowing now they didn’t work is shocking.

Is it a democrat loyalty thing?
Let’s just review COVID. Basically, Conservatives were right on everything.

1. Masks didn’t stop the virus
2. Shutting down businesses was govt overreach and unnecessary
3. Schools shouldn’t have been shut down and kids shouldn’t be required to mask
4. The vaccine didn’t prevent the virus or stop you from getting the disease again and again. Natural immunity was the same or better.
5. Dying hospice people shouldn’t have been forced to die alone
6. The virus appears to have originated in Wuhan, China
7. It was created and pushed artificially in a lab, not from some bar in a wet market
8. This research was funded by Fauci/USA science, and is by definition gain-of-function research.
9. We shouldn’t have trusted the Chinese govt (Fauci/Biden did, no questions asked)

A clean sweep. Conservatives were on the correct side of all of this, and most were saying it shortly after day 1. They were demonized, bullied, harassed by Biden, the media, and politically-misinformed Democrat voters.. and they were also censored on social media and big tech platforms from giving opinions or mere factual data.

Shame on the left for all of the physical, psychological, emotional, economical damage they imposed on the public.

America.. all of America.. the next time anyone in government comes and wants to shut down your livelihood for some greater good.. Don’t. Don’t trust them. Get the information and make informed decisions yourself.

Democrats.. please learn a lesson here. You either failed to use your own agency and believed false demagogues.. or were only hyper focused politically just to oppose the right. You guys were wrong here, your spread of misinformation hurt so many people. Again, I hope a lesson was learned
Cool. That is better then I thought. Masks likely saved over a hundred thousand people from COVID.
Who is “we”? We know they’ll kill 102 people today. Where is your bleeding heart for them?

Your “concern” for statistically minimal death and supporting massive shutdowns still while knowing now they didn’t work is shocking.

Is it a democrat loyalty thing?
You are being silly. A car and a virus are two different things, even in your reality. I guess.
But the virus overall wasn’t deadly at a high rate. If you’re willing to shut so much down over statistically such minimal numbers, you have a LOT of things you’d also have to be fighting to eliminate to remain consistent.

Cars, 102 deaths per day, their purpose merely economic and convenience to maintain this first world paradise. Should they be banned? And if not, why not.. you insinuated it was about saving lives. Well, this would save thousands of lives.
Your OP is false. Move along.
Gain of function, GAIN OF FUNCTION

I will take the opinion of an epidemiologist over that of an Optometrist
Even a lying, corrupt, political one who has the motivation to hold his unsupportable position to stay out of prison?

You’re foolish.

Meanwhile, we trusted the “experts”
During COVID and look how wrong they were. Why not use them as a reference but also think for yourself? You’re going to just swallow whatever they say? No autonomy? Just a programmed robot over there?
Cool. That is better then I thought. Masks likely saved over a hundred thousand people from COVID.
the creepy thing is that you’d let the government control and neuter your livelihood for a minimal theoretical statistical gain (they may have and would have likely avoided COVID without a mask).

You need a little pride in yourself, and stop rolling over or sticking your rump in the air for demagogues to impose their will and tell you what to do.. or better yet, go ahead and do that, but don’t make more informed people live your horrible, deadly policies
You are being silly. A car and a virus are two different things, even in your reality. I guess.
So you admit you only care about human lives on one issue but not on the other.

Thus, your supposed empathy and care for the dead is to be thought of by anyone with an IQ over 70 as quite fraudulent.

You’re just standing on graves for politics. You should be ashamed
the creepy thing is that you’d let the government control and neuter your livelihood for a minimal theoretical statistical gain (they may have and would have likely avoided COVID without a mask).

The govenrment recommended masks. It saved over a hundred thousand people from COVID. That sounds like common sense.

You need a little pride in yourself, and stop rolling over or sticking your rump in the air for demagogues to impose their will and tell you what to do
Because I followed recommended pandemic practices that stopped over a hundred thousand people from COVID?

How many do you think masks need to be saved from getting a pandemic virus before the government should start recommending them?
Even a lying, corrupt, political one who has the motivation to hold his unsupportable position to stay out of prison?

You’re foolish.

Meanwhile, we trusted the “experts”
During COVID and look how wrong they were. Why not use them as a reference but also think for yourself? You’re going to just swallow whatever they say? No autonomy? Just a programmed robot over there?
<sob> Dr Fauci made me wear a mask!
Lock him up!

The govenrment recommended masks. It saved over a hundred thousand people from COVID. That sounds like common sense.
You can’t prove who masks “saved”.. because they could have just got the virus 2 minutes later. you’re making things up. Charting in America largely showed heavily masked areas being higher, the same, or slightly lower… there wasn’t some statistical proof. Yet, you’re inventing it.

Because I followed recommended pandemic practices that stopped over a hundred thousand people from COVID?
How many do you think masks need to be saved from getting a pandemic virus before the government should start recommending them?
Your repeating of a made up statistic you invented holds no weight in a debate, sorry
And of course lib numb nuts all scattered and incorrect about numbers Once Again.
10% effective Does Not Indicate that 10% of all lives were spared.
Nice emotional feeling to cling to though and that’s all they can absorb
Who is “we”? We know they’ll kill 102 people today. Where is your bleeding heart for them?

Your “concern” for statistically minimal death and supporting massive shutdowns still while knowing now they didn’t work is shocking.

Is it a democrat loyalty thing?
They want everyone as feckless and inefficiently dependent as they are
You can’t prove who masks “saved”.. because they could have just got the virus 2 minutes later. you’re making things up. Charting in America largely showed heavily masked areas being higher, the same, or slightly lower… there wasn’t some statistical proof. Yet, you’re inventing it.

Making things up? The post said masks were 10 percent effective. Thus 10 percent of people didn't get COVID because of masks.

How do you work the math out?

Your repeating of a made up statistic you invented holds no weight in a debate, sorry
FFS, you made up the statistic, not me.

It's your own post. Good grief lol.
Making things up? The post said masks were 10 percent effective. Thus 10 percent of people didn't get COVID because of masks.

How do you work the math out?
It doesn’t mean they NEVER got it genius.. it may have been 10% effective for 2 seconds while you passed one person, but 5 seconds later if you passed another person there’s another only 10% effectiveness, and so on. You’re coming to an incorrect conclusion because you’re making a false assumption.
FFS, you made up the statistic, not me.

It's your own post. Good grief lol.
No, you just misinterpreted it.

And even if, 10% of COVID cases is minimal to almost nonexistent death statistically. You’d support cheering on the govt as they do things to the entire populace that cause mass depression, tripling of suicide rates, psychological harm to a generation of children in schools, economic suppression based on statistically insignificant lives? Again.. you drive to work whistling over 102 corpses per day.

Wheres you desire to save lives there? You clearly don’t care about lives.. what about the tripling of suicides? Where’d your bleeding heart go?

You need to think for yourself, if too many govt worshippers like you get influence you do horrible things to the public. It was those like you, Fauci, Newsome, Cuomo, Biden, Harris, etc who failed miserably and let the country down.. you guys killed lots of people, the democrats should be held accountable for what they imposed as completely negligent or even with intent.
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It doesn’t mean they NEVER got it genius.. it may have been 10% effective for 2 seconds while you passed one person, but 5 seconds later if you passed another person there’s another only 10% effectiveness, and so on. You’re coming to an incorrect conclusion because you’re making a false assumption.

It may have been effective for 2 seconds? What does that even mean?

Yes, each person you pass is 10 percent effective. I don't understand why your own claims is confusing you.

No, you just misinterpreted it.

And even if, 10% of COVID cases is minimal to almost nonexistent death statistically. You’d do things that cause mass depression, suicide, psychological harm, economic suppression based on statistically insignificant lives? Again.. you drive to work whistling over 102 corpses per day.

Wheres you desire to save lives there?
You think over a hundred thousand people protected from COVID is minimal, I don't.

Again, I ask, how many people need to be protected from a virus via masks until you agree, wearing them is a good idea?

If people are getting depression, suicidal, or psychological harm because of masks, then too bad for them.

They are weak.
You think over a hundred thousand people protected from COVID is minimal, I don't.
It absolutely is minimal, because for like 99% of people it’s cold symptoms, nothing more. No amount of your anxiety and fear changes that.

But if that’s your logic, should we force shutdowns and masking during flu season? And if not, why are you okay with the tens of thousands of deaths?
Again, I ask, how many people need to be protected from a virus via masks until you agree, wearing them is a good idea?
COVID isn’t nearly deadly enough to require
Masks. Overall it’s a very safe disease to get.

If people are getting depression, suicidal, or psychological harm because of masks, then too bad for them.

They are weak.
HA! look at you. You don’t care about others. Talk about exposing yourself. You’re pathetic, a moral stain on the underpants. You disgust me
It absolutely is minimal, because for like 99% of people it’s cold symptoms, nothing more. No amount of your anxiety and fear changes that.

But if that’s your logic, should we force shutdowns and masking during flu season? And if not, why are you okay with the tens of thousands of deaths?

You can't compare COVID to the flu. Even Trump admitt d COVID was much worse.

COVID isn’t nearly deadly enough to require
Masks. Overall it’s a very safe disease to get.

Tell that to old people or fat people or people with preexisting problems.

HA! look at you. You don’t care about others. Talk about exposing yourself. You’re pathetic, a moral stain on the underpants. You disgust me
Just because they are weak, doesn't mean I don't care about them. I just am not going to base my life decisions on other people's weakness.

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