Fauci admits masks only 10% effective

GOP governors and mayors did the same, bucko.
Yeah as mentioned the worst states for deaths were the ones that had draconian shutdowns run by democrat policy.

We found out which governors are tyrants that’s for sure. Newsome, Cuomo, Whittmer, etc.

Meanwhile, letting governors act for their state was a very good thing via Trump. Pro-Democracy in action. We know Biden would have gone full authoritarian and mandate all states to do his high death policies if he were president at the time.
Science did not favor conservative points. Masking did save people lives. It just did. Sure, explain to me about the data, the studies and where Fauci just made up stuff. You people are just making up stuff for the most part.

Right! You weren’t bamboozled! You’re not a useful idiot! Masks work! If you have the jab and all its boosters you can’t get Covid!
The evil he did to humanity is unforgivable! he is a monster.

Death rate among Covid positives is 2.9%.
2.9 x .10 would equal deaths allegedly prevented by masks.

Instead of mincing weasel words ... post the algebra and we can do the actual math ... masks interrupts the transmission rate of the virus ... now that we know this value after-the-fact, we can properly calculate how many lives were saved ...

You said I wouldn't understand the algebra ... and yet you WILL NOT post it ... what's up wif dat?

We know 2.9% = 1,000,000 ... so 2.9% x 0.1 = 100,000 ... exactly like I said ... do YOU understand the algebra? ...

PROBLEM ONE: If the proper masks were worn. For the most part, people couldn't even get masks, much less N95 masks which were the "proper" masks, and if they could, many couldn't afford them. Besides, they were never meant to be worn all day. Studies show that bacteria built up inside made many more sick, not healthier.

PROBLEM TWO: So people wore whatever they could get and that often wasn't even a mask but just a face scarf, giving people an artificial sense of security, likely INCREASING transferability of viruses between people by wrongly thinking they were safe.

PROBLEM THREE: Few people wore them correctly, right up to including the president himself.

PROBLEM FOUR: These masks are designed to contain a person's own germs, not protect from without. If you weren't sick with Covid, they did little besides make people hot, irritable and uncomfortable.

The whole thing was a ruse just to give people the impression their government was acting for their protection and they weren't.
Yeah as mentioned the worst states for deaths were the ones that had draconian shutdowns run by democrat policy.

We found out which governors are tyrants that’s for sure. Newsome, Cuomo, Whittmer, etc.

Meanwhile, letting governors act for their state was a very good thing via Trump. Pro-Democracy in action. We know Biden would have gone full authoritarian and mandate all states to do his high death policies if he were president at the time.
The best states for survival by percentages were the blue states, humming bird. Do you get the word?

IOW, don't vax, your opportunity to die was almost 100% than if you did vax.
Don't take the vax, and if you are compromised or old or both, you have a 100 times greater chance to die.

Be young and healthy (supposedly), don't take the vax, you still have ten times greater chance to die.

You know those numbers are real.

Make sure you remember to get this week's booster.

We're all counting on you.

Don't let us down.

he ignored the data for the most part. The science Continually supported conservative points and he continued to double down on “mask or die”, “vaccine or die”, “if you don’t mask you’re a bad person and killing grandma” type of rhetoric.

History shows he was very very wrong while being very very sanctimonious and sure of his narrative. He wasn’t innocently wrong, he appeared to be clinging to a narrative for political reasons.

He failed the American public big time.
After his utter failure with the AIDS outbreak, he should have been fired and left in disgrace then.
Instead of mincing weasel words ... post the algebra and we can do the actual math ... masks interrupts the transmission rate of the virus ... now that we know this value after-the-fact, we can properly calculate how many lives were saved ...

You said I wouldn't understand the algebra ... and yet you WILL NOT post it ... what's up wif dat?

We know 2.9% = 1,000,000 ... so 2.9% x 0.1 = 100,000 ... exactly like I said ... do YOU understand the algebra? ...
That would be the number of dead, not saved.
Instead of mincing weasel words ... post the algebra and we can do the actual math ... masks interrupts the transmission rate of the virus ... now that we know this value after-the-fact, we can properly calculate how many lives were saved ...

You said I wouldn't understand the algebra ... and yet you WILL NOT post it ... what's up wif dat?

We know 2.9% = 1,000,000 ... so 2.9% x 0.1 = 100,000 ... exactly like I said ... do YOU understand the algebra? ...
There were roughly 100 million reported cases. That leaves 250 million uninfected. How do you expect to prove any of those 250 million were protected by masks?
So if forcing the population to do something saves lives, the govt should be able to enforce it?

Is that what you’re saying?
Did selective enforcement save lives? If you are going to enforce, you need to be consistent. Encouraging or ignoring mass protests at the height of the pandemic did not save lives.
Did selective enforcement save lives? If you are going to enforce, you need to be consistent. Encouraging or ignoring mass protests at the height of the pandemic did not save lives.
Yes, lives were saved when vaxes were taken. Government and business had the right to enforce or not enforce as they pleased.
There were roughly 100 million reported cases. That leaves 250 million uninfected. How do you expect to prove any of those 250 million were protected by masks?

How do you expect to perform algebra if you don't post your function ... this is stupid ... post the equation and plug in the numbers ...

See? ...

Masks do have a positive effect ... and when we work the math together, we will see if mask mandates are worth the associated problems? ... and in the context that hand washing slows the spread more than all other things combined ... including masks ...

Polyester masks repel viruses ... so they're worthless ... paper and cotton are strictly one time use, or you create an even worse problem ... masks don't work because people are too stupid to know how to use them ... y'all deserve to die ... all other species are voting us off the planet ...

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