Fauci admits masks only 10% effective

Letā€™s just review COVID. Basically, Conservatives were right on everything.

1. Masks didnā€™t stop the virus
2. Shutting down businesses was govt overreach and unnecessary
3. Schools shouldnā€™t have been shut down and kids shouldnā€™t be required to mask
4. The vaccine didnā€™t prevent the virus or stop you from getting the disease again and again. Natural immunity was the same or better.
5. Dying hospice people shouldnā€™t have been forced to die alone
6. The virus appears to have originated in Wuhan, China
7. It was created and pushed artificially in a lab, not from some bar in a wet market
8. This research was funded by Fauci/USA science, and is by definition gain-of-function research.
9. We shouldnā€™t have trusted the Chinese govt (Fauci/Biden did, no questions asked)

A clean sweep. Conservatives were on the correct side of all of this, and most were saying it shortly after day 1. They were demonized, bullied, harassed by Biden, the media, and politically-misinformed Democrat voters.. and they were also censored on social media and big tech platforms from giving opinions or mere factual data.

Shame on the left for all of the physical, psychological, emotional, economical damage they imposed on the public.

America.. all of America.. the next time anyone in government comes and wants to shut down your livelihood for some greater good.. Donā€™t. Donā€™t trust them. Get the information and make informed decisions yourself.

Democrats.. please learn a lesson here. You either failed to use your own agency and believed false demagogues.. or were only hyper focused politically just to oppose the right. You guys were wrong here, your spread of misinformation hurt so many people. Again, I hope a lesson was learned

Anything was a lie by SCAMdemic CONvid-1984.
Except deadly mRNA jabs and extreme mortality of course
Why all organizers and supporters of the genocide aren't still in prison?
He said this: "In what was probably our best study, from Bangladesh, in places where mask use tripled, positive tests were reduced by less than 10 percent."
In a NYT interview here:

He also said and more in Context:

fauci"....Of course, there were mistakes and missteps, including some by Fauci:
describing the threat to the country as ā€œminusculeā€ in February 2020, for instance; or first advising against wearing masks, and moving slowly on aerosol spread..."

Me: IOW advising against Masks was a Mistake.

Questioner:".. To be clear: Iā€™m not someone who doesnā€™t think masks work. I think the science and the data show that they do work, but that they arenā€™t perfect and that at the population level the effect can be somewhat small. In what was probably our best study, from Bangladesh, in places where mask use tripled, positive tests were reduced by less than 10 percent.

In part, this was out of concern that a public run on masks would deprive health care providers of them. Asked about the early guidance in June 2020, Fauci explained, ā€œThe public-health community ā€” and many people were saying this ā€” were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.ā€

Itā€™s a good point in general, but I disagree with your premise a bit. From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins ā€” maybe 10 percent. But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, itā€™s not at the margin. It really Does work.
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So masks work and advising against them was a "mistake."​
You just took 'Bangladesh' where they were probably skinny Indian 20c masks and people live 4 generations in a house.​
2/3 of sickness in this country after a while were the work members of the family bringing it home (where no one wears a mask), and getting the rest of the family sick. So a non-mask one person gets 70% of the people sick./ ergo it 'only' works for 10%."

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Why I donā€™t believe there ever was a Covid virus​

Dr Mike Yeadon​

Apr 6, 2023

Mark Skidmore PhD Interview ā€“ The COVID-19 Agenda & The Bastardization Of The Peer Review Process​

DNA Contamination In COVID Injections, Genetic Barcodes & The Ongoing COVID Illusion Coverup​

10% means people not catching the disease in that moment. Factor that against death ratio and you get ā€œlives savedā€.
Thatā€™s basic algebra so I donā€™t expect you to understand. Ask a non-democrat to draw it in pictures for you.

Post your algebra ... the videos I watch all use the first derivative ... I don't expect you to understand ...
Absolutely nothing Mr Fauci did, advocated , or insisted on was effective or safe , and came with consequences anyone south of a 2 digit IQ could have seen

False to the bone.

Abu Afak: 2/3 of sickness in this country after a while were the work members of the family bringing it home (where no one wears a mask), and getting the rest of the family sick. So a non-mask one person gets 70% of the people sick./ ergo it 'only' works for 10%."
False to the bone.

Abu Afak: 2/3 of sickness in this country after a while were the work members of the family bringing it home (where no one wears a mask), and getting the rest of the family sick. So a non-mask one person gets 70% of the people sick./ ergo it 'only' works for 10%."
if you understand the chain of infection juxtaposed to osha 1910-1030, you'll realize the PPE advocated was not only used improperly (creating a reservoir) , it was only one component of the PPE.

any HC worker could tell you so.......

if you understand the chain of infection juxtaposed to osha 1910-1030, you'll realize the PPE advocated was not only used improperly (creating a reservoir) , it was only one component of the PPE.

any HC worker could tell you so.......

No, they could not, and that is such poor reasoning. Peace unto you. On ignore.

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