Fauci admits masks only 10% effective

The science evolved.
he ignored the data for the most part. The science Continually supported conservative points and he continued to double down on “mask or die”, “vaccine or die”, “if you don’t mask you’re a bad person and killing grandma” type of rhetoric.

History shows he was very very wrong while being very very sanctimonious and sure of his narrative. He wasn’t innocently wrong, he appeared to be clinging to a narrative for political reasons.

He failed the American public big time.
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Let’s just review COVID. Basically, Conservatives were right on everything.

1. Masks didn’t stop the virus
2. Shutting down businesses was govt overreach and unnecessary
3. Schools shouldn’t have been shut down and kids shouldn’t be required to mask
4. The vaccine didn’t prevent the virus or stop you from getting the disease again and again. Natural immunity was the same or better.
5. Dying hospice people shouldn’t have been forced to die alone
6. The virus appears to have originated in Wuhan, China
7. It was created and pushed artificially in a lab, not from some bar in a wet market
8. This research was funded by Fauci/USA science, and is by definition gain-of-function research.
9. We shouldn’t have trusted the Chinese govt (Fauci/Biden did, no questions asked)

A clean sweep. Conservatives were on the correct side of all of this, and most were saying it shortly after day 1. They were demonized, bullied, harassed by Biden, the media, and politically-misinformed Democrat voters.. and they were also censored on social media and big tech platforms from giving opinions or mere factual data.

Shame on the left for all of the physical, psychological, emotional, economical damage they imposed on the public.

America.. all of America.. the next time anyone in government comes and wants to shut down your livelihood for some greater good.. Don’t. Don’t trust them. Get the information and make informed decisions yourself.

Democrats.. please learn a lesson here. You either failed to use your own agency and believed false demagogues.. or were only hyper focused politically just to oppose the right. You guys were wrong here, your spread of misinformation hurt so many people. Again, I hope a lesson was learned
Or economy is wrecked right now. The price of homes are astronomical. That alone pretty much destroys any support for Biden. Why would anybody support Biden is simply because they are told to do so by the media by late night TV show hosts like Stephen Colbert. People on the left laugh at Trump while More Americans than ever cannot afford a home.. in large part due to the lockdowns and the trillions of dollars printed out by the US government during the coronavirus.
Or economy is wrecked right now. The price of homes are astronomical. That alone pretty much destroys any support for Biden. Why would anybody support Biden is simply because they are told to do so by the media by late night TV show hosts like Stephen Colbert. People on the left laugh at Trump while More Americans than ever cannot afford a home.. in large part due to the lockdowns and the trillions of dollars printed out by the US government during the coronavirus.
I think we’re seeing the entitled younger generations cut their noses off to spite their faces… and vote based on their feelings and social issues while ignoring the economy, inflation, the border and all the death Democrats are causing there, our sudden pro-war spike…

I don’t think they care if people suffer as long as they feel good and have their iPhones
If everyone who catches the disease dies from it, your numbers hold up. Very few who catch it die from it.

Where's your algebra? ... c'mon, don't be shy ... you said I wouldn't understand ... maybe it's you who doesn't understand simple algebra ...
Very few who catch it die from it.

fact is , if one was privy to 'death batch' CDC info via Twitter, there was far more a chance of morbidity via the cure....


he ignored the data for the most part. The science Continually supported conservative points and he continued to double down on “mask or die”, “vaccine or die”, “if you don’t mask you’re a bad person and killing grandma” type of rhetoric.

History shows he was very very wrong while being very very sanctimonious and sure of his narrative. He wasn’t innocently wrong, he appeared to be clinging to a narrative for political reasons.

He failed the American public big time.
Science did not favor conservative points. Masking did save people lives. It just did. Sure, explain to me about the data, the studies and where Fauci just made up stuff. You people are just making up stuff for the most part.
Where's your algebra? ... c'mon, don't be shy ... you said I wouldn't understand ... maybe it's you who doesn't understand simple algebra ...
Death rate among Covid positives is 2.9%.
2.9 x .10 would equal deaths allegedly prevented by masks.
Let’s just review COVID. Basically, Conservatives were right on everything.

1. Masks didn’t stop the virus
2. Shutting down businesses was govt overreach and unnecessary
3. Schools shouldn’t have been shut down and kids shouldn’t be required to mask
4. The vaccine didn’t prevent the virus or stop you from getting the disease again and again. Natural immunity was the same or better.
5. Dying hospice people shouldn’t have been forced to die alone
6. The virus appears to have originated in Wuhan, China
7. It was created and pushed artificially in a lab, not from some bar in a wet market
8. This research was funded by Fauci/USA science, and is by definition gain-of-function research.
9. We shouldn’t have trusted the Chinese govt (Fauci/Biden did, no questions asked)

A clean sweep. Conservatives were on the correct side of all of this, and most were saying it shortly after day 1. They were demonized, bullied, harassed by Biden, the media, and politically-misinformed Democrat voters.. and they were also censored on social media and big tech platforms from giving opinions or mere factual data.

Shame on the left for all of the physical, psychological, emotional, economical damage they imposed on the public.

America.. all of America.. the next time anyone in government comes and wants to shut down your livelihood for some greater good.. Don’t. Don’t trust them. Get the information and make informed decisions yourself.

Democrats.. please learn a lesson here. You either failed to use your own agency and believed false demagogues.. or were only hyper focused politically just to oppose the right. You guys were wrong here, your spread of misinformation hurt so many people. Again, I hope a lesson was learned
The Liberals and Democrats lost any sense of leadership during the height of their pandemic when they loved shutting down small business church gatherings, and sporting events while they had no problem with encouraging mass protesters standing cheek to cheek and their elite having their private sessions (Pelosi, Lightfoot, Newsome) and maskless gatherings (Obama, Fauci)

No fucking way I’m listening to the hypocrite Left when the next pandemic hits. And if the Left uses the opportunity to shut down livelihoods, there will be riots in the streets.
The Liberals and Democrats lost any sense of leadership during the height of their pandemic when they loved shutting down small business church gatherings, and sporting events while they had no problem with encouraging mass protesters standing cheek to cheek and their elite having their private sessions (Pelosi, Lightfoot, Newsome) and maskless gatherings (Obama, Fauci)

No fucking way I’m listening to the hypocrite Left when the next pandemic hits. And if the Left uses the opportunity to shut down livelihoods, there will be riots in the streets.
GOP governors and mayors did the same, bucko.
I think we’re seeing the entitled younger generations cut their noses off to spite their faces… and vote based on their feelings and social issues while ignoring the economy, inflation, the border and all the death Democrats are causing there, our sudden pro-war spike…

I don’t think they care if people suffer as long as they feel good and have their iPhones

Exactly. Gorbachev is astonished from the grave watching how well his plan worked.
Science did not favor conservative points. Masking did save people lives. It just did. Sure, explain to me about the data, the studies and where Fauci just made up stuff. You people are just making up stuff for the most part.
So if forcing the population to do something saves lives, the govt should be able to enforce it?

Is that what you’re saying?

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