Fauci Attempts To Cancel NFL Season

I feel sorry for the players who don't feel like victims and don't agree with kneeling. Even though they want all these protests to go away, they have been coerced into following the pack with political correctness and the lie that our country is systemically racist. I agree that Obama set race relations back 60 years and fanned the flames of revolt, but Trump has done plenty to help Blacks in his 3 1/2 years. It just seems crazy that these riots would be happening now. Democrats don't give a shit about Blacks. They've kept them poor, pissed off and dependent on government for decades. If Blacks would ever start voting Republican like they should, you'll see these Democrats go all Jefferson Davis real quick.
if only these ungrateful darkies would show Trump more respect and stop being so uppity....

We had no problem with the darkies until Obama came along
I feel sorry for the players who don't feel like victims and don't agree with kneeling. Even though they want all these protests to go away, they have been coerced into following the pack with political correctness and the lie that our country is systemically racist. I agree that Obama set race relations back 60 years and fanned the flames of revolt, but Trump has done plenty to help Blacks in his 3 1/2 years. It just seems crazy that these riots would be happening now. Democrats don't give a shit about Blacks. They've kept them poor, pissed off and dependent on government for decades. If Blacks would ever start voting Republican like they should, you'll see these Democrats go all Jefferson Davis real quick.
if only these ungrateful darkies would show Trump more respect and stop being so uppity....

We had no problem with the darkies until Obama came along
See boys and girls. They're turning 'Jefferson Davis' as we speak. Dems are still really pissed that we took their slaves away. Happy Juneteenth from the Republican party that made it possible.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.

I thought you mental midgets were boycotting.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.

I thought you mental midgets were boycotting.
Do you always paint with such a wide brush?

Is it true all of you ANTIFA folks do Meth?
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.

I can’t think of anything bad about the NFL going away. What a blight on society it has been.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
What makes Fauci a leftist?
Only leftists believe in science

The left is like the right, if it goes against their agenda, the they damn science as well.
I wonder how many football fans would accept actually getting the virus as the price seeing their team play? Football super fans are so obnoxious that that the number is far higher than zero.

There won't be fans in the stadium. Try to keep up.
I wonder how many football fans would accept actually getting the virus as the price seeing their team play? Football super fans are so obnoxious that that the number is far higher than zero.

There won't be fans in the stadium. Try to keep up.
Players won't be allowed to spit or sweat.
I feel sorry for the players who don't feel like victims and don't agree with kneeling. Even though they want all these protests to go away, they have been coerced into following the pack with political correctness and the lie that our country is systemically racist. I agree that Obama set race relations back 60 years and fanned the flames of revolt, but Trump has done plenty to help Blacks in his 3 1/2 years. It just seems crazy that these riots would be happening now. Democrats don't give a shit about Blacks. They've kept them poor, pissed off and dependent on government for decades. If Blacks would ever start voting Republican like they should, you'll see these Democrats go all Jefferson Davis real quick.
if only these ungrateful darkies would show Trump more respect and stop being so uppity....

We had no problem with the darkies until Obama came along
Maybe growing up a bit would help.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
I could careless, I am totally done with the NFL.
And if you are a Bengals, Browns, or Lions fan this is great news!

I call them the triangle of doom
I don't think the NFL can survive cancelling a season.
I know the players can't.

They would like the fans to show, however they can play to empty stadiums. It's the TV revenue they want.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
I could careless, I am totally done with the NFL.
And if you are a Bengals, Browns, or Lions fan this is great news!

I call them the triangle of doom
I don't think the NFL can survive cancelling a season.
I know the players can't.

They would like the fans to show, however they can play to empty stadiums. It's the TV revenue they want.
I think they're gonna have to be happy with televised replays and NFL apparel sales.
Since pretty much all of the players are going to be taking a knee, I would actually LOVE to see the season cancelled ! It would be so fitting !
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
For once I am with Fauci on this. F—- the NFL, they’re run by a bunch of Marxist boot lickers now that bend the knee to BLM. Let them keep losing billions of dollars.
The left hates sports.

It takes our minds off of their purpose for living.
Politics and chaos.
Sport is far more sinister to them. It unites large groups of people for an hour or two who may essentially have nothing else in common.

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