Fauci Attempts To Cancel NFL Season

Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
The man has lost all his credibility and cannot be trusted.
He is a farce
Agreed. However, that doesn’t make him a commie leftist.
Never said he was.... He has his own agenda
He's tied to big pharma... like they always say... FOLLOW THE MONEY...


Dr. Anthony Fauci: Globalist Snake Oil Salesman

So the longer that little turd can keep this pandemic going, and the worse he can make it out to be, the wealthier he'll get.

The disgusting little bastard has no soul. His only agenda is to GET RICH.
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Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.

Yeah, you're a bit late with that prediction.

Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
Fuck him...protesters and looters weren't in a bubble
George had a public wake and a funeral procession ...thousands of people

While families couldn't have funerals for their loved ones, weddings canceled
proms, graduation ceremonies canceled...shit, babies were taken from their mothers
and nurses were filling in...people left to die alone
Telling us we couldn't gather in our own homes or yards

Covid was paused for 2 weeks then they hit the play button again


I'm already done playing, why everyone else isn't is beyond me
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
What makes Fauci a leftist?
Only leftists believe in science
That can’t be true. Leftist keep telling blacks they are too stupid to learn science.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
The man has lost all his credibility and cannot be trusted.
He is a farce
Agreed. However, that doesn’t make him a commie leftist.
Never said he was.... He has his own agenda
He's tied to big pharma... like they always say... FOLLOW THE MONEY...


Dr. Anthony Fauci: Globalist Snake Oil Salesman

So the longer that little turd can keep this pandemic going, and the worse he can make it out to be, the wealthier he'll get.

The disgusting little bastard has no soul. His only agenda is to GET RICH.
How much exactly is he making?
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
What makes Fauci a leftist?
Only leftists believe in science
That can’t be true. Leftist keep telling blacks they are too stupid to learn science.
Nope, afraid not that is another urban legend from known racist.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
What makes Fauci a leftist?
Only leftists believe in science
That can’t be true. Leftist keep telling blacks they are too stupid to learn science.
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
I could careless, I am totally done with the NFL.
And if you are a Bengals, Browns, or Lions fan this is great news!

I call them the triangle of doom
I don't think the NFL can survive cancelling a season.
I know the players can't.
Sorry, just don't care anymore
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.
I hope the NFL is shut down and all those black millionaires who would of taken a knee can get on unemployment. A good dose of Realism is what those crybabies need...
As Dennis Prager often says, "The Left destroys everything it touches." The NFL has allowed itself to be "touched" by the Left, and it is now starting its death spiral.

The NFL wants to placate the Left through tolerance of the "take-a-knee" initiative, through bowing to the anti-racist zealots, and through enforcing shunning of people who express opinions that go against the grain - especially if the opinions are reasonable and fact-based.

Dr. Fauci is a coward who, because he opposes Trump's views and plans for dealing with the pandemic, has become a "hero" to the contemporary Left. OF COURSE, he basically recommends that the NFL shut down! This is the guy who has said that he thinks the social custom of SHAKING HANDS SHOULD BE ENDED FOREVER!

There is NO DOWNSIDE to prescribing Draconian measures to fight the spread of the disease. Few people will follow them, so if the disease does NOT get worse, you can pat yourself on the back for your recommendations, and if it DOES get worse, you can blame it on those who refused to follow your recommendations. You can ALWAYS CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN "RIGHT".

In this country, the Media want the public's perception of the pandemic to be as negative as possible, which is why they hyperventilate every day as the number of "cases" continues to rise - which is as close to meaningless as imaginable. The only relevant statistic that should be considered from a public policy standpoint is the number of HOSPITALIZATIONS OF PEOPLE UNDER 65 YEARS OLD. Good luck finding those numbers.

The only tangible result of cancelling the NFL season would be an increase in the crime rate. Who cares?
Snakeoil Salesman Dr Fauci is attempting to prevent the NFL from opening this year.
He claims that the players have to be in a bubble to play in a safe manner.

The left tried to use Colin Kaepernick to ruin the NFL.....now they're using COVID-19.

This is what I predict.....a game or two into the season....the commie left will claim that players tested positive and the NFL will fold like a cheap suit and close operations indefinitely.

So all of those millionaires will become unemployed and have to start looking for employment elsewhere.

Do you feel like society is being somehow "demasculanized"? Does this worry you?
Does "masculinity" worry you?
Not at all. Your "masculinity" even less since it's so small.
Well, both your replies are a FAIL, since you obviously don't know me and everyone knows that.

But you wouldn't have asked about "demasculanized" if you didn't have "masculinity" on your pea brain.

So in your attempt to play your asinine leftist game thinking you were being cute, all you did was illustrate, once again, to everyone here, what a MORON you actually are.

I guess your masculinity (what little there is if it) feels threatened.
Still waiting on why Fauci is a leftist....
He's aligned with the WHO. And he doesn't play the banjo.
A Reagan appointee is a lefty, sounds like a Libertarian is jealous.
Jealous because you all love the Chinese WHO? Um... no.
Nope...I have no desire to have to deal with people like you or the WHO.
You wanted to know why Fauci is a leftist. Now you know.
I feel sorry for the players who don't feel like victims and don't agree with kneeling. Even though they want all these protests to go away, they have been coerced into following the pack with political correctness and the lie that our country is systemically racist. I agree that Obama set race relations back 60 years and fanned the flames of revolt, but Trump has done plenty to help Blacks in his 3 1/2 years. It just seems crazy that these riots would be happening now. Democrats don't give a shit about Blacks. They've kept them poor, pissed off and dependent on government for decades. If Blacks would ever start voting Republican like they should, you'll see these Democrats go all Jefferson Davis real quick.

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