Fauci's folly, how long are we going to stand for this?

No and neither do you

So far there is no evidence it came from that lab or GoF research
The evidence is that covid first happened near the Wuhan Lab.
The first two cases were lab workers
The bat caves are 900 miles from there
There is a wet market, but no bats or animals linked to humans was found
Fauci funded the GOF research and the Lab thanked him for the funding
The Wuhan Lab is run by a Chinese general

So now you make the case that covid was NOT caused by GOF research.
The evidence is that covid first happened near the Wuhan Lab.
The first two cases were lab workers
The bat caves are 900 miles from there
There is a wet market, but no bats or animals linked to humans was found
Fauci funded the GOF research and the Lab thanked him for the funding
The Wuhan Lab is run by a Chinese general

So now you make the case that covid was NOT caused by GOF research.
You’re conflating all sorts of different shit… none with links of course

Were they the absolute first cases?

What about the "Batcave 900 miles away" claim?

I have no idea about that claim. No, they may not have been the first cases. The first cases could just as well have been clinic workers not sick enough to go to the hospital.

There is no record of people going to the hospital after eating a bat.

The lab leak hypothesis has picked up more adherents as time passes and scientists fail to detect a bat or other animal infected with a virus that has COVID's signature genetics.

Samples from 80,000 animals to date have failed to turn up a virus pointing to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes COVID.

The virus's ancestors originated in bats in southern China, 600 miles from Wuhan.

So 600 miles not 900.
In 2014 experts in the US convinced the Obama administration to put a moratorium on gain of function research in America. Dr. Anthony Fauci then moved all the dangerous research to China and the rest is deadly history. Now the world is forcing people to wear masks which do nothing to prevent the spread of the pathogen and is trying to force vaccines on citizens that do not prevent the virus. Vaccinated people all over the world are becoming infected because the virus was engineered as a biological weapon by the Chinese thanks to Fauci.

How long are people going to stand for this?

UPDATED: Dr. Fauci Likely Broke US Regulations and US Law When He Funded Wuhan Lab to Continue Coronavirus Projects That Were Banned in US in 2014 (thegatewaypundit.com)

I miss your longer posts, Ray. Americans will stand for COVID tyranny as long as they remain addicted to electronic devices, sports, video games, porn, the mainstream media and social media. As long as our society teaches them that it's okay to be as depraved as they wish, our fellow Americans will consume evil like roast beef down at the Golden Corral—all they can eat. Then again, this whole worldwide COVID dictatorship might be an alien invasion or the beginning of the Anti-Christ's reign. How can we expect fellow Americans to fight back whilst they are sucking contently on so many pacifiers?
What is wrong with this nation that we weren't prepared for a pandemic? It is SHAMEFUL
What is wrong with this nation that we weren't prepared for a pandemic? It is SHAMEFUL

Just think if we had spent trillions the last 20 years on improving health care as opposed to stupid wars.
You realize that those two statements conflict...right?

Not at all. The origins of the virus started off in bats. We know that happens all the time but they do not transfer to humans.

So what the clinic was doing was manipulating these viruses so they would affect humans. As it notes there has been NO examples of this virus that affects people in any creature they have tested.
Not at all. The origins of the virus started off in bats. We know that happens all the time but they do not transfer to humans.

So what the clinic was doing was manipulating these viruses so they would affect humans. As it notes there has been NO examples of this virus that affects people in any creature they have tested.
Bats live in all sorts of places.

Again...there is no evidence that the virus escaped from that lab
We simply do not know...and you are pretending to

I never said we "know". I said that evidence points to the clinic. I also believe that since there is little evidence coming out that it points to the clinic also.
That is a flawed and hyperbolic description of GoF research.

We aren't writing scholarly papers here. Heck you weren't even able to comprehend why the two earlier statements did NOT conflict but you want someone to write scholarly replies?

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