FB blocks festive image of Santa Claus kneeling before baby Jesus

FascistBook is Evil.
The only fat guy, to my knowledge, that was there when Jesus was born was John Virgin.

I'm sure you've heard of him. In the song? "...round John Virgin, mother and child..."
Sorry I'm kinda kind of slow today. :rolleyes:

"...round yon virgin, mother and child"

"Yon" or "John", it is just the accent.
Nope. "Yon" translates to "that" :laugh:

Around that virgin.

Did you have your sense of humor surgically removed?
How could I if I am laughing?
Why would anyone on earth - devoutly religious or atheist or agnostic (like I am) - be offended by an image of Santa Claus/Jerry Garcia with Jesus? I guess I must be a little slow, but how the fuck could that be interpreted as a malicious insult against ANY group of people in particular? It's simply some innocent, Christmas cuteness, that's all. WHY do so many people masochistically get off on being pussyhurt that they read malice and deliberate insult into the most innocent, well-meaning minor cultural items that aren't harming anyone????
Why would anyone on earth - devoutly religious or atheist or agnostic (like I am) - be offended by an image of Santa Claus/Jerry Garcia with Jesus? I guess I must be a little slow, but how the fuck could that be interpreted as a malicious insult against ANY group of people in particular? It's simply some innocent, Christmas cuteness, that's all. WHY do so many people masochistically get off on being pussyhurt that they read malice and deliberate insult into the most innocent, well-meaning minor cultural items that aren't harming anyone????
They may have something against fat white guys molesting children. :rolleyes:
I'm thinking it's likely some Christians found that picture offensive.
I'm thinking it's likely some Christians found that picture offensive.
You have to specify "true" christians or you will confuse some people.

Bible Gateway passage: Jeremiah 10:2-4 - English Standard Version

"Thus says the Lord: “Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are vanity. A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move."
Why would anyone on earth - devoutly religious or atheist or agnostic (like I am) - be offended by an image of Santa Claus/Jerry Garcia with Jesus? I guess I must be a little slow, but how the fuck could that be interpreted as a malicious insult against ANY group of people in particular? It's simply some innocent, Christmas cuteness, that's all. WHY do so many people masochistically get off on being pussyhurt that they read malice and deliberate insult into the most innocent, well-meaning minor cultural items that aren't harming anyone????
They may have something against fat white guys molesting children. :rolleyes:

So you're telling me that your black-crybaby mind is so filthy, sooooo perverted, sooo Freudian-projectionist that even though it's an FBI/DOJ statistical FACT that you black male pigs make up 6.5% of America's population and COMMIT 79% OF AMERICA'S RAPE, you still accuse other races of being the sexual predators, you carpet-headed humanoid? You are EXACTLY the type of malicious, disease-ridden vermin I was referring to in my previous post you unbelievably failed race of hatemongering savages.

Also explain to me, you dumb slave-whipping-bait, how many children have make-believe Santa Claus and identical, real-life looking Jerry Garcia molested, you worthless, rape-minded, slandering, member of the most savage, abhorrent, utterly failed race on this planet??? The answer is ZERO, you dirigible-lipped stream of murderously white-hating mishmash of diarrheal, undifferentiated carbon-based matter. Are you just frustrated you haven't been able to beat your ho's in awhile, you gutter rat from the alleys of the darkest ghettos festering on the outer peripheries of societal existence? You really are a race of pigs.
My mom finds pictures like this offensive, because she says it looks like they're worshiping the cats.


I think they're pretty funny.

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