FBI Accused Of “Cooking The Books” To Reclassify J6 Man-Hours As “International Terrorism” For Congressional Funding

If Horowitz is the IG in charge it will take years, we'll never get a straight answer and no indictments.
I've never seen an IG investigation lead to an indictment of an important politically appointed toady.
Look at Lois Lerner and John Koskinen
Who is your pick, and what are you doing to make the change of IG? Some idiots on here would throw the baby out with the bathwater needed for cleaning. Earth to Doc, nobody is getting rid of the FBI, certainly not in the last administration, this administration or the next, no matter who wins. So, a better more productive course would be to concentrate on proposing changes, supporting oversight and working with the incoming House to make sure it happens publicly, as getting rid of them is a non-starter, and those on your side that have not completely lost touch with reality and the overall scope of what the FBI does, day to day know it. That makes people talking of getting rid of it, the prattle of idiots and is another part of the reasons people don't take the radical right, seriously.
Do you feel that way about police, state troopers and state bureaus of investigation? I have seen interesting cost and sometime time accounting at several places I worked and taken steps to correct when needed. Didn't shut down any departments or no longer care about their output, because of it. Sounds like you just have a hard on for the FBI.
No, I do not, to be perfectly honest your comparison is a bit knee-jerk, there will always be episodic eruptions of illegality within LE, such is the human condition, the DOJ/FBI is an entirely different beast altogether.

Know this, the FBI is not nearly fully out of the closet, which makes the twitter revelations even more ominous, merely a peek-a-boo at the massive cancerous tumor from afar, indicating a desperate need for direct eyes upon the target by surgeon!

DOJ/FBI and the other so-called "national security state organs, are revealed to be fascist, do you even know what fascism is? Fascism is the diagnosis when government and industry become indistinguishable from each other, when powerful military/LE/industrial units effectively seize control of discourse and law, and then insert what they will, and enforce such accordingly!

You are told, but do you listen???
No, I do not, to be perfectly honest your comparison is a bit knee-jerk, there will always be episodic eruptions of illegality within LE, such is the human condition, the DOJ/FBI is an entirely different beast altogether.

Know this, the FBI is not nearly fully out of the closet, which makes the twitter revelations even more ominous, merely a peek-a-boo at the massive cancerous tumor from afar, indicating a desperate need for direct eyes upon the target by surgeon!

DOJ/FBI and the other so-called "national security state organs, are revealed to be fascist, do you even know what fascism is? Fascism is the diagnosis when government and industry become indistinguishable from each other, when powerful military/LE/industrial units effectively seize control of discourse and law, and then insert what they will, and enforce such accordingly!

You are told, but do you listen???
I reject your premise. Where were you, when the Republicans wanted to create the Department of Homeland Defense and the Patriot act, with its intrusions on civil liberties? Now, there is no going back from that either. The conservative approach is to make corrections, rather than live in a fantasy world of getting rid, as it won't happen and if that is the focus instead of cleaning up, the problem you speak of would simply grow, while you waste your time and vitriol without getting rid or cleaning up.
I reject your premise. Where were you, when the Republicans wanted to create the Department of Homeland Defense and the Patriot act, with its intrusions on civil liberties? Now, there is no going back from that either. The conservative approach is to make corrections, rather than live in a fantasy world of getting rid, as it won't happen and if that is the focus instead of cleaning up, the problem you speak of would simply grow, while you waste your time and vitriol without getting rid or cleaning up.
You are lost in the minutiae, personally I strongly opposed creation of DHS and enacting of Patriot act, I warned at time of creation of such that democrats would turn them upon their political opposition, I warned of this repeatedly, and they have done that exactly, turn them upon their opposition, further you make crucial mistake distinguishing a difference between the one, over the other, between conservative/fascist politics.

This mistake is going to be the death of you, and tens of millions just like you, all whom think of themselves as "on the team," you are not on their team, that is the scam they run, that is the scam from whence they divide and conquer those tens of millions from each other and the why! There are NOT two party's, not at the leadership level, which is the only level which matters, they are of one mind there, and you and your fellow's are not sharing in that mind.... :wink:

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