FBI Arrests Another Rioter

your sources have a long history of reporting lies bitch

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.
again your sources have reported lies on top of lies regardless of what your source says about my source
You use lies to support your opinion.
This man threw a firecracker at the line of police protecting the capitol doors to clear the way for rioters to enter the capitol.

He was found by the public calling in tips.

He is the 20th rioter arrested in Texas which is the most of any FBI office in the nation.

FBI arrests another rightwing domestic terrorist.

the NY post is a rag mag owned by rupert murdoch. your article reports no names, no pics ...

just 'somebody saw somebody'...

that didn't help you one bit.

And they get all huffy when we quote a source using "unnamed sources". There is zero truth to anyone AntiFa participating in the Rump Riot. But that won't stop them from repeating it!
Prove it
My group has been watching some local antifa members that went to DC on Jan 6
oh for fuck's sake - you think that was meant to be taken literally?
These are the same people who believe Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya

Hysterically coming from the same ganglia-challenged pond scum who attack you daily on every little technicality and nuance of phrasing to the letter who didn't believe Obumma when HE said he was from Kenya but believe a brainless senile twaddle like Biden could actually, legally, honestly get over EIGHTY MILLION people to vote for him! :auiqs.jpg:
This man threw a firecracker at the line of police protecting the capitol doors to clear the way for rioters to enter the capitol.

He was found by the public calling in tips.

He is the 20th rioter arrested in Texas which is the most of any FBI office in the nation.

FBI arrests another rightwing domestic terrorist.

the NY post is a rag mag owned by rupert murdoch. your article reports no names, no pics ...

just 'somebody saw somebody'...

that didn't help you one bit.
and all you can come up with is the very media sources that lied to you for 4 years
Big deal.
So the Fed Bureau of Idiots are hard at work tracking down what are basically Misdemeanor offenders!
What a sham-bola.....:udaman:!

get them all & the fact that it was on federal property, it's a federal crime. lesser perhaps than other charges ... but that could change.

Only in a Banana Republic......

banana republic states don't accept election results & try to stage a coup.

luckily deplorables lost in their attempt.
Not true, NAZI. Banana republics make it a crime to protest election result.

Before you start calling others "Nazis", you better remember that it is Trump supporters carrying those Swastikas, and wearing Auchwitz Hoodies. That Anti-Fa is short for "anti-facists". Democrats can't be both NAZI's and Anti-Fa.
Wrong. You can't show me a pic of Trump supporters carrying swastikas or wearing "Auchwitz Hoodies," which don't exist. Antifa isn't antifascist. They are fascists.


That isn't a swastika, asshole. Without context, the meaning of the shirt isn't clear.

ne'eh.... you don't get to play that game & think you'll win, homie.


You can't show me a pic of Trump supporters carrying swastikas or wearing "Auchwitz Hoodies," which don't exist.

i done did. & the CONtext was the ducky dynasty wanna be was illegally INSIDE the capital.
Wow, you showed pics of two people. You don't even know if they are registered Republicans. You only proved my point.

i showed you the pic of the dude wearing that god awful hoodie, outside the capital, inside the capital, & his mugshot. you said they didn't exist ...

i proved you wrong. suck it up, buttercup. when you lose, have some dignity & accept defeat like a real man would, instead of coming across like a weasel trying to get out of his fuck up.
I hope the FBI finds all of them and sends them to prison where they belong.

The FBI sends people to prison? Really? Sounds like seditious talk to me.

Dana is a clueless cuckhold. The FBI is an investigative / fact-gathering body. They don't send anyone to prison, a prosecutor does.

oh for fuck's sake - you think that was meant to be taken literally?

seriously , choose yer battles wisely toober.

There is no law against sedition dumbass.

The Sedition Act of 1918 was repealed in 1920 try and get a clue or go sit in the corner with the other hapless democrats.


prev | next

  1. § 2381. Treason
  2. § 2382. Misprision of treason
  3. § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection
  4. § 2384. Seditious conspiracy
  5. § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government
  6. § 2386. Registration of certain organizations
  7. § 2387. Activities affecting armed forces generally
  8. § 2388. Activities affecting armed forces during war
  9. § 2389. Recruiting for service against United States
  10. § 2390. Enlistment to serve against United States
  11. [§ 2391. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142]

jack ass.

Thanks for spelling out the case for Hillary.
This man threw a firecracker at the line of police protecting the capitol doors to clear the way for rioters to enter the capitol.

He was found by the public calling in tips.

He is the 20th rioter arrested in Texas which is the most of any FBI office in the nation.

FBI arrests another rightwing domestic terrorist.

the NY post is a rag mag owned by rupert murdoch. your article reports no names, no pics ...

just 'somebody saw somebody'...

that didn't help you one bit.
and all you can come up with is the very media sources that lied to you for 4 years

if donny's DOJ was able to nab any antifa - they would have AND splashed it all over the airwaves.
I hope the FBI finds all of them and sends them to prison where they belong.

The FBI sends people to prison? Really? Sounds like seditious talk to me.

Dana is a clueless cuckhold. The FBI is an investigative / fact-gathering body. They don't send anyone to prison, a prosecutor does.

oh for fuck's sake - you think that was meant to be taken literally?

seriously , choose yer battles wisely toober.

There is no law against sedition dumbass.

The Sedition Act of 1918 was repealed in 1920 try and get a clue or go sit in the corner with the other hapless democrats.


prev | next

  1. § 2381. Treason
  2. § 2382. Misprision of treason
  3. § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection
  4. § 2384. Seditious conspiracy
  5. § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government
  6. § 2386. Registration of certain organizations
  7. § 2387. Activities affecting armed forces generally
  8. § 2388. Activities affecting armed forces during war
  9. § 2389. Recruiting for service against United States
  10. § 2390. Enlistment to serve against United States
  11. [§ 2391. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142]

jack ass.

Thanks for spelling out the case for Hillary.

god damn, toobs - you really need to brush up on your retorts.
The thread title is inaccurate. Here is the correct version:

The FBI continues the Dem-Prog witch hunt of the political opposition while ignoring reports of real terrorist threats such as the Islamist who was allowed to kill 10 people in Colorado last week.
I hope the FBI finds all of them and sends them to prison where they belong.

The FBI sends people to prison? Really? Sounds like seditious talk to me.

Dana is a clueless cuckhold. The FBI is an investigative / fact-gathering body. They don't send anyone to prison, a prosecutor does.

oh for fuck's sake - you think that was meant to be taken literally?

seriously , choose yer battles wisely toober.

There is no law against sedition dumbass.

The Sedition Act of 1918 was repealed in 1920 try and get a clue or go sit in the corner with the other hapless democrats.


prev | next

  1. § 2381. Treason
  2. § 2382. Misprision of treason
  3. § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection
  4. § 2384. Seditious conspiracy
  5. § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government
  6. § 2386. Registration of certain organizations
  7. § 2387. Activities affecting armed forces generally
  8. § 2388. Activities affecting armed forces during war
  9. § 2389. Recruiting for service against United States
  10. § 2390. Enlistment to serve against United States
  11. [§ 2391. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142]

jack ass.
This man threw a firecracker at the line of police protecting the capitol doors to clear the way for rioters to enter the capitol.

He was found by the public calling in tips.

He is the 20th rioter arrested in Texas which is the most of any FBI office in the nation.

But wait - Donald told us all these assholes were kissing and hugging the cops. No? :rolleyes-41:
Btw - wonder how many of these violent Texas militia clowns were coached by Texas Insurrectionist AG and indicted felon Ken Paxton??

trump sure believes the rest of the nation are stupid.

I find it insulting.

He thinks we are so stupid that we actually believe his lies.

I used to tell me kids "We you lie to me, you are telling me you think I'm stupid - to my face. You think I won't check up on your story.". Trump KNOWS his cult are stupid. They never check his stories.

that's why he loves the poorly educated long time. it's both amusing & pathetic at the same time that so many deplorables on here think i'm talking about their actual education, rather than their willingness to seek out facts. donny knows they won't & counts on that ignorance.

I have long believed that the whole "Birther Campaign" was market research to see just what percentage of the American people could be convinced of a Big Lie, and how effective it would be. It was certainly highly instructional that 30% of Republicans continued to believe that Obama was an "illegitimate President" long after Trump admitted the lie.

Leslie Stahl asked Trump why he kept pushing proveable lies and he said that it was so the public would believe HIM over the MSM when the shit hit the fan. Of course, at the time she asked this question, the entire Republican Party and right wing media wasn't parroting his lies. That just bolsters his credibility with the Cult, but it also makes his followers so dangerous.

Interesting Lasty - Specifically what freedoms have you lost? The ability to repeat The Big Lie on Twitter?
We've lost the freedom to buy the kind of house we want. How big of a plot of land it sits on. How much of our land we can use. What plants we can grow in our yards. If there is a species living on our land that the government designates as "endangered," then we lose the right to use any of our land whatsoever. We have also lost the right to purchse the type of firearms we can buy, the kind of cars we can buy. What we can post on social media. Who we can work for and for how much. yada, yada, yada.

I could go on and on for days.
The thread title is inaccurate. Here is the correct version:

The FBI continues the Dem-Prog witch hunt of the political opposition while ignoring reports of real terrorist threats such as the Islamist who was allowed to kill 10 people in Colorado last week.

He was "allowed" to kill 10 people because the Republican Judge lifted the ban on AR sales in Bolder. Conservatives allowed a man with a history of anger management problems and mental illness to purchase a gun whose primary function is the rapid murder of human beings.

What could possibly go wrong?
This man threw a firecracker at the line of police protecting the capitol doors to clear the way for rioters to enter the capitol.

He was found by the public calling in tips.

He is the 20th rioter arrested in Texas which is the most of any FBI office in the nation.

FBI arrests another rightwing domestic terrorist.

the NY post is a rag mag owned by rupert murdoch. your article reports no names, no pics ...

just 'somebody saw somebody'...

that didn't help you one bit.
and all you can come up with is the very media sources that lied to you for 4 years

if donny's DOJ was able to nab any antifa - they would have AND splashed it all over the airwaves.
it seems like President Trump DOJ was a carryover from the obama DOJ
This man threw a firecracker at the line of police protecting the capitol doors to clear the way for rioters to enter the capitol.

He was found by the public calling in tips.

He is the 20th rioter arrested in Texas which is the most of any FBI office in the nation.

A firecracker? Seriously? Wonder when the FBI is gonna get around to the (other) rioters who burned police cars and occupied parts of an American city.
The thread title is inaccurate. Here is the correct version:

The FBI continues the Dem-Prog witch hunt of the political opposition while ignoring reports of real terrorist threats such as the Islamist who was allowed to kill 10 people in Colorado last week.

He was "allowed" to kill 10 people because the Republican Judge lifted the ban on AR sales in Bolder. Conservatives allowed a man with a history of anger management problems and mental illness to purchase a gun whose primary function is the rapid murder of human beings.

What could possibly go wrong?
yu really don't know what you are talking about.
how was lifting the ban have any effect in allowing this guy to get a gun?
The judge lifting Boulders unconstitutional ban not Colorada
Hysterically coming from the same ganglia-challenged pond scum who attack you daily on every little technicality and nuance of phrasing to the letter who didn't believe Obumma when HE said he was from Kenya but believe a brainless senile twaddle like Biden could actually, legally, honestly get over EIGHTY MILLION people to vote for him! :auiqs.jpg:
Are you actually criticizing someone for not birtherism and the big lie about election fraud?

And they’re the mentally challenged one?
Big deal.
So the Fed Bureau of Idiots are hard at work tracking down what are basically Misdemeanor offenders!
What a sham-bola.....:udaman:!

get them all & the fact that it was on federal property, it's a federal crime. lesser perhaps than other charges ... but that could change.

Only in a Banana Republic......

banana republic states don't accept election results & try to stage a coup.

luckily deplorables lost in their attempt.
Not true, NAZI. Banana republics make it a crime to protest election result.

Before you start calling others "Nazis", you better remember that it is Trump supporters carrying those Swastikas, and wearing Auchwitz Hoodies. That Anti-Fa is short for "anti-facists". Democrats can't be both NAZI's and Anti-Fa.
Wrong. You can't show me a pic of Trump supporters carrying swastikas or wearing "Auchwitz Hoodies," which don't exist. Antifa isn't antifascist. They are fascists.


That isn't a swastika, asshole. Without context, the meaning of the shirt isn't clear.

ne'eh.... you don't get to play that game & think you'll win, homie.


You can't show me a pic of Trump supporters carrying swastikas or wearing "Auchwitz Hoodies," which don't exist.

i done did. & the CONtext was the ducky dynasty wanna be was illegally INSIDE the capital.
Wow, you showed pics of two people. You don't even know if they are registered Republicans. You only proved my point.

i showed you the pic of the dude wearing that god awful hoodie, outside the capital, inside the capital, & his mugshot. you said they didn't exist ...

i proved you wrong. suck it up, buttercup. when you lose, have some dignity & accept defeat like a real man would, instead of coming across like a weasel trying to get out of his fuck up.
So one exists. You made my point.

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