FBI bombshell

"You guys?"

You are seriously trying to compare the legitimacy of The Huffington Post to the Clarionproject.org?

Take a look at the name of the author for each page... then get back with me about how anyone can take the site seriously.
Yup you GUYS use tainted ignorant sites all the time and then complain when someone else uses a similar site, hypocrite.

Obviously you haven't even taken the time to look at the site. The fucking thing doesn't even presented authors to its articles, it just says "Clarion Project."

You can't possibly be that stupid. Sad that you are so partisan that it effects your reasoning skills in such a negative way.

And I'm not in either group. I'm able to think and reason for myself... which is something you can't seem to do.

The fallacy of blaming the messenger if you do not like the message is old as the hills.

Anyhow if you dont like tht source here is another one..............ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online

If you do not like that one....here is another one.....The FBI's New U.S. Terrorist Threat: ‘Black Identity Extremists’

and if you do not like that one...here is another one..................FBI surveillance uncovers collusion between college-age Antifa members and ISIS

and here is another one..................You are being redirected...

oh yeh....another one...............FBI: Antifa Met With ISIS At G20 Summit To Plot Trump Assassination

When you post and try to spread news from oddball sites, you become part of the problem and deserve the blame.

You like this site better?

There is no secret about the findings of the FBI about the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.

ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online

Except that is the only one that is fairly reputable reporting it, which includes none in the U.S.
Left wing groups are meeting with ISIS. I warned about this, i predicted this and now we see it.

It has long been understood by the most astute observers of American politics that most of the violence in Ameica emanates from the leftwing groups and one particular minority of which we all know of whom I speak.

'A new book by a former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine and best-selling author reveals for the first time an FBI field report about the collusion between American anti-Trump radicals and foreign ISIS/al-Qaeda operatives.'

FBI Bombshell: Far-Left U.S. Radicals Colluding With ISIS | Clarion Project

An avrage democrat would sell their kids if it would get them ahead.
Left wing groups are meeting with ISIS. I warned about this, i predicted this and now we see it.

It has long been understood by the most astute observers of American politics that most of the violence in Ameica emanates from the leftwing groups and one particular minority of which we all know of whom I speak.

'A new book by a former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine and best-selling author reveals for the first time an FBI field report about the collusion between American anti-Trump radicals and foreign ISIS/al-Qaeda operatives.'

FBI Bombshell: Far-Left U.S. Radicals Colluding With ISIS | Clarion Project
Are they in jail yet? What is Trump waiting for?

Yes, they are all in jail along with Nixon, "W", Bill, Obama, Hillary, and Trump cuz American justice is just that awesome!
Great source!

This HAS to be true!

Where in the hell do some of you people find this crazy sites? Either you are a paid poster that is led to these stories in order to spread them, or you are extremely gullible and have a ton of gullible friends that spread these links on Facebook or some other social networks.
As opposed to you guys at sites like huffington post?

"You guys?"

You are seriously trying to compare the legitimacy of The Huffington Post to the Clarionproject.org?

Take a look at the name of the author for each page... then get back with me about how anyone can take the site seriously.
Yup you GUYS use tainted ignorant sites all the time and then complain when someone else uses a similar site, hypocrite.

Obviously you haven't even taken the time to look at the site. The fucking thing doesn't even presented authors to its articles, it just says "Clarion Project."

You can't possibly be that stupid. Sad that you are so partisan that it effects your reasoning skills in such a negative way.

And I'm not in either group. I'm able to think and reason for myself... which is something you can't seem to do.


Clarion Project - Media Bias/Fact Check
Clarion Project

*Voting Polls do not affect MBFC bias ratings

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Notes: The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund Inc.) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization founded in 2006. The Clarion Project states its mission as “exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism while providing a platform for the voices of moderation and promoting grassroots activism.” The Clarion Project has an extreme right wing bias in reporting and wording. They are classified as an active anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Has a false claim according to a fact checker. (4/15/2017)

Special Note: We provide a link below to their website for the purpose of our Chrome Extensions, which requires a link to the website in order to display on Facebook and the Chrome task bar. We recommend not clicking the link. (D. Van Zandt)
You like this site better?

There is no secret about the findings of the FBI about the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail is a Rupert Murdoch publication with less credibility than the FOX Gossip Channel, if that is possible, and Kline has been caught lying in everything he wrote.

Typical left wing response ^^

Leftards will quote any source no matter how ridiculous, but will immediately and always rubbish a reliable, conservative source when it suits them.

Whatever you deny, wake up... because it's all true, even if it doesn't suit you.
Great source!

This HAS to be true!

Where in the hell do some of you people find this crazy sites? Either you are a paid poster that is led to these stories in order to spread them, or you are extremely gullible and have a ton of gullible friends that spread these links on Facebook or some other social networks.
They are willfully gullible and naive.
Someone bitched that OAN wasn't a credible news site just yesterday. The only sites they accept are those which sold out to the DNC... I mean Clinton.
You like this site better?

There is no secret about the findings of the FBI about the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail is a Rupert Murdoch publication with less credibility than the FOX Gossip Channel, if that is possible, and Kline has been caught lying in everything he wrote.

Typical left wing response ^^

Leftards will quote any source no matter how ridiculous, but will immediately and always rubbish a reliable, conservative source when it suits them.

Whatever you deny, wake up... because it's all true, even if it doesn't suit you.
Everything Kline writes is nothing more than made up unsourced GOSSIP.

Gossip is a very dangerous tool. We should be more wary of the gossiper, and not the gossip they're trying to relay to you.
- John Lydon
You like this site better?

There is no secret about the findings of the FBI about the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail is a Rupert Murdoch publication with less credibility than the FOX Gossip Channel, if that is possible, and Kline has been caught lying in everything he wrote.

Typical left wing response ^^

Leftards will quote any source no matter how ridiculous, but will immediately and always rubbish a reliable, conservative source when it suits them.

Whatever you deny, wake up... because it's all true, even if it doesn't suit you.
Everything Kline writes is nothing more than made up unsourced GOSSIP.

Gossip is a very dangerous tool. We should be more wary of the gossiper, and not the gossip they're trying to relay to you.
- John Lydon

More rubbish! ^^

By making such stupid remarks once again, you are only proving the point that the Left lives in a state of absolute denial regarding the truth

The Left only believes whatever suits their ideology.

That's why Donald Trump is President! ! :2up:
"You guys?"

You are seriously trying to compare the legitimacy of The Huffington Post to the Clarionproject.org?

Take a look at the name of the author for each page... then get back with me about how anyone can take the site seriously.
Yup you GUYS use tainted ignorant sites all the time and then complain when someone else uses a similar site, hypocrite.

Obviously you haven't even taken the time to look at the site. The fucking thing doesn't even presented authors to its articles, it just says "Clarion Project."

You can't possibly be that stupid. Sad that you are so partisan that it effects your reasoning skills in such a negative way.

And I'm not in either group. I'm able to think and reason for myself... which is something you can't seem to do.

The fallacy of blaming the messenger if you do not like the message is old as the hills.

Anyhow if you dont like tht source here is another one..............ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online

If you do not like that one....here is another one.....The FBI's New U.S. Terrorist Threat: ‘Black Identity Extremists’

and if you do not like that one...here is another one..................FBI surveillance uncovers collusion between college-age Antifa members and ISIS

and here is another one..................You are being redirected...

oh yeh....another one...............FBI: Antifa Met With ISIS At G20 Summit To Plot Trump Assassination

When you post and try to spread news from oddball sites, you become part of the problem and deserve the blame.

You like this site better?

There is no secret about the findings of the FBI about the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.

ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online
That site just parrots the Clarion article.
The FBI dropped the investigation against a Florida jihadist madman just before he went viral and opened fire in a nightclub. Apparently they dropped the investigation on the jihad Mosque that fostered the madman who murdered 8 and injured 15 in a vehicle rampage. Something ain't right in the FBI and nobody wants to talk about it.
The FBI dropped the investigation against a Florida jihadist madman just before he went viral and opened fire in a nightclub. Apparently they dropped the investigation on the jihad Mosque that fostered the madman who murdered 8 and injured 15 in a vehicle rampage. Something ain't right in the FBI and nobody wants to talk about it.
The supporters of the police state which was created under Bush have the FBI and NSA monitoring all 320 million of us, and you are morally shocked that somebody slipped through the cracks!?!?

I suppose you want an even BIGGER police state...
Like the saying goes, the cops have to be successful 100 percent of the time, the bad guys only once.
The FBI dropped the investigation against a Florida jihadist madman just before he went viral and opened fire in a nightclub. Apparently they dropped the investigation on the jihad Mosque that fostered the madman who murdered 8 and injured 15 in a vehicle rampage. Something ain't right in the FBI and nobody wants to talk about it.
The supporters of the police state which was created under Bush have the FBI and NSA monitoring all 320 million of us, and you are morally shocked that somebody slipped through the cracks!?!?

I suppose you want an even BIGGER police state...
The fact that Barry Hussein used the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies didn't seem to faze the left. The fact that the Obama A.G. authorized an insane plan to ship more than 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels didn't seem to be a big deal to the left but they call it a "police state" when the FBI and the CIA does the freaking job that we pay them to do which is to protect us from monstrous attacks like 9-11 and madmen like James Hodgkinson, Stephen Paddock and the jihadist madman who used a truck to commit a terrorist act. The world is upside down to the left.
THE NATIONAL REVIEW We have been through this before. “During an eighteen-month period in 1971 and 1972, the FBI reported more than 2,500 bombings on U.S. soil, nearly five a day.” So notes Bryan Burrough in his 2015 book Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence, which chronicles the 15-year reign of terror, idealism, and ineptitude of radical left-wing groups such as the Weather Underground, the Black and Symbionese Liberation Armies, and others that began in July 1969 with a bomb in Manhattan and ended in April 1985 with the arrest of the last members of the United Freedom Front in Norfolk, Va. Writes Burrough: “Radical violence was so deeply woven into the fabric of 1970s America that many citizens, especially in New York and other hard-hit cities, accepted it as part of daily life.”


Last summer, the FBI dispatched a task force to Europe to report on massive demonstrations planned by radical groups, such as the German contingent Antifaschistische Aktion, to protest President Trump’s attendance at a meeting of leaders and central bank governors of the G20 group of major industrialized countries

‘Task force covered G20 meeting in Hamburg, studied intel from local authorities, Interpol, and other assets, determined that as assumed U.S.-backed anarchist/radical groups had traveled to Germany and took place in the violence,’ the FBI’s summary stated.

‘There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS. There is an urgent need to closely surveil the identified individuals.’

The agents sent by the FBI paid particular attention to a group of anarchists from Oakland, a major port city that lies adjacent to the campus of the University of California at Berkeley, the scene of several violent protests….

‘While there has been military progress in Iraq against the Islamic State, their influence in Europe and throughout the world is clearly growing,’ the report said.

‘Now that the bureau has determined they have followers in the radical U.S. resistance movement in the United States, it is clear there will be additional violence in the attacks on law enforcement and U.S. institutions, including banks.

‘Ties between three key leaders of the Oakland group [names redacted] met in Hamburg with a leader of the AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] and the AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb],’ the report continued. ‘The leader from AQAP is an Egyptian-born male [name redacted] who is known to be in charge of finances and recruiting for the group.

‘There is evidence from informants that he is helping the Oakland group acquire the weapons they are seeking, primarily bomb making equipment and toxic chemicals and gasses…

‘Making some sort of common cause with Americans who are determined to commit violence against the U.S. makes them potentially very useful to radical Islam.

Media Bias Fact Check Regarding The National Review.................

National Review (NR) is a semi-monthly magazine founded by author William F. Buckley, Jr. in 1955. Although the print version of the magazine is available online to subscribers, the free content on the website is essentially a separate publication under different editorial direction. The online version, National Review Online, describes itself as “America’s most widely read and influential magazine and web site for conservative news, commentary, and opinion.” Has a right wing bias in reporting, but is well sourced and mostly factual with news.
Last edited:
You like this site better?

There is no secret about the findings of the FBI about the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.
ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book | Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail is a Rupert Murdoch publication with less credibility than the FOX Gossip Channel, if that is possible, and Kline has been caught lying in everything he wrote.

Typical left wing response ^^

Leftards will quote any source no matter how ridiculous, but will immediately and always rubbish a reliable, conservative source when it suits them.

Whatever you deny, wake up... because it's all true, even if it doesn't suit you.
Everything Kline writes is nothing more than made up unsourced GOSSIP.

Gossip is a very dangerous tool. We should be more wary of the gossiper, and not the gossip they're trying to relay to you.
- John Lydon

More rubbish! ^^

By making such stupid remarks once again, you are only proving the point that the Left lives in a state of absolute denial regarding the truth

The Left only believes whatever suits their ideology.
That's why Donald Trump is President! ! :2up:
Tramp is president because fools like you believe known liars like Klein.

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