FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

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Joe Biden playing golf with Hunter's Burisma co-workers he claimed he NEVER MET...

No wonder Wray risked Contempt of Congress charges to keep this hidden.

Who below your post clicked the fake news icon ? How is this photo faked in their opinion ? Are they just clicking the fake news icon as a hopeful distraction, otherwise are they in here attempting to tamp down any rhetoric that is leading us to know what we as rational minded citizen's already know ?
I've also noticed this people on the platform hitting the disagree emoji even if they are wrong and they know it when they do it . It's all an attempt to distract when the fact's begin hitting them like a ton of brick's (you know when they claim Russian misinformation and other such a bull shite like they've done in the past).

Then so obviously, they quickly pounce on the super weak case concerning a supposed or alledged rape case that failed to produce the evidence of rape against Trump, yet immediately start calling him a rapist even if the case failed to prove rape. I wish that they would be honest for one second in their live's, and just tell the truth as to why they really hate Trump, and why they hate his policies in which were absolutely right for the majority of all Americans who were attempting to live a good decent honest life in America.

Don't they (the left), know that we as American's see right through their failed bull shite ?
WOW, who said the far left can stoop no lower? G5000 has just proven you wrong!

Faced with concrete facts that you are wrong, you ignore the FACTS and continue to lie. Whew. You're some piece of work.

Once again, since you refuse to acknowledge facts when presented to you.

"Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma Holdings, a natural gas giant in Ukraine, in 2014. The company’s founder was under investigation by then-prosecutor general Viktor Shokin, who the U.S., United Kingdom and other Western governments argued had failed to rein in corruption in the country."


"It's true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn't because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians".

Good you. It's time to shred the bullshit leftard narrative.

Let's get all this crap out into the open.
As usual, the FBI who's supposed to work with the "Justice" department, is withholding the truth.

They're as bad as the fucking Stasi.

Worse. They're focused on the political opposition.
For some damned upside down reasoning in this COUNTRY, it is the thoughts of our Intel and LAW agencies that Donald J. Trump is a threat to national security, world security, and the leftist cultural security. So it is that anyone of these agencies that have since bought Into the lie's fed to them by leftist culture, now feels totally justified that it is A-OK for them to possibly lie, cheat or steal when it comes to them persecuting Donald Trump by way of these created narratives that are supposed to "fundementally transform America"..
Good you. It's time to shred the bullshit leftard narrative.

Let's get all this crap out into the open.
Is Shokin still alive, and if so could he be asked to come to America to testify in front of Congress on what he knows or rather to tell us what his investigation into the failed gas company had produced in evidence there of ?????????
what did the Biden family get paid millions for ? what business or service did they provide ?

Note that the 'Biden Family' does not include Joe Biden. What remains are private citizens
doing business abroad.

In the meantime, none of the Documents show that Joe Biden recieved a nickel.

Now then

Read the indictment. The docs were in bathrooms, shower stalls, ballroom stages, storage closets. These were highly sensitive national defense information documents.

He tried to hide them from the FBI and his own attorneys. He showed them to staff and persons who did not have security clearances. He admitted they were 'secret' and were classified and stated he could not declassify them since he was no longer president. Reality Winner got 5 years for showing one document.

37 felony counts, 7 federal violations.

Trump is toast.

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Joe's political career, otherwise known as his shake down the world tour, never resulted in anything good for this country. But his family did real good.

within the first 300 days in office, Biden got the Infrastructure deal passed, a historic bill that is on par with Eisenhower's highway project.

Trump paid lip service to the Infrastructure bill and couldn't get done in four years with a republican house and senate.
What is it that you actually have?

You got what factual evidence?
Present it if you have it.

Read the indictment. The docs were in bathrooms, shower stalls, ballroom stages, storage closets. These were highly sensitive national defense information documents.

He tried to hide them from rhe FBI and his own attorneys. He showed them to staff and persons who did not have security clearances. He admitted they were 'secret' and were classified and stated he could not declassify them since he was no longer president. Reality Winner got 5 years for showing one document.

37 felony counts, 7 federal violations.

Trump is toast.

So I guess Garland is going to use the Trump indictment distraction as a reason not to investigate / go after Biden for taking a $5 million dollar bribe as VP, counting on the leftist MSM to blackout the story and run the Trump distraction in hopes Americans will be too preoccupied and will just forget Biden's crime...

There is no evidence that Joe Biden received a bribe. None of the Comer documents prove it. And, all Repubs have is a claim by a Russian.

Sorry, that's not enough to warrant an indictment.

Trump is toast.

Read the indictment. The docs were in bathrooms, shower stalls, ballroom stages, storage closets. These were highly sensitive national defense information documents.

He tried to hide them from rhe FBI and his own attorneys. He showed them to staff and persons who did not have security clearances. He admitted they were 'secret' and were classified and stated he could not declassify them since he was no longer president. Reality Winner got 5 years for showing one document.

37 felony counts, 7 federal violations.

Who below your post clicked the fake news icon ? How is this photo faked in their opinion ? Are they just clicking the fake news icon as a hopeful distraction, otherwise are they in here attempting to tamp down any rhetoric that is leading us to know what we as rational minded citizen's already know ?
I've also noticed this people on the platform hitting the disagree emoji even if they are wrong and they know it when they do it . It's all an attempt to distract when the fact's begin hitting them like a ton of brick's (you know when they claim Russian misinformation and other such a bull shite like they've done in the past).

Then so obviously, they quickly pounce on the super weak case concerning a supposed or alledged rape case that failed to produce the evidence of rape against Trump, yet immediately start calling him a rapist even if the case failed to prove rape. I wish that they would be honest for one second in their live's, and just tell the truth as to why they really hate Trump, and why they hate his policies in which were absolutely right for the majority of all Americans who were attempting to live a good decent honest life in America.

Don't they (the left), know that we as American's see right through their failed bull shite ?
Trump is toast.

44 pages of incontrovertible incriminating evidence, This is an open and shut case. "In my opinion" (given the strength of the evidence)

Read the indictment. That is to say, if you care about EVIDENCE, you know, the kind that PROVES an allegation.


In contains highly explosive and incriminating information.

I direct your attention to page 16, which is a transcript of the 'audio tape' that was reported on recently. Here, Trump is talking to a staffer, he admits that it's secret, he admits that he didn't declassify it but he could have if he were still president, and he shows it to the staffer, who does not have the clearance to review it, and the staffer comments on Trump's admission, with a 'Now we have a problem" and Trump replies, "Isn't that interesting?".

Before this, all I though we had was a 793 charge,and the obstruction charge, but on top of this, but here we have the president showing a classified document to someone without the required clearance. I don't know, off hand, what the charge is for that, but there are 37 counts, so a lot of ground is covered, but this takes it to another level, and the link to the full indictment is above and we all should read it. Anyway, this is what got Reality Winner a 5 year jail term on one document alone. This is NOT the case, as I understand it, with Pence or Biden.

The kind of recklessness revealed in this indictment clearly reveals Trump is not only a threat to Us National Security, he is wholly unfit for the office and the Republicans in the Senate had better get with the program and not let this man be the nominee for the GOP.
The Ukrainian prosecutor that Republican Senators wanted fired, that Democratic Senators wanted fired, that the EU wanted fired, that the Ukrainian legislature wanted fired, that the IMF wanted fired, and that the Obama administration wanted fired was a crook. He had an extortion scheme. He would demand bribes from various companies and threaten to "investigate" them if they didn't cough up the cash.

Burisma came into his sights at some point.

Now get this, tards. Get this through your stupid obtuse pointy skulls:

The crooked prosecutor's fake investigation of Burisma occurred TWO YEARS BEFORE HUNTER BIDEN JOINED THE COMPANY.

So you see, morons, Joe Biden was not trying to protect his son, as you have been so deliberately been lied to about. He was simply carrying out the policy of EVERYYYYYYONNNNE!

You've been hoaxed, tards. Again. For I don't, what, the thousandth time?
Winner winner chicken dinner!

International effort to fight corruption in Ukraine​

The international effort to remove Shokin, who became prosecutor general in February 2015, began months before Biden stepped into the spotlight, said Mike Carpenter, who served as a foreign policy adviser to Biden and a deputy assistant secretary of defense, with a focus on Ukraine, Russia, Eurasia, the Balkans, and conventional arms control.

As European and U.S. officials pressed Ukraine to clean up Ukraine's corruption, they focused on Shokin's leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office.
"Shokin played the role of protecting the vested interest in the Ukrainian system," said Carpenter, who traveled with Biden to Ukraine in 2015. "He never went after any corrupt individuals at all, never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption."

That demonstrated that Poroshenko's administration was not sincere about tackling corruption and building strong, independent law enforcement agencies, said Heather Conley, director of the Europe program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank.

In July 2015, Shokin's office became mired in scandal after authorities raided homes belonging to two high-ranking prosecutors. Police seized millions of dollars worth of diamonds and cash, suggesting the pair had been taking bribes.

It became known as the "diamond prosecutors" case. Deputy General Prosecutor Vitaliy Kasko, who said he tried to investigate it, resigned months later, calling the prosecutor's office a "hotbed of corruption" and an "instrument of political pressure."
Joe's political career, otherwise known as his shake down the world tour, never resulted in anything good for this country. But his family did real good.
Shake down.. That sounds like a Democrat quality after they gain power for sure. Ole Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and many others were known for that back in the day weren't they ?

Are the Democrat's just totally corrupt as a party, and therefore the Americans have somehow been forced to tolerate it to an unsafe level ?? I mean the tactic is yet again being deployed over the trans issue. Look at how these shaken corporations are being threatened and forced to play along or else.

Centralizing anything into power structures or rather corporations that are somehow linked, has become the very recipe needed to shake down the entire American people, and then turn them into a bunch of zombie follower's of these demonized cult's who are shaking them down by using the weaponization of the centralized power to get it done once they have taken control.

The American people have only one last resource to battle it all, and that is the power of the purse (extreme boycotts), without any let up until the monster is destroyed.

To hell with Bud light, Target, Chic-filet, and any other corporation that decides to go down these road's.

Better start now if haven't yet, and begin to do the homework necessary to succeed. Find out about these places that are in turn using your own money indirectly and directly against you - via buying more power in government, politics, corporation's, and etc. They've had a plan, and it's worked, but not yet to completion.
Trump is toast.

44 pages of incontrovertible incriminating evidence, This is an open and shut case. "In my opinion" (given the strength of the evidence)

Read the indictment. That is to say, if you care about EVIDENCE, you know, the kind that PROVES an allegation.


In contains highly explosive and incriminating information.

I direct your attention to page 16, which is a transcript of the 'audio tape' that was reported on recently. Here, Trump is talking to a staffer, he admits that it's secret, he admits that he didn't declassify it but he could have if he were still president, and he shows it to the staffer, who does not have the clearance to review it, and the staffer comments on Trump's admission, with a 'Now we have a problem" and Trump replies, "Isn't that interesting?".

Before this, all I though we had was a 793 charge,and the obstruction charge, but on top of this, but here we have the president showing a classified document to someone without the required clearance. I don't know, off hand, what the charge is for that, but there are 37 counts, so a lot of ground is covered, but this takes it to another level, and the link to the full indictment is above and we all should read it. Anyway, this is what got Reality Winner a 5 year jail term on one document alone. This is NOT the case, as I understand it, with Pence or Biden.

The kind of recklessness revealed in this indictment clearly reveals Trump is not only a threat to Us National Security, he is wholly unfit for the office and the Republicans in the Senate had better get with the program and not let this man be the nominee for the GOP.
He showed it to a person, and that person said "now we have a problem", and then Trump responds " Isn't that interesting" ?

Hmmmm...Ok so tell us what Trump showed that was a threat to national security, because what it sounds like to me in the exchange, is that Trump had stumbled onto something that might implicate someone in a serious way, otherwise within the reviewed document it may have shown that someone was doing or saying something that was highly criminal, otherwise who ever it was that the person who said ("now we have a problem") had just seen or reviewed, and was then talking with Trump about it afterwards..

That document definitely needs to be reviewed by Congress immediately.
Winner winner chicken dinner!

International effort to fight corruption in Ukraine​

The international effort to remove Shokin, who became prosecutor general in February 2015, began months before Biden stepped into the spotlight, said Mike Carpenter, who served as a foreign policy adviser to Biden and a deputy assistant secretary of defense, with a focus on Ukraine, Russia, Eurasia, the Balkans, and conventional arms control.

As European and U.S. officials pressed Ukraine to clean up Ukraine's corruption, they focused on Shokin's leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office.
"Shokin played the role of protecting the vested interest in the Ukrainian system," said Carpenter, who traveled with Biden to Ukraine in 2015. "He never went after any corrupt individuals at all, never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption."

That demonstrated that Poroshenko's administration was not sincere about tackling corruption and building strong, independent law enforcement agencies, said Heather Conley, director of the Europe program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank.

In July 2015, Shokin's office became mired in scandal after authorities raided homes belonging to two high-ranking prosecutors. Police seized millions of dollars worth of diamonds and cash, suggesting the pair had been taking bribes.

It became known as the "diamond prosecutors" case. Deputy General Prosecutor Vitaliy Kasko, who said he tried to investigate it, resigned months later, calling the prosecutor's office a "hotbed of corruption" and an "instrument of political pressure."
Are any of these people going to come to America to be a witness in the trial against the Biden's ? If not then why not ? Everyone that ever had anything to do with the Biden's needs to be summoned to court when the trial of the Biden's goes down. Hopefully these people are still alive, and are ready to testify in the near future.
Are any of these people going to come to America to be a witness in the trial against the Biden's ? If not then why not ? Everyone that ever had anything to do with the Biden's needs to be summoned to court when the trial of the Biden's goes down. Hopefully these people are still alive, and are ready to testify in the near future.
Look to find Anthony Bobulinski clintoncided

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