FBI foils terrorist attack in Virginia!

well yea!!! now what do you want us to do? cartwheels, handstands?
FBI foils plot by Virginia white supremacists to bomb black churches, synagogues

Oh, did I mention they were a bunch of white supremacists. This must really disappoint all you racist Muslim hating republicans out there....
Not really. It just proves there are sick insane fucks within all races and religions.
You ought to send a nasty letter to the forty odd DEM Congressman who voted to defund the Syrian refugee program until better verifiable vetting can happen.
Or are these DEM Congressmen all "racists"?
well yea!!! now what do you want us to do? cartwheels, handstands?

Come on, admit that your heart raced when you saw the Thread title. Turns out it was just home grown.
, right wing, nut jobs.

Sorry to disappoint you.....
The left is so freaking transparent. Now they are going to dig up every (white) scum felon pot head and try to scare us with tails of "white supremacist plots" while offering sanctuary to illegal alien felons who freaking kill people.You almost gotta laugh that they think the arrest of three pot heads guilty of a number of robberies and allegedly hate Jews is a rational argument to try to convince sane people to accept 10,000 new muslem supremacists who really hate Jews..
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The left is so freaking transparent. Now they are going to dig up every (white) scum felon pot head and try to scare us with tails of "white supremacist plots" while offering sanctuary to illegal alien felons who freaking kill people.You almost gotta laugh that they think the arrest of three pot heads guilty of a number of robberies is a rational argument to try to convince sane people to accept 10,000 new muslem supremacists.

It's ignorance, they allow fear to do their thinking.
Wow. You made our point and didn't even know it.

Yes.....between radical whites and thug blacks and cartel mexicans....we ALREADY HAVE more than enough to worry about without importing jihadi Muslims.
Why weren't these white supremacist vetted better?
Actually these three guys would probably be on the liberal side of the political chart if they had enough brain cells left. They promoted the use of marijuana before it was legalized and they seem to be as anti-semitic as most democrats including Jesse Jackson who once dubbed NYC as "Hymie Town". When you consider the movers and shakers in the democrat party like Bill Ayers and his terrorist wife who bombed and terrorized America and allegedly helped plan the Brinks robbery that left two Police Officers (one Black) and two Brinks guards dead, they really don't seem that bad. The point is that we don't need to admit 10,000 young terrorist aged Syrians in this Country any more than we need another Bill Ayers or Bernie Dohrn.
Wow. You made our point and didn't even know it.

Yes.....between radical whites and thug blacks and cartel mexicans....we ALREADY HAVE more than enough to worry about without importing jihadi Muslims.

Obviously, you STILL haven't noticed your own avatar.
Why weren't these white supremacist vetted better?

Instead, we're "vetting" the same kind of slime right here on this board.

Seriously. We've already had one poster (that we know of) pop his tin foil cap and kill innocent people. This board encourages radical violence and the gun nutters eat it up.
"10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men"

Using the 'reasoning' of those opposed to Syrian refugees fleeing war and terror coming to the United States, white male Christians should likewise be prohibited from entering the country.

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