FBI General Counsel Baker Believed Criminal Case Could Be Made Against Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Republican House investigators uncovered evidence to the contrary, saying a top FBI lawyer and others relayed that the bureau was divided over the Clinton case recommendation.

"FBI General Counsel James Baker, however, initially did believe the [Clinton email] case could be made from an evidentiary standpoint and multiple witnesses testified to the Committees the FBI's decision not to recommend charges was not 'unanimous.""

The decision to indict or not BASED ON the FBI's findings are neither the FBI's job nor within their power / authority to do to begin with, as the IG reported:

Comey usurped the authority of the Attorney General,” “chose to deviate” from established procedures, and engaged “in his own subjective, ad hoc decisionmaking.”

In other words, Comey over-stepped his authority by, even though declaring Clinton had broken laws but was too stupid to know she had done so, announcing HE would not recommend she be indicted.

*** GOP letter reveals FBI divisions over Clinton case decision, conflicting claims on Rosenstein controversy

The fact that the FBI was divided on whether Hillary should be indicted or not but that Comey had made the decision himself to make such an announcement was PART of the revelations the House Investigative Committee revealed as they closed up shop and prepared to hand the power to cover up any and all exposed Democrat crimes to the Democrats.

In one final letter to the DOJ, the Republicans again requested the DOJ appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the mishandling of the Clinton investigation, acknowledged by the US IG.

GOP letter reveals FBI divisions over Clinton case decision, conflicting claims on Rosenstein controversy
Fired FBI Strzok's text messages to his adulterous partner, Lisa Paige, revealed the FBI was wary of taking action against Hillary Clinton because 'she holds grudges'.

Considering the entire country was being told Hillary would win in a landslide, Strzok's text message provided all the common sense evidence needed to know the FBI 'bet on Hillary' in the handling and result of the Clinton investigation...
Comey drafted his statement ending the Clinton email investigation months in advance, the FBI confirms

More evidence 'the fix was in'. While the FBI was split in whether Hillary shod have been indicted - which was NOT their call, the FBI's top leadership was well aware of the repercussions of siding against Hillary and her winning the Presidency...and took the steps to ensure she would NOT be indicted based on any report or on their investigation results.

Former FBi Director Comey, as evidence shows, wrote Hillary's exoneration before they even interviewed her.

The FBI was also forced to admit they never questioned Hillary under oath, never video or audio recorded her testimony, and never created / provided transcripts of the interview...and they did not generate / write notes about the interview until months after it supposedly happened.

The only thing that suggests such an interview ever happened, in fact, is that fired / disgraced FBI Agent Strzok and FBI Director Comey day it happened.
In-Coming Democrats shut down any possibility of any investigation of Comey & the FBI's mishandling of the Clinton Investigation and of Money's having leaked classified information, proving the Democrats are partisan as hell and do not plan on 'objectivity' or pursuing crimes committed by Democrats once they take over the House:

"The incoming Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff of California, tweeted dismissively about the Republican letter last week, writing, "This is how the House Republican effort to undermine Mueller by ‘investigating the investigators’ ends. Not with a bang, but with a Friday, buried-in-the-holidays whimper, and one foot out the door."

The GOP's latest revealed evidence, however, proves Comey perjured himself before Congress about his decision not to recommend indictment. Twice under oath Comey testified this decision was 'unanimous', but FBI General Counsel revealed the decision was anything but 'unanimous'.

As the evidence that the FBI authored her exoneration before ever interviewing her shows, the decision not to indict her was also extremely PREMATURE.

GOP letter reveals FBI divisions over Clinton case decision, conflicting claims on Rosenstein controversy
Comey gave classified information to his friend with the intent that it be leaked to the media, reported, and that it would influence / pressure Congress into appointing Co-Conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel in charge of the on-going witch hunt.

When asked about this under oath before Congress under oath he declared he could not answer questions or say anything about that based on advise from his lawyers.

"Transcripts from Comey's closed-door interviews in December, meanwhile, revealed his lawyer threatened to shut down the session after persistent questions from Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe of Texas over whether the former director mishandled classified information when he shared memos documenting conversations with Trump with Columbia University law professor Daniel Richman and lawyers David Kelley and Patrick Fitzgerald. Comey previously testified to a Senate committee that he leaked at least one memo to Richman to kick-start the special counsel investigation.

Ratcliffe questioned who received the memos and whether they had appropriate security clearances, stating that "four of the seven" memos "have been identified either by you [Comey] or by the FBI as containing classified information."

On multiple occasions, Comey declined to answer questions about his handling of the memos, stating Richman, Kelley and Fitzgerald now act as his attorneys. "I can't -- I'm not going to answer questions about my communications with my lawyers," he said."

Comey, under oath, did reveal, however, he did not have the FBI's permission to release the memo / information he gave his friend:

"Comey confirmed that he "did not have written authorization from the FBI to share the February 14th memo, the unclassified memo" with Richman, but Comey would not provide more detail on what memos were shared with Kelley or Fitzgerald."

Cindy's lawyer was alert to the fact that the GOP had seized on the fact that Comey had just revealed he had illegally released classified information in a move against the President and sprang into action, THREATENING TO SHUT DOWN THE COMMITTEE HEARING / COMEY'S QUESTIONING IF THE GOP CONTINUED TO QUESTION COMEY ABOUT THIS SUDDEN REVELATION:

"At one point, Kelley threatened to shut down the questioning. "We're here to answer questions about decisions not made and made by DOJ and the FBI in connection with the Hillary Rodham Clinton investigation and the Russian investigation. This is talking about his firing. Can you explain the relevance of these questions? Because if this continues, we're just going to call it a day," Kelley said."

Evidently Mueller was / is allowed to investigate any crime exposed during his investigation (but has refused to do so) it the GOP were not allowed to do so.

GOP letter reveals FBI divisions over Clinton case decision, conflicting claims on Rosenstein controversy

Comey and his DOJ-provided legal team have nothing to worry about now, though, as the in-coming Democrats have demonstrated they will allow no investigations into Democrat crimes....they successfully ran the clock out, and with their taking control of the House, the cover-up of their conspiracy / coup against Trump and exposed crimes is guaranteed.
In-Coming Democrats shut down any possibility of any investigation of Comey & the FBI's mishandling of the Clinton Investigation and of Money's having leaked classified information, proving the Democrats are partisan as hell and do not plan on 'objectivity' or pursuing crimes committed by Democrats once they take over the House:

"The incoming Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff of California, tweeted dismissively about the Republican letter last week, writing, "This is how the House Republican effort to undermine Mueller by ‘investigating the investigators’ ends. Not with a bang, but with a Friday, buried-in-the-holidays whimper, and one foot out the door."

The GOP's latest revealed evidence, however, proves Comey perjured himself before Congress about his decision not to recommend indictment. Twice under oath Comey testified this decision was 'unanimous', but FBI General Counsel revealed the decision was anything but 'unanimous'.

As the evidence that the FBI authored her exoneration before ever interviewing her shows, the decision not to indict her was also extremely PREMATURE.

GOP letter reveals FBI divisions over Clinton case decision, conflicting claims on Rosenstein controversy
Clinton hasn't been Sec. Of State since 2013. That's six years.

Six years of Republicans controlling both houses.

After six years, either Hillary is:

A.. Guilty of nothing

B. The smartest criminal in the world

C. The Republicans are the most inept people in power EVER!

D. A and C

I go with "D".
Hitlery will never be held accountable for anything she's done.

You might as well piss up a rope if you think she will be.

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