FBI investigates death of a black man in Minneapolis after video shows police officer kneeling on his neck

Blacks kill Hundreds of un armed people a day in America,, where is your posts about that?

So do whites, racist. Go start a thread about it. This thread is about cops killing yet another black man. You could even argue it should be about cops killing a man, but to argue that it's OK because black people murder just like white people is asinine and racist.

looked all over- huge huge story- where is it?
Too bad for the black fella. MAYBE he should've NOT broken any laws and listened to the police officer? Or kept his carcass out of trouble?
Fuck you, bootlicker. Even if he broke a law, he didn’t deserve to be suffocated by an angry cop’s knee. This was abuse that lead to a citizen’s death.
Murder chargers shoiuld be made. Not stopped for a violent crime.

I hope they send thge one with the knee on his throat to prison for twenty years.
View attachment 341316
So now you compare this death as the same as the shooting of a suspect in a gun fight? Really?
It’s deaths over all. Mostly whites getting killed by cops

They killed a man for nothing. Fuck them. & Fuck you for dismissing it.
they did not intentionally kill him
and he was a jackass criminal
again--99.999% of these people are jackass criminals--not good boys
He was a SUSPECT in a non violent crime. I guess in Trump wold, police can just kill whomever they want...especially if they are black.
These cops will go to jail for murder. You racist conservatives can visit them in jail and high five them. The only lesson going to be learned by these types of cops is don’t get caught killing black guys on video. Not all cops suck. Just a way too high percentage.
I can't help but wonder if the film maker ever once thought about trying to stop from happening what was happening instead of filming what was happening.

God bless you and the victim's family always!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, this post was not written as a parody.

This person doesn’t know that the person taking the video would have been arrested and possibly worse had he tried to interfere physically.

Fucking moron.
Once someone is handcuffed it's ridiculously easy to maintain control over them. Ever been cuffed and then had someone push down, even just a little? It hurts like Hell and throws you off balance.

I would like to ask that cop why he felt he needed to use that level of force, and why he didn't let up on the guy when he was clearly in distress...

Nutless pussies must set their FEELZ aside...this shit isn’t complicated...most of us were taught this critical principle by third grade.
Cause and effect

  1. the action of causing something.
    "investigating the role of nitrate in the causation of cancer"
    • the relationship between cause and effect; causality.
      plural noun: causations
How did he cause that cop to sit on his neck for over 4 minutes while he was laying motionless on the ground? He had it coming because he "may have" resisted? The cops get to kill you if you piss them off?

More authoritarianism by those who hate the Constitution
Blacks kill Hundreds of un armed people a day in America,, where is your posts about that?

So do whites, racist. Go start a thread about it. This thread is about cops killing yet another black man. You could even argue it should be about cops killing a man, but to argue that it's OK because black people murder just like white people is asinine and racist.

looked all over- huge huge story- where is it?
Too bad for the black fella. MAYBE he should've NOT broken any laws and listened to the police officer? Or kept his carcass out of trouble?
Fuck you, bootlicker. Even if he broke a law, he didn’t deserve to be suffocated by an angry cop’s knee. This was abuse that lead to a citizen’s death.
Murder chargers shoiuld be made. Not stopped for a violent crime.

I hope they send thge one with the knee on his throat to prison for twenty years.
View attachment 341316
So now you compare this death as the same as the shooting of a suspect in a gun fight? Really?
It’s deaths over all. Mostly whites getting killed by cops

They killed a man for nothing. Fuck them. & Fuck you for dismissing it.
they did not intentionally kill him
and he was a jackass criminal
again--99.999% of these people are jackass criminals--not good boys
He was a SUSPECT in a non violent crime. I guess in Trump wold, police can just kill whomever they want...especially if they are black.
These cops will go to jail for murder. You racist conservatives can visit them in jail and high five them. The only lesson going to be learned by these types of cops is don’t get caught killing black guys on video. Not all cops suck. Just a way too high percentage.
I can't help but wonder if the film maker ever once thought about trying to stop from happening what was happening instead of filming what was happening.

God bless you and the victim's family always!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, this post was not written as a parody.

This person doesn’t know that the person taking the video would have been arrested and possibly worse had he tried to interfere physically.

Fucking moron.
Once someone is handcuffed it's ridiculously easy to maintain control over them. Ever been cuffed and then had someone push down, even just a little? It hurts like Hell and throws you off balance.

I would like to ask that cop why he felt he needed to use that level of force, and why he didn't let up on the guy when he was clearly in distress...

Nutless pussies must set their FEELZ aside...this shit isn’t complicated...most of us were taught this critical principle by third grade.
Cause and effect

  1. the action of causing something.
    "investigating the role of nitrate in the causation of cancer"
    • the relationship between cause and effect; causality.
      plural noun: causations
How did he cause that cop to sit on his neck for over 4 minutes while he was laying motionless on the ground? He had it coming because he "may have" resisted? The cops get to kill you if you piss them off?

More authoritarianism by those who hate the Constitution

Sometimes unfortunate shit happens when pieces of shit behave like the pieces of shit they are and things escalate...Weird huh?

looked all over- huge huge story- where is it?
I have to wonder how long these cops were abusing people, when they did this with practiced ease. It has to be a systemic type of excepted behavior, for an officer to do this in public, surrounded by fellow officers.

looked all over- huge huge story- where is it?
I have to wonder how long these cops were abusing people, when they did this with practiced ease. It has to be a systemic type of excepted behavior, for an officer to do this in public, surrounded by fellow officers.
Im all for cops abusing those who deserve to be abused. If you fight or struggle with them, you should get your teeth knocked out with a night stick, but i dont know why they needed to kneel on this man for that long. He didnt appear to be struggling. They should have just put him in the car.
With all the recent hate for cops promoted for a decade now, I have to wonder if the quality of new police academy applicants is falling. It may become a vicious cycle, good people don't want to be cops, and then the substandard cops do crap like this, which sways good people into not wanting to be cops... rinse repeat.
According to some callers on local radio talk this guy has a history of this going back yrs and it wasn't just black people that were the victims. This would suggest a managerial failure to correct this and as such one or some of them should be fired also.
Like with the obese Eric Garner, the perp probably had a severe, underlying heart condition. Cops are often douchebags and liars, but kneeling on the rear side of the neck does not interfere with breathing. Worse case is unconsciousness like from an MMA style rear naked choke.

So kneeling on his neck while he is having a heart attack is going to help?

Either way it is murder.
With all the recent hate for cops promoted for a decade now, I have to wonder if the quality of new police academy applicants is falling. It may become a vicious cycle, good people don't want to be cops, and then the substandard cops do crap like this, which sways good people into not wanting to be cops... rinse repeat.
one of the biggest problems is they are recruiting ex combat veterans that are trained to kill first and let god sort them out,,,

looked all over- huge huge story- where is it?

The heck is that?? You can't tell me cops are trained to put their knee on a dudes neck, when he's already down!

Fire that guy! What the heck???!
Murder chargers shoiuld be made. Not stopped for a violent crime.

I hope they send thge one with the knee on his throat to prison for twenty years.
View attachment 341316
So now you compare this death as the same as the shooting of a suspect in a gun fight? Really?
It’s deaths over all. Mostly whites getting killed by cops

They killed a man for nothing. Fuck them. & Fuck you for dismissing it.
they did not intentionally kill him
and he was a jackass criminal
again--99.999% of these people are jackass criminals--not good boys
He was a SUSPECT in a non violent crime. I guess in Trump wold, police can just kill whomever they want...especially if they are black.

And there it is. This is all Trump's fault. I knew it.

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