FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

yea, i just want this over and if she's full of shit, to be exposed. methods like this should be heavily scrutinized regardless of which side is doing it. no one should have free reign to try and destroy a life because they don't agree with someone.

as for the bet - it was just a joke but g5000 decided to wordsmith so i'm playing along with it. i certainly don't expect anyone to pay up on something like that. however, if she had gone to the "local" police to file a report and he had taken *that* bet as intended, i'd pay. got no issue with that.

That's a hard question to pin down though, because Dr. Ford's lawyer did ask the FBI to interview her. If that could be considered "going to the police", the fact the police denied to interview her would not change that. Also, after producing sworn testimony, the police in Maryland, could decide to conduct their own investigation, based on what information was provided, and wouldn't have to interview Dr. Ford to do so. That's highly unlikely but still possible in situations involving sexual assault or domestic abuse.

The police would be in the same position as the FBI: investigate what? Where would they start? Where would they go? What solid evidence could they find?

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It's about one and a half paragraphs long

Last sentrnce. "Didn't find shit"

It will also say "Didn't look for shit!"
Oh, c'mon. Doing the investigation after the hearing was always a cosmetic application. However, it's doubtful they came up with any more than we already knew. As a teenager, he was a dumbass teenager. What matters is what kind of a man he is now.

And how long will it be before the FBI report gets leaked? By end of day today, you think?
oh c'mon - the entire allegation was always a cosmetic application.

when you go in with bullshit, bullshit still comes out.


Yes Kavvy does seem to have a lot of shit!
and it all seems to be along the lines of poking at him and then going LOOK HE REACTS WE TOLD YOU HE WAS BAD!!!
Yes Kavvy does seem to have a lot of shit!

Made up shit....we told you

Really, yet it is he that is lying about his early years, why?

Keywords ...younger years.

Let it go, it's over

He lied, you know like Clinton did about a blow job. Let it go!

So says you...and I don't give two shits what you spew.

Oh and your "star" witness Ford lied....can you muster up some outrage over that, hack?
i don't think he has any fake rage left. done spent his wad on a lie that he now has to eat.
Made up shit....we told you

Really, yet it is he that is lying about his early years, why?

Keywords ...younger years.

Let it go, it's over

He lied, you know like Clinton did about a blow job. Let it go!

So says you...and I don't give two shits what you spew.

Oh and your "star" witness Ford lied....can you muster up some outrage over that, hack?
i don't think he has any fake rage left. done spent his wad on a lie that he now has to eat.

He's child's play...but fun to kick around
Really, yet it is he that is lying about his early years, why?

Keywords ...younger years.

Let it go, it's over

He lied, you know like Clinton did about a blow job. Let it go!

So says you...and I don't give two shits what you spew.

Oh and your "star" witness Ford lied....can you muster up some outrage over that, hack?
i don't think he has any fake rage left. done spent his wad on a lie that he now has to eat.

He's child's play...but fun to kick around
they wanna stand and and scream HIT ME CAUSE I'M STUPID, hit 'em.
So question them, what is the problem?

To question a subject who has already provided a sworn statement referring to an event, would only mean you think they are lying in their statement, which in turn means you have no reason to believe that any answer they give is reliable.

The FBI is not a court of law. They do not cross examine sworn witness as a lawyer in a courtroom would. They are not deciding guilt or innocence (whether or not someone is lying), while Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh have already testified. Obviously, whatever evidence their sworn testimony in reference to a crime has provided, already exists. They can choose to investigate whatever else may lead them to evidence in regards to that crime.

They are not trying to dig up something, That's what they did during the multiple investigations prior to Dr. Ford's allegations. They don't just sit around making stuff up to investigate if there is no evidence to pursue.
Quite a few Witnesses, this is a job background check, not Court. get another conservative this guy is garbage
If Kavanaugh is not confirmed Trump will just nominate him again and really make fools out of Flake and his lib gang...McConnell stands by that strategy...by that time Di Fi's criminality will be exposed.....
I expect the FBI to take another couple of days and then he will be approved. And you will get killed in November by women voting.

Right, because women are stupid and just march in lockstep with the Democrat party. No wonder you keep losing power all the time.
it's what they do. they look at a group and think the group belongs to them. it is elitist. and stupid. I have been watching woman after woman, that are women anyway, state they don't believe ford. has to be over 70%

I believe their calculation back fired.
Last edited:
FBI Investigation COMPLETED.. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Let the leaks begin!
I wonder how many will be legitimate leaks and how many will be made up shit that cannot be refuted because the actual report isn't released.
I doubt it will.sbow anything, it is an obvious sham. They didn't even interview the accuser, the accused, or any if the known principal witnesses. The Whitehouse limited them to totally innocuous information to insure nothing was found, even though we all saw Bart O'Kavanaugh lying under oath last week.
Translation ^ I don't care about facts or whether this was a sham, handcuffed investigation -
Just seat the asshole

Thank you. We will. It is BECAUSE of the facts that we'll seat him. Show me a single trial or courtroom where you can walk into it in the middle of things, point your finger and accuse the defendant of a crime, DECADES old, with absolutely no evidence or proof of anything, staggering contradictions, and expect anyone to take you seriously.
Okay, so we have the entirely predictable outcome of this "investigation." The Dems do not think it was properly conducted and the Republicans do. What a fucking shock.
Vote and get this damned thing OVER WITH. It has been a train wreck from the beginning and it ain't gonna get any better, no matter how long it gets dragged out.
If it was so predictable then why were the crazy Democrats calling for it in the first place?

Was it possible that they trashed the #me too movement just as a delay tactic?

They already had sworn statements from those involved in Fords statement. Were you expecting Ford to suddenly throw up her arms and shout I lied under oath?

The freind that Ford helped with the polygraph had already signed a letter saying she backed Ford. That does not make her a witness to what happened.we have already had numerous people coming out saying that this or that happened then walking it back. It is up to the FBI to decide who needs to be interviewed. I seem to remember when Democrats were all up in arms over Comey and McCabe and how the FBI had so much integrity, now suddenly they are completely incompetent. You and others need to make up your minds.
The police would be in the same position as the FBI: investigate what? Where would they start? Where would they go? What solid evidence could they find?

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I indicated in the post that it would be "highly unlikely", however, some departments have protocols or departmental policies that require examination of an accusation in regards to sexual assault or domestic violence. It doesn't mean they have to open an investigation, or it doesn't mean that they have any more information to start with. It simply means that in circumstances where sexual assault or domestic violence may have occurred, some departments are required to at least look at what is present, and can decide whether or not it warrants further investigation under the procedures defined within their jurisdiction.

This is primarily due to the fact so many cases of sexual abuse and domestic violence go "unreported" by the victim, and is an attempt for officers to pursue allegations made by others to see if something does actually exist.
They should just make The FBI's Investigation Public. I have no doubt it will be damaging to the Fake Last Minute DNC Radical Patsies and Exonerate Kavanaugh. This is why it was so easy to wrap up. If the Public could tell this Feminist Hag was lying exactly how long do you think it would take The FBI to prove she and the other Femininazis were lying? About 8 hours to interview everyone and then write your report the next day. Sounds about right.

On the other hand, if Kavanaugh was lying, the FBI Investigation would take far longer.

Game, Set Match, Lying Libtardos.
I doubt it will.sbow anything, it is an obvious sham. They didn't even interview the accuser, the accused, or any if the known principal witnesses. The Whitehouse limited them to totally innocuous information to insure nothing was found, even though we all saw Bart O'Kavanaugh lying under oath last week.
people keep saying the white house limited the investigation when we have trump himself saying DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO.

yet to the left, that is limiting cause they didn't find what they wanted them to find.
It's about one and a half paragraphs long

Last sentrnce. "Didn't find shit"

It will also say "Didn't look for shit!"
Oh, c'mon. Doing the investigation after the hearing was always a cosmetic application. However, it's doubtful they came up with any more than we already knew. As a teenager, he was a dumbass teenager. What matters is what kind of a man he is now.

And how long will it be before the FBI report gets leaked? By end of day today, you think?
well lucy, the fbi did an investigation ahead of the hearings. It was the sixth done on kavanaugh. found nothing. I'm expecting the seventh to be the same accept for the individual interviews.
I doubt it will.sbow anything, it is an obvious sham. They didn't even interview the accuser, the accused, or any if the known principal witnesses. The Whitehouse limited them to totally innocuous information to insure nothing was found, even though we all saw Bart O'Kavanaugh lying under oath last week.

The investigation will only be as flimsy as the allegations made. It's not the FBI's job to make something out of nothing.

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