FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

Brennan who called our president a traitor.
He's a proven criminal, and he conspired against the U.S. in a presidential election with a foreign adversary for who we had sanctions against.
ROFL! The truth is almost exactly the opposite of what you post. Of course, you can't tell the truth because it contradicts your sleazy agenda. All you can do is lie, lie, lie.
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If that were true, he would have said it already. You're blowing hot gas out your ass, as usual. Even if Cohen made such claims, how can he prove it? Does he have any documents? No. Recordings of phone calls discussing these deals? No.

There were no "campaign financing schemes." That's purely you paranoid fantasy.

There is treatment available for your problem, but first you have to admit that you need help.
Why do you think Cohen got three years you friggin idiot? Lol! How can someone be this stupid?
Cohen got three years because Mueller needed a sacrificial lamb.
And Cohen couldn't wait to give it to him. He wanted to give it to Mueller so bad, Cohen's willing to have a public hearing about it. Just to explain how much he wanted Mueller to have it.
Cohen is cooperating only because he wants his sentence reduced. He knows Trump can't pardon him, so he has to suck up to Mueller and the Dims. It's pathetic to watch a man wallow in the gutter like that, but that's what happens when you appoint a grand inquisitor like Mueller to run a witch hunt.
Mueller was appointed by a Trump's DOJ.
By Rosenstein, who is in the middle of this whole mess. He signed off on the FISA warrant. He's also Mueller's buddy.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.


I guess you were you lazy to read the story. It is not whether Trump colluded with the Russians but rather whether Trump working actively for them knowingly or as a stooge. Get with it.

Kind of like how the entire Democratic party is now working as a giant stooge for Putin. You can bet they make him happy as they are doing a great job of impeding an American president in a way Putin never could on his own. Funny how they now have us divided against each other all starting with the Russian Dossier, while our enemies like Russia, China, Iran and NK don't have any such problem. Of course difference being they only have one political party with a voice.
Question is though, are the Democrats doing this knowingly? or unknowingly? You do know that the Russian in the Trump tower meeting did not identify herself as being connected to the Russian government, she was sold as just a Russian Lawyer. Her purpose being there was obviously to set up Trump.
Never forget Schummer's famous line about if you cross the Intelligence agencies, they have 5 ways to Sunday to get you back. I want to know why Schummer was never investigated by the FBI for this ...... oh wait, well if the FBI was in the Democrats pocket that would never happen would it?

OMG OMG OMG The Dossier!!!!! The Dossier!!!!!.

You assfucks are this fucking stupid to think that investigating Trump's Russian activities is colluding with the Russians.

How the fuck did you get this stupid?
Investigating Trump was an attempt to stage a coup against his presidency. The FBI had no fucking business investigating a candidate for the presidency, especially not for the reasons stated.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.
Manaforts already in jail retard.
and Cohen goes soon BUT not before we get what his trump skunk has been up to these past 7,8 years
He's been up to nothing illegal. Your fantasies will never come true, shit for brains. When the new AG comes in, he will reign Mueller in. That's why he's wrapping things up. No more using extortion to get targets of the investigation to perjure themselves.
Cohen violated campaign finance when he made the payment to silence Trump's porn honey.

Trump told him to do it...........
No he didn't, turd.
There's plenty of proof that Mueller is abusing his powers. That's why hes' getting sued for $350 million, you fucking douchebag moron. Mueller has a long history of prosecutorial abuse.
Oh? What proof is there?
The fact that he told Corsi to commit perjury, for one thing.
You don’t know that he did. All you have is Jerome Corsi’s word and Jerome Corsi is a proven liar.
When was Corsi proven to be a liar?
When he backed the Swiftboat vets and then one of them got caught with the same citation Kerry had, that he had falsely claimed wasn't earned. Then again when he falsely claimed Obama wasn't born in the U.S., and then a week before his book on the subject was to be released, Obama released his long form certificate, proving Corsi lied again.
What does "caught with the same citation Kerry had" mean?

That's all horseshit, of course. You're arguing that opinions that differ from yours are the same thing as lies. Only brain damaged snowflakes resort to that brand of "logic."
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.


I guess you were you lazy to read the story. It is not whether Trump colluded with the Russians but rather whether Trump working actively for them knowingly or as a stooge. Get with it.

Kind of like how the entire Democratic party is now working as a giant stooge for Putin. You can bet they make him happy as they are doing a great job of impeding an American president in a way Putin never could on his own. Funny how they now have us divided against each other all starting with the Russian Dossier, while our enemies like Russia, China, Iran and NK don't have any such problem. Of course difference being they only have one political party with a voice.
Question is though, are the Democrats doing this knowingly? or unknowingly? You do know that the Russian in the Trump tower meeting did not identify herself as being connected to the Russian government, she was sold as just a Russian Lawyer. Her purpose being there was obviously to set up Trump.
Never forget Schummer's famous line about if you cross the Intelligence agencies, they have 5 ways to Sunday to get you back. I want to know why Schummer was never investigated by the FBI for this ...... oh wait, well if the FBI was in the Democrats pocket that would never happen would it?

OMG OMG OMG The Dossier!!!!! The Dossier!!!!!.

You assfucks are this fucking stupid to think that investigating Trump's Russian activities is colluding with the Russians.

How the fuck did you get this stupid?
Investigating Trump was an attempt to stage a coup against his presidency. The FBI had no fucking business investigating a candidate for the presidency, especially not for the reasons stated.

BINGO! :clap::clap:
Are you kidding? Putin says jump and Trump asks how high...

Unbelievable :rolleyes-41: these people are seriously :cuckoo:......pathetic!

Yes, Trump is a compromised Russian asset. Everyone knows this, even you cultists putting on your little acts for each other.
Everyone who "knows that" is suffering from severe brain damage.
Nah, you're just putting on the expected trump cultist act. You know it's true. You all do.
And you’re still lying as there is no which hunt.

So what is the “blow back” you speak of?

So, the FBI engaged in treason, they staged a coup against a sitting president of the United States. Now you say, "hey, it's for democrats so laws don't apply."

But we Americans are getting real tired of the shit by you Communist piles of shit. We were once a nation of laws, some of us mean to see that return. You evil rotten fucks don't go for the whole "equal justice under the law" thing. You're already waging civil war to end the Constitution, the idea that your rulers be subjected to the same laws as normals will make you violent, we know.
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Are you kidding? Putin says jump and Trump asks how high...

Unbelievable :rolleyes-41: these people are seriously :cuckoo:......pathetic!

They have to be at this point for Trump to go on Fox news https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/do...ntimidate-michael-cohen-testifying-n958171and use illegal witness intimidation tactics on Michael Cohen towards his father-in-law;

If anyone is using "illegal witness intimidation" it's Mueller.
Are you kidding? Putin says jump and Trump asks how high...

Unbelievable :rolleyes-41: these people are seriously :cuckoo:......pathetic!

Yes, Trump is a compromised Russian asset. Everyone knows this, even you cultists putting on your little acts for each other.
Everyone who "knows that" is suffering from severe brain damage.
Nah, you're just putting on the expected trump cultist act. You know it's true. You all do.
We know it's false. We know the FBI is infested with traitors who need to be cleaned out, and as soon as Muellers so-called "investigation" is over, the house cleaning can begin.
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.
Lol! And the Manfort witch is in jail.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.
Manaforts already in jail retard.
You were referring to Trump, asshole. Why do you turds always play coy? Do you imagine that makes you look smart?

I really think they do.

I've told that it actually makes them look stupid as fuck, but somehow the fact that he was pretending to misunderstand his own post,

doesn't penetrate his thick skull.

They are too stupid, to realize that pretending to make an insanely stupid mistake, makes them look even stupider than they already are.
Did you support Hillary when she wanted to order American planes to fire on Russian planes?

Sure. Bolding and enlarging of the crux of the matter added. A no fly zone was an insane policy idea. It would involve US planes being ordered to shot down any planes in an area where Russian planes were in operation.

Hillary Clinton Goes All-In On Syria No-Fly Zone

"Hillary Clinton forcefully defended her support for a no-fly zone in Syria at the third presidential debate on Wednesday night.

It was the first time she was pressed by a debate moderator about risks the controversial policy would pose. The moderator, Fox News’ Chris Wallace, asked Clinton to explain how she would avoid getting into a larger war with either Russia or Syria. He noted that President Barack Obama has cited fears of escalation in rejecting the idea. Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has raised similar concerns, Wallace said.

“If you impose a no-fly zone, how do you respond to their concerns?” Wallace asked. “Secondly, if you impose a no-fly zone and a Russian plane violates that, does President Clinton shoot that plane down?”

Clinton stuck to an argument she has made many times: Creating an area where Syrian and Russian planes cannot fly would give the U.S. “leverage” over Syria and Russia to negotiate a political resolution.

“A no-fly zone can save lives and hasten the end of the conflict,” she said.

With proper planning, Clinton argued, the restriction could accomplish those goals without sparking a larger war.

“I am well aware of the really legitimate concerns you have expressed from both the president and the general,” Clinton responded. “This would not be done just on the first day. This would take a lot of negotiation. It would also take making it clear to the Russians and the Syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground.”

Ensuring the safety of civilians in areas of Syria under heavy bombardment from the Syrian and Russian air forces would even “help us in our fight against ISIS,” Clinton argued.

Clinton did not directly answer how she would react if a Russian plane breached a no-fly zone established by the U.S."
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.
Manaforts already in jail retard.
and Cohen goes soon BUT not before we get what his trump skunk has been up to these past 7,8 years
You idiots are gloating about two guys whose convictions had nothing whatsoever to do with Trump or the campaign. Are you aware how pathetic and stupid you look?
So Trump's campaign manager had nothing to do with the campaign. You are sticking with this statement?
I said his convictions had nothing to do with the campaign.

Please quit trying to prove that you have a room temperature IQ.

Fucking moron, he was convicted of campaign finance violations. To the brain-dead rightard, that “had nothing to do with the campaign.”


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