FBI records: No evidence that Zimmerman was racist

When will people take to the streets in protest when a black person kills a non black person?

Sorry you only watch Fox News, Mr. Katz:

Police search for teen's killer as community members march against violence
Reward grows to $40,000 in King College Prep student's death

Anti-violence rally honors Hadiya Pendleton as police continue search for her killer - Chicago Tribune


She was black..

nice try
Good post. Alot of people are not aware that the FBI has been monitoring this case from the beginning, while other people who want a pound of Zimmermans' flesh have selective amnesia.
But with Holder as AG, anything can happen.................
Certainly, if the administration can make a civil rights case out of this it will - but with the FBI's findings, that is less than unlikely.
Funny how every person GZ called the cops about was a black...
It is not funny how blacks commit crimes disprorportionately. All the burglaries in his neighborhoods were probably done by blacks - most by TM.
He may not be racist. But he is stupid and he did profile the kid.

Exactly. This case should never have been about race or politics. It was about a negligent guy with a hero complex whose actions resulted in the death of an innocent human being. He was certainly guilty of manslaughter, but politics and a high-profile set of defense attorneys let him loose.

He was basically another O.J. Simpson--but less evil.

I bought into that idea for a while, but not after hearing all of the evidence. Following is Zimmerman's response to the dispatcher.

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.

Zimmerman lawyer to move ?asap? against NBC News

This does not sound like the words of someone hell bent on wanting to kill someone. On the other hand, we know Trayvon's ex-girlfriend testified that Trayvon told her some "creepy ass cracker" was following him. Unfortunatlely, she proved to be a very unreliable witness for the prosecution as she was caught in a number of lies, however, the "creepy ass cracker" comment is not likely something she made up.

Now there are a number of possibilities as to what actually happened, but it certainly is not unfeasible to believe that Martin actually jumped Zimmerman as Zimmerman was following him. Zimmerman was not necessarily stalking him. It can be argued all he wanted was to know what Trayvon was up to. Trayvon, for whatever reason, didn't like being questioned by a "creepy ass cracker" and started beating on him. End of story.

Since nobody knows what truly happened, your suggestion that Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter holds no water, zero. Just like the prosecution did, you can speculate all you want, but you cannot prove a damn thing, and proof is what is necessary in our system of justice in order to convict someone. I support this system of justice over what some of you seem to want which is trial by fire.
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It will be interesting to see which voting bloc Obama chooses to make happy. Zimmerman's life is de facto ruined at this point...and the race baiters got their Stalinesque Show Trial. They actually benefit from Zimmerman's acquittal as it gives them yet another faux grievance over which to gnash teeth and to reinforce the perimeter of their plantation.

Obama may choose to forgo the civil rights violation charge (the FBI report provides a plausible excuse) in order to placate Hispanics. No doubt, it is not lost on America's largest minority that one of their own endured a very public lynch mob, despite his last name and label of a White Hispanic.
When will people take to the streets in protest when a black person kills a non black person?

Zimmerman said Martin was acting suspiciously. When you live in an area where many crimes have been committed and there is a description of the suspects, you tend to watch for people fitting that description. It's called profiling and it's one of the oldest and most valuable police tools. If someone fitting that description is acting strange, you take notice. You also watch to see which way they went after you spot them. Zimmerman said something about Martin appearing to be on drugs. He wasn't just walking down the street, but going through yards, darting around. None of us were there, but something caught Zimmerman's attention other than just a tall black kid.

A picture taken of Martin at the convenience store is quite different than the pic the media keeps showing. Why would they deliberately paint an image unless they were trying to shape public opinion?

There really isn't any outrage from the left on black on white crime, which does happen more often for some reason. I guess we're supposed to accept some things as the norm and not come to the conclusion that any other race besides whites are capable of racism.

First pic is a baby shot and killed by a teen who was robbing the child's mom. Second pic is Trayvon Martin in the convenience store the night he was killed. First thing I notice is how he towers over the clerk. Easy to mistake him, with the gangsta grills, as an adult.


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