FBI says they are coming after Proud Boys

So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Is Antifa on that list?

I agree. Antifa and BLM should be at the top of that list. They are domestic terrorists.
You keep saying that but what has BLM as a GROUP done that qualifies as terrorism?
What have the Proud Boys done that BLM hasnt? I can name a lot of shit that BLM has done that the Proud Boys havent, but not the other way around.
Killed in a federal building like these proud boy terrorists, and threatened to hang the vice-president. Does that answer your question?
Who did the Proud Boys kill? :cuckoo:
I've no problem with them wanting to clamp down on Proud Boys.

It's when they're reluctant to do likewise with BLM and Antifa that's where my gripe lies. My guess is that because they're backed by big business and the media's/establishments darlings they're untouchable.

Has to be all groups, or none.
I would join the Proud Boys but their name sounds gay.
So, you are no better than Al Qaeda. That figures.
Comments like this is why you are a left wing kook
5 people dead because of Trump's insurrection, carried out by terrorists, while many have been arrested, is the kind of kook I want to be, by exposing their terrorism.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Insurrection was the filthy ass Democrats using lies and false reports to impeach a President that was duly elected by the Americans people and then stealing an election by creating unverified mail in ballots in Democrat control swing districts. It was an illegal takeover of the US by destructive anti Constitution Socialist revolutionaries.

There were more than a dozen policemen killed, cities burned and looted, civilians killed and wounded, neighborhoods destroyed, months of hateful senseless rioting because of the filthy BLM terrorists. The sonsofbitches even tried the Taliban destructive method of taking over areas and establishing their own government.

That murder and destruction was cause by that asshole piece of shit Obama inciting the Useful Idiot Darkies to riot by telling them that the police were racist. He should go to jail for inciting all that destruction, shouldn't he?
Here is a quote from the article:

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair announced Wednesday the Proud Boys were one of 13 groups now designated as terrorist organizations, including the Russian Imperial Movement and two neo-Nazi groups — the Atomwaffen Division and The Base.
That;s Canada idiot. We don't have Public Safety Ministers.

Remember trump's comment about the Proud Boys? "Stand Back and Stand Bye"....and that was before the buffoon lost the election. He had been whining "election fraud" since 2015. The LIAR IN CHIEF tried to destroy our country.

So the "Law and Order" party has become the Party of Conspiracy Theories and Lies....all to pacify the Liar in Chief who is preparing to defend himself for the second time in a Senate impeachment trial. He is destined as the Worst president to ever take a breath.
The party of lies will always be the demscum. Best ever. Demscum are retards.
Speaking of retards, I'm not sure this post of yours could get more retarded.
Truth hurts retarded libs, you're proof. Demscum idiots.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.

Is it possible for any group to be nor extremist than the Nazi democrat party itself?

ANTIFA are just the terrorist shock troops. the Brown Shirts, of the filthy democrat party.

It's good that dictator Biden and all you of the Reich are unifying the nation.

Uber Alles Democrat
Antifa are a bunch of thugs.
Proud Boys are a bunch of thugs.
You, on the other hand, are a historically confused (lets blame our education system) wingnut who seems to think thugs are ok if they are the right brand.
The demscum think that way all the time. When they go after blm and antigua pussies with the same gusto I will be impressed. Until then theft are just a bunch of hypocritical pussies.
Again, you are a loser with no arguments. Just rants. You aren't saying shit. Get lost.
Screw you demscum.

Remember trump's comment about the Proud Boys? "Stand Back and Stand Bye"....and that was before the buffoon lost the election. He had been whining "election fraud" since 2015. The LIAR IN CHIEF tried to destroy our country.
Bullshit,. Demscum are the idiots that wants to destroy this country.
You are a weakling who presents no argument. Just rants. You lose.
You are a demscum idiot.
I would join the Proud Boys but their name sounds gay.
So, you are no better than Al Qaeda. That figures.
Dems love al qaeda. Demscum idiots.

A Democrat President allowed ISIS to overrun most of the Middle East. Didn't say a damn thing about it.

This is along side giving his Mullah terrorist buddies in Iran billions of dollars.
" A Democrat President allowed ISIS to overrun most of the Middle East. Didn't say a damn thing about it. "

That's probably because the US/Israel created ISIS and funded it out of the gate.
I would join the Proud Boys but their name sounds gay.
So, you are no better than Al Qaeda. That figures.
Dems love al qaeda. Demscum idiots.

A Democrat President allowed ISIS to overrun most of the Middle East. Didn't say a damn thing about it.

This is along side giving his Mullah terrorist buddies in Iran billions of dollars.
" A Democrat President allowed ISIS to overrun most of the Middle East. Didn't say a damn thing about it. "

That's probably because the US/Israel created ISIS and funded it out of the gate.
Delusional^^^ ISIS was obutholes creation.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
Funny you should say that. I spoke with an aunt who is a hard MAGA a few days after the January 6th coup attempt. She says..."The INTIFA people in the crowd lead the riot." I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. Now...you want to turn everything around.

GROW A BRAIN! QAnon and The Proud Boys are lying, conspiracy theory groups that are intent on destroying the Constitution. If they have to use violence...they will. And the Liar in Chief sits there on multiple occasions and says...."I don't know anything about QAnon." If the man ever stopped lying, he would suffocate.
Grow a brain yourself moron. Proof has been brought out proving Antifa involvement. Do try to keep up. Then deflect to Q and the Proud Boys (who are nothing like Antifa). You assholes will not be allowed to ruin this country. Period.
It's been debunked. No ANTIFA. Try again.
Sorry asshat. Your own Antifa pals are on video admitting to it. And the FBI has been forced to admit Antifa people were involved. You lose again. As always.
Damn...this is getting embarrassing... the Republicans/conservatives are looking the party of “it is always the other guys fault” even when waving a smoking gun.
Yes asshole, an uneducated partisan shill like you is embarrassing. Hey asshole, it’s YOUR guys on video admitting to it dumbfuck. Now crawl back under your rock loser.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
Funny you should say that. I spoke with an aunt who is a hard MAGA a few days after the January 6th coup attempt. She says..."The INTIFA people in the crowd lead the riot." I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. Now...you want to turn everything around.

GROW A BRAIN! QAnon and The Proud Boys are lying, conspiracy theory groups that are intent on destroying the Constitution. If they have to use violence...they will. And the Liar in Chief sits there on multiple occasions and says...."I don't know anything about QAnon." If the man ever stopped lying, he would suffocate.
Grow a brain yourself moron. Proof has been brought out proving Antifa involvement. Do try to keep up. Then deflect to Q and the Proud Boys (who are nothing like Antifa). You assholes will not be allowed to ruin this country. Period.
It's been debunked. No ANTIFA. Try again.
Sorry asshat. Your own Antifa pals are on video admitting to it. And the FBI has been forced to admit Antifa people were involved. You lose again. As always.

That conservative protesters—and not leftist provocateurs—were responsible was plainly obvious as the mob violence unfolded. A week later, following dozens of arrests, it is no less true: Trump supporters did this, and any effort to paint antifa as the real culprit is pathologically dishonest.

That has not stopped Trump defenders from trying. Former New York mayor and current Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani hinted at "antifa involvement" in a tweet. Rep. Paul Gosar (R–Ariz.) said the riots "had all the hallmarks of antifa provocation." Trump himself has privately blamed antifa for what transpired, according to reports.

Just because you keep saying it over and over does not make it true. Tell trump that. He is always trying to gaslight America.
Hey asshole, get a real source. No facts, just an uneducated leftist opinion piece. Explain the videos where your Antifa pals admit to violence at the Capitol.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
Funny you should say that. I spoke with an aunt who is a hard MAGA a few days after the January 6th coup attempt. She says..."The INTIFA people in the crowd lead the riot." I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. Now...you want to turn everything around.

GROW A BRAIN! QAnon and The Proud Boys are lying, conspiracy theory groups that are intent on destroying the Constitution. If they have to use violence...they will. And the Liar in Chief sits there on multiple occasions and says...."I don't know anything about QAnon." If the man ever stopped lying, he would suffocate.
Grow a brain yourself moron. Proof has been brought out proving Antifa involvement. Do try to keep up. Then deflect to Q and the Proud Boys (who are nothing like Antifa). You assholes will not be allowed to ruin this country. Period.
It's been debunked. No ANTIFA. Try again.
Sorry asshat. Your own Antifa pals are on video admitting to it. And the FBI has been forced to admit Antifa people were involved. You lose again. As always.
No link= you are a liar. Try again.https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/08/fbi-says-no-indication-that-antifa-took-part-in-us-capitol-riot.html

You and your two asshole fluffers need to find a real source. Videos don’t lie. Your Antifa pals confessing. Three assholes slapped down.
Coyote the asshole needs to be reminded of the rules. Using funny to continually mock a poster gets YOU banned for rules violation. Now try finding proof to back up your bullshit. Now fuck off loser.
Coyote the asshole needs to be reminded of the rules. Using funny to continually mock a poster gets YOU banned for rules violation. Now try finding proof to back up your bullshit. Now fuck off loser.

No honey. It doesn't unless it becomes extreme (I think it's like 6 funnies on the same poster in a day). If it did, you might have some problems given your own use of "funny" in this thread. I suspect you are one of those who can't take what they dig out. If you don't like being mocked, modify your own behavior eh?

FBI under Trump went after Antifa - you ok with that?
I've no problem with them wanting to clamp down on Proud Boys.

It's when they're reluctant to do likewise with BLM and Antifa that's where my gripe lies. My guess is that because they're backed by big business and the media's/establishments darlings they're untouchable.

Has to be all groups, or none.

Why do you throw BLM in the same group as Antifa and Proud Boys? Most of their protests are peaceful - agree or disagree with their views but they don't seem to advocate violence.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
Funny you should say that. I spoke with an aunt who is a hard MAGA a few days after the January 6th coup attempt. She says..."The INTIFA people in the crowd lead the riot." I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. Now...you want to turn everything around.

GROW A BRAIN! QAnon and The Proud Boys are lying, conspiracy theory groups that are intent on destroying the Constitution. If they have to use violence...they will. And the Liar in Chief sits there on multiple occasions and says...."I don't know anything about QAnon." If the man ever stopped lying, he would suffocate.
Grow a brain yourself moron. Proof has been brought out proving Antifa involvement. Do try to keep up. Then deflect to Q and the Proud Boys (who are nothing like Antifa). You assholes will not be allowed to ruin this country. Period.
It's been debunked. No ANTIFA. Try again.
Sorry asshat. Your own Antifa pals are on video admitting to it. And the FBI has been forced to admit Antifa people were involved. You lose again. As always.

That conservative protesters—and not leftist provocateurs—were responsible was plainly obvious as the mob violence unfolded. A week later, following dozens of arrests, it is no less true: Trump supporters did this, and any effort to paint antifa as the real culprit is pathologically dishonest.

That has not stopped Trump defenders from trying. Former New York mayor and current Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani hinted at "antifa involvement" in a tweet. Rep. Paul Gosar (R–Ariz.) said the riots "had all the hallmarks of antifa provocation." Trump himself has privately blamed antifa for what transpired, according to reports.

Just because you keep saying it over and over does not make it true. Tell trump that. He is always trying to gaslight America.
Hey asshole, get a real source. No facts, just an uneducated leftist opinion piece. Explain the videos where your Antifa pals admit to violence at the Capitol.
The FBI says you are a liar...Junior. Go jack off with a trump photo. Then go away
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The are both troops for the Nazi democrats.
The Dems are much more closely identifiable as Bolsheviks than Nazis. Same goals, same methods, same embrace of political violence, same disregard for old institutions, same perversion of language, same contempt for patriots, same reliance on gaslighting and propaganda, same fomenting of division, same susceptibility to genocidal extremists, and same innate deceitfulness.

Bolshevism was a Jewish enterprise. They began their reign of terror in Russia in 1917. Actually, I'm going to turn this into its own thread because this is a source of much confusion.

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