FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

Why has the FBI never gone after ANTIFA?

It's "just an idea"?

So when they tried to storm The White House, it was "just an idea"? :rolleyes-41:

They shoot 1 old man in Utah, but hundreds of fuckers that tried to storm The White House get away?

Sum Ting Wong.

ANTIFA is an international terrorist organization, I can show them throwing Molotov cocktails,

mortars in bottles, rioting worldwide and in the US and the FBI don't give a fuck.

Useless. Raze it to the ground and restructure it.

Some elements are worth keeping, but clearly they have lost their way somewhere..

You are confused about this Moon Bat.

The "Insurrectionists" were the goddamn Negroes and Communists that spent six months rioting, looting, murdering and destroying in over 200 American cities.

The "Insurrectionists" were the shithead Democrats and their Deep State accomplices.that attempted a coup against Trump with that bullshit Russia bullshit.

The "Insurrectionists" are those assholes in Congress that did bogus impeachments against Trump in the hopes of illegally removing him from office.

The "Insurrectionists" are the Leftest Democrat filth that have turned this once great country in a shithole Banana Republic by weaponizing the Federal government against their opponents.

The "Insurrectionists" are Bidens that got rich off the Chinese and then when the Chinese released a bioweapon used the Pandemic as a scam to steal the election with fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots.

Yes. both are private street armies working for the Democratic Party, like the private armies in the Wiemar Republic of the 1920's.
i'm having a bit of trouble with this. if our democratic mayors command democratic militias to destroy their own cities?

i'm on our local committee and i have never heard the mayor mention anything like that.
It's the details in the story I always pay attention to.


He was a church going Christian that harbored murder in his heart.

Burn in hell fat fuck.

The part of the story I found entertaining...

They let his body lay on the sidewalk for two hours, after they threw a sheet over it.


The best part of the outcome.

All of those weapons are now in FBI custody.

And that's the tactic of gangs- cartels- and mobsters to intimidate anyone from being brave enough to come against the affiliation of thieves.

"An armed Utah man was shot and killed by FBI agents during a Wednesday morning raid linked to assassination threats against President Biden and other top Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Robertson — who described himself in his social media posts as a “MAGA TRUMPER” — was facing counts of interstate threats, a threat against the president and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat. The deadly shooting occurred in Provo around 6:15 a.m., when the feds tried to serve arrest and search warrants at a home, the FBI office in Salt Lake City told The Post in a statement."

Much respect to MAGA influencer Benny Johnson with over 1.7 million followers for being brave enough to defend this patriot. The man is in his 70's; handicapped basically, and he was gunned down in cold blood by Biden's Nazi SS federal strike team. Where are the other patriots? Are they going to sit back and watch this happen? This is a war, this guy was trying to fight back instead of just sending threats on social media. When are the true patriots going to stand up? True patriots like this guy, the founder of the social media platform Gab.

Who took time away from whining about Jews and why can't white people kick out all of the non-whites from the US; decided to tweet this....

Basically saying the Constitution is useless and in fact, aided and abetted all of what is happening now...and if this is what MAGAts really believe, when are they going to abandon the Constitution and wage war against the evil Dems?? When are they going to be brave enough to do what Craig wanted to do? He was in his 70's; far too old to really do much damage...but you young alpha males, you folks who were yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" -- why can't yall take up the fight and vanquish tyranny? Oh I know why...because yall are full of shit...yall ain't even willing to call this guy a hero.....I anticipate most of yall are even willing to say it was a false flag...this guy died for an army of cowards..sad...
Just from the news stories about it it does need a nuetral party investigation. I agree alot of those doing the'' Big Talk'' on issues that may get folks riled up seem to vanish and become quiet when the '' big talk ''hits the fan.
Everything in America is faith based now. The currency, law and order, judicial system, electoral process, banking systems, and media are all dependent on your ability to believe in them. It's like religion, the more you want to believe, the more real it seems. If you want to think a certain way, have at it. If you think the DOJ or the FBI never lies or has an agenda that you don't like then by all means accept anything that they tell you. Blind faith can take you where you want to go. The FBI will investigate their selves, the man is dead and there can be no other crap from him and no trial, and it reinforces their domestic terrorism is the greatest threat message. You or I may never know what resulted in this, and all we can do is speculate.
..and if this is what MAGAts really believe, when are they going to abandon the Constitution and wage war against the evil Dems?? When are they going to be brave enough to do what Craig wanted to do but you young alpha males, you folks who were yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" -- why can't yall take up the fight and vanquish tyranny? Oh I know why...because yall are full of shit...yall ain't even willing to call this guy a hero.....I anticipate most of yall are even willing to say it was a false flag...this guy died for an army of cowards..sad...
when is poindexter going to grow balls and step out from behind the computer

"An armed Utah man was shot and killed by FBI agents during a Wednesday morning raid linked to assassination threats against President Biden and other top Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Robertson — who described himself in his social media posts as a “MAGA TRUMPER” — was facing counts of interstate threats, a threat against the president and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat. The deadly shooting occurred in Provo around 6:15 a.m., when the feds tried to serve arrest and search warrants at a home, the FBI office in Salt Lake City told The Post in a statement."

Much respect to MAGA influencer Benny Johnson with over 1.7 million followers for being brave enough to defend this patriot. The man is in his 70's; handicapped basically, and he was gunned down in cold blood by Biden's Nazi SS federal strike team. Where are the other patriots? Are they going to sit back and watch this happen? This is a war, this guy was trying to fight back instead of just sending threats on social media. When are the true patriots going to stand up? True patriots like this guy, the founder of the social media platform Gab.

Who took time away from whining about Jews and why can't white people kick out all of the non-whites from the US; decided to tweet this....

Basically saying the Constitution is useless and in fact, aided and abetted all of what is happening now...and if this is what MAGAts really believe, when are they going to abandon the Constitution and wage war against the evil Dems?? When are they going to be brave enough to do what Craig wanted to do? He was in his 70's; far too old to really do much damage...but you young alpha males, you folks who were yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" -- why can't yall take up the fight and vanquish tyranny? Oh I know why...because yall are full of shit...yall ain't even willing to call this guy a hero.....I anticipate most of yall are even willing to say it was a false flag...this guy died for an army of cowards..sad...

The interview with the lady across the street that heard the whole thing, related that when they told him to come out, his reply was to shout "I ain't coming out motherfuckers". Possibly an error on his part. Then again, maybe not, possibly figuring if you can't pop a POTUS once in a while, life just not worth living. Be that as it may, that kind of response when surrounded by swat is probably the wrong time to show a gun, unless so fed up, you wish to commit suicide by cop.
So let me get things straight, Biden's DOJ trying to imprison the top candidate running for POTUS, and now Biden is having his FBI kill people for speech. Can someone explain to me how this is different than Putin's Russia?
Well, they haven't started doing it en masse...yet.
How come local cops don't tell people to come out?

They just show up and grab them when their back's not against the wall and their dander up.

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