FBI Tapes Reveal 40 MLK Affairs 'Laughed' As Friend Raped Parishioner

We only have the word of this so-called author. Do remember how the fbi, et al tried to spin a fake story around Trump.
We only have the word of this so-called author. Do remember how the fbi, et al tried to spin a fake story around Trump.

Well actually Abernathy complained some about MLK' s behavior in his book also.
Additionally Coretta Scott King had penned her own autobiography that was quickly snapped up by two of her surviving children and legally walked away from Mass printing to this day. I believe the legal battle is on going to have that book published. One of her kids wants the truth out.

Comes as no supprise to most of us...but good to see the truth is getting exposed to the daylight.

Another shocking fact is revealed: The FBI allowed King to rape a woman...they were next door to the motel room and listened to it all and did nothing to intervene.

FBI tapes show Martin Luther King Jr had 40 affairs and 'laughed' as friend raped parishioner | Daily Mail Online


Maybe it would be best if MLK's statue in Washington DC was reworked into a statue of H Rap Brown instead? Brown didn't do this kind of shit. "burn baby burn" can substitute for "I have a dream" on HRB's birthday
Comes as no supprise to most of us...but good to see the truth is getting exposed to the daylight.

Another shocking fact is revealed: The FBI allowed King to rape a woman...they were next door to the motel room and listened to it all and did nothing to intervene.

FBI tapes show Martin Luther King Jr had 40 affairs and 'laughed' as friend raped parishioner | Daily Mail Online


Maybe it would be best if MLK's statue in Washington DC was reworked into a statue of H Rap Brown instead? Brown didn't do this kind of shit. "burn baby burn" can substitute for "I have a dream" on HRB's birthday

hehheh...H. Rap Brown.
Comes as no supprise to most of us...but good to see the truth is getting exposed to the daylight.

Another shocking fact is revealed: The FBI allowed King to rape a woman...they were next door to the motel room and listened to it all and did nothing to intervene.

FBI tapes show Martin Luther King Jr had 40 affairs and 'laughed' as friend raped parishioner | Daily Mail Online


Maybe it would be best if MLK's statue in Washington DC was reworked into a Hstatue of H Rap Brown instead? Brown didn't do this kind of shit. "burn baby burn" can substitute for "I have a dream" on HRB's birthday

Been a long time since I heard that name.

Currently serving life without the possibility of parole for shooting a policeman in Atlanta, Ga. one dumb nigah

H. Rap Brown - Wikipedia
We only have the word of this so-called author. Do remember how the fbi, et al tried to spin a fake story around Trump.

Well actually Abernathy complained some about MLK' s behavior in his book also.
Additionally Coretta Scott King had penned her own autobiography that was quickly snapped up by two of her surviving children and legally walked away from Mass printing to this day. I believe the legal battle is on going to have that book published. One of her kids wants the truth out.


We only have the word of this so-called author. Do remember how the fbi, et al tried to spin a fake story around Trump.

bwaaaaaaaa obviously not knowing who he is talking about.

Godboy already posted about him and I quote his post................'David Garrow is a far left wing writer and historian, and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. He wrote a book that lauded Obama, another book about Selma, and 2 books on King, one of which won a pulitzer prize. Are you ever right about anything?'
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If true, I demand all MLK statues, streets (usually in the hood ripe with crime) and the holiday for MLK be withdrawn.

He is a disgrace


This info has been out for years....Hoover leaked it. The liberals just ignored it or claimed it was just rumors. I used to post the dirt on MLK everytime the holiday for him rolled around...very few would believe...they would always say stuff like oh that is not a credible source. hehheh

This time one of the liberals own decided to release the info....they will have a harder time debunking him since he previously wrote a couple of books about king.
Comes as no supprise to most of us...but good to see the truth is getting exposed to the daylight.

Another shocking fact is revealed: The FBI allowed King to rape a woman...they were next door to the motel room and listened to it all and did nothing to intervene.

FBI tapes show Martin Luther King Jr had 40 affairs and 'laughed' as friend raped parishioner | Daily Mail Online


Yes, no surprises here. The vast majority of black political leaders are corrupt crooks; it's what their constituents demand.

Been the same since Reconstruction, where black politicians sold out their own, and their only complaint was their bribes were only half of what the white pols got. To this day most black people don't know they got reparations, some billions of dollars plunder from the southern economy; their own pols just made sure it went into Yankee pockets, and then left them in the South in depressed economy that made the Great Depression look like a boom era.
We only have the word of this so-called author. Do remember how the fbi, et al tried to spin a fake story around Trump.
"So-called author"? This particular author/historian's word seems to be beyond reproach. He wrote a glowing book about Obama, a book about Selma, and 2 books about Martin Luther King, earning a Pulitzer prize for one of them. He doesnt seem like the kind of guy who would slander MLK.
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

lol he was the chosen flunkie of the Kennedys, hired to go forth and lie for The Cause, like a good little house boy; probably pimped for the brothers as well.
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Ba da beep beep!..Ba da beep beep beep!
Wizzzzzz...ba da beep! Ding....ding ..ding
Ba da beep!
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Ba da beep! Ba da beep beep beep! Ding ding!

Wizzzzzzzz! Ba da beep!

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This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

lol he was the chosen flunkie of the Kennedys, hired to go forth and lie for The Cause, like a good little house boy; probably pimped for the brothers as well.

You mean kinda like a religious version of Huggie Bear?

Any of the people involved, including the women, still alive ?

For this kind of thing, I don't think it matters a whit.

No one who has every even met Robert E. Lee has been alive for decades, but it doesn't change the fact he is excommunicate.

Chris Columbus died in 1506, and libs are still defecating on his statues in protest.
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.
Any of the people involved, including the women, still alive ?

For this kind of thing, I don't think it matters a whit.

No one who has every even met Robert E. Lee has been alive for decades, but it doesn't change the fact he is excommunicate.

Chris Columbus died in 1506, and libs are still defecating on his statues in protest.

Ralph Abernathy, Jesse Jackson, Elijah Cummings.....

They were all there.

I am sure some of the women are still around. Holy shit....what a me too event that would be!


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